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    Udon Thani

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  1. Several years ago I purchased a toy poodle puppy for my wife. The dog was not housebroken, and we both worked during the day, so when I came home from the office the dog had pooped and peed all over the house. I rubbed his nose in it and cleaned his snout by sticking it in the toilet bowl and flushing it. My wife felt so sorry for the dog and said that I was being very cruel and inhumane to the poor thing. My answer was "trust the process and be patient, and in the end we will all be better off including the puppy". Change is never easy, and sometimes it's very difficult and harmful, but difficult times requires difficulty measures. Go Trump!
  2. The sound of the barking dogs doesn't bother me near as much as the righteous indignation that I feel towards the dog owners for allowing their animals to upset the peace of the neighborhood. I take it as a personal insult against me and our neighbors. It is disrespectful and a slap in the face to everyone within hearing distance of the dog(s). In my mind, the peace of the community takes precedence over the individual liberty of the residents. The same rule goes for loud music! Over the past 15 years I have personally approached three separate neighbors at their front gate to peaceably and diplomatically share my concerns about their barking dogs or loud music, and each time I was met with nothing but disdain and hostility. To this day these neighbors still refuse to speak to me or even acknowledge my presence on the soi. There's just no way to win with these people. I am totally convinced that selfishness is simply written into their DNA!
  3. You can expect to see more and more of these types of stories, mostly embellished and untrue stories used as propaganda against the Trump administration. So-called paid independent journalists around the world will be creating dramatic sob stories to perpetuate the narrative that Trump is a ruthless dictator. Don't fall for the BS!
  4. What more proof do you need than the Covid debacle? You should know by now that your government will lie to you if it's convenient for them. Thank God for conspiracy theories. Question everything!
  5. What the OP is experiencing is called "sound or auditory hallucinations" or "musical ear syndrome". I have had it for years, and it drives me crazy. I have a song or music without words playing in my mind every waking minute of my life since about 5 years ago, and I'm 76 now. The song may change several times a day, or my mind may simply make up a song that I have never heard before. Some of the songs I recognize and can place the singer(s) and even the circumstances in my life where and when that song played an important part. Other times, I recognize the song but just can't place it. The music never goes away, but I have learned by experimentation that if I go to YouTube and find a song or songs that I really like, for example, a contemporary Christian song, then that song will be cast into my mind and replace some of the unwanted songs that fill my head. I have also discovered that if I start to count to 50 in my mind, that distraction will cause my mind to stop playing the song, and even forget it, and replace it with another as if I had just changed the channel. I recently visited a mental health physician, and he recommended that I try a medicine called Risperidone. He insists that some of his patients had good results from that medication. I used it for one night and had terrible side effects, so I immediately gave up on it. It is also highly addictive, so I suppose I will simply have to learn to live the rest of my life with this affliction. You can check it out here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_hallucination
  6. And Udon Thani it would only be 30 days unless you go in 30 days early for the extension, then you have to wait 60 days to get your permanent stamp.
  7. I'm with Bangkok Bank online, and regardless of what daily limit you set for yourself, they will always require a photo to process any transfer over 50K if you are using the app on your phone. Using a browser on your computer will not require such a photo.
  8. The best way to answer that question is to ask "what did he do right"? And the answer is "nothing"!!!!
  9. I have been "awake" for years ever since the truth came out about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the assassination of JFK and Martin Luther King and 9/11 just to mention a few. I will never again trust anything the US government tells me, and I will question every narrative they come out with. When you notice they are "pushing" a narrative and the mass media is parroting that narrative, you can bet your bottom dollar it's a lie. Did anyone not notice that the number of flu and other viral infections suddenly disappeared when Covid came along. Normally, 100's of thousands of people die each year from the common flu, so it stands to reason that anyone with flu was being labeled as a Covid patient. There never was a so-called Covid pandemic, and nobody was given a vaccine. They were given an experimental gene therapy that destroyed the immune system, and the pharmaceutical companies knew all along that it didn't prevent one from getting the virus, nor did it keep the virus from spreading to others, and it certainly didn't cure anyone. Everyone who died of any co-morbidity issues was labeled a Covid death, and the hospitals were compensated big money for any death that was reported as Covid. It was all a scam!
  10. This is a new scam going around the US, especially now that Christmas is upon us, but it could easily spread to Thailand and the rest of the world: Beware of Brushing Scam! A recent scam has been showing up in many states. We have not had any local reports but want to make residents aware before you are victimized. A "brushing" scam is when someone receives an unexpected gift or item not ordered in the mail from a place like Amazon or other company. Examples of gifts include, rings, bracelets, necklaces, Bluetooth speaker, etc. The gift will have the recipient’s address but not include the sender's information or be from a known retailer. When the recipient opens the package to see what it is and possibly who sent it, there is a QR code to scan to find out who sent the gift. Once the code is scanned, all the information from that phone will be sent to scammers. They receive all access to the phone. All personal and financial information is accessible to the scammers and often the victim's bank accounts are drained. The gift can be kept or thrown away, but the QR code should NOT be scanned for any reason. QR code scams are nothing new. These scams show up in all places, including parking meters. Inform your family members about the scam and avoid scanning any unknown QR codes included in the package.
  11. I am really surprised that these private hospitals have been allowed to charge these exorbitant prices without posting prices or at least giving quotes for services and materials before they are requested. Name me one other industry where one buys a product or service without first knowing the price so that one may make an informed decision before giving the go ahead to purchase? They have been taking advantage of the public for way too long, and it needs to stop. Where are our advocates who can take these grievances before the proper government authorities? Even some of the government hospitals are getting in on the scam. I was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and was charged 7000 Baht per month for medication that I must take the rest of my life. After complaining to my doctor multiple times, she made contact with a local supplier in Bangkok and sourced the very same med from the same manufacturer for 700 Baht per month, so the hospital was charging me 10 times as much for the same medication. After having lived in Thailand for 15 years and knowing what I know about the way business is conducted in this country, I would suspect that many palms are being greased all the way from the prescribing doctor to the managing director of the hospital to the Minister of Health who allows this travesty to continue unabated. Someone prove me wrong!
  12. It's a known fact that loads of Electromagnetic Radiation comes off the Wi-Fi router. I bought a USD300 meter to check, and if I am within 5 meters of the router, the lights go from green to red and all the bells and whistles go off. If one is exposed to that for several hours per day, it will dramatically affect one's health. My desktop is connected to the internet by ethernet cable, and I use a wired mouse and keyboard. My meter gives me a safe reading that way. Ditch the Wi-Fi, and if you go with wired components, make sure you disable, not just disconnect, the Wi-Fi on your computer, else it will be sending out EMF waves looking for a connection all day.
  13. Careful with your rebellious attitude, Redwood! I was recently called to Customs in Nong Khai and was scolded for importing personal use meds from India for the 2nd time to treat my Leukemia. I was sent up the road to the Thai FDA to apply for an import license, and there I was threatened with confiscation of my meds and a 50,000 Baht fine and 5 years imprisonment if I attempted to import again. They denied my license since that drug is available for purchase in Thailand, although at an outrageous price. They will keep track of your name and import activity in their computers, so there's nowhere to hide.
  14. Never ever give your wife/gf the authority to make decisions without your input. It sends a message that you are a pushover, and if you give them an inch, they will take a mile. My wife and I discuss all issues before we make a decision, but if there is an impasse and we can't agree, then I make the final call.
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