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Posts posted by Zonka


    You have a 28/28 job and said you have a girlfriend at your work place! How does that work and how could this Thai girl confront her if she is at your work?

    Is English your native tongue?  He said he's bringing the girl from his job back with him this time and therefore is trying to prevent a confrontation with the other girl showing up at his place.


    Long term girlfriend who you cheated on with a freelance (read: I dont wanna pay barfine).   you deserve what you get!  Instead of asking for advice on how to get rid of freelancer, I think you should be asking for advice about why you cant be in a monogamous relationship.

    • Like 1
  2. it never stops ....massive clampdown , now free tourist visas that assist the very people they were trying to get rid of ....i find this really irritating for what non imm visa applicants have to do and pay

    Thailand is not trying to get rid of tourists. It is getting rid of people who are working here with tourist visas.

    But why is my question? also working without a work permit NOT a tourist visa is illegal.

    people who work here put money back into the economy. if they dont work they cant sign on the dole. so whats the beef?

  3. Funny. I got the response to this thread, but not to ones started by others where I have responded.


    There is no profile/edit path option. I have My Profile, but nothing to edit settings like this. I've gone through all of the options and nothing seems to be related to this issue.

    Click on your name - click on 'manage ignore prefs' - on the side bar click on 'notification options'.  then adjustthumbsup.gif

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  4. Yeah I realise the shopping mall ones are always open but that is one thing Silom seems to be lacking and I am really keen not to have to travel to far from Silom. Gonna hope the website is correct and the one at 300 Silom road is indeed 7 days a week. Thanks everyone.

    Silom has a Central shopping mall right next to Saladaeng BTS.  Bangkok bank branch inside

  5. I get my girlfriend to carry my extras. I don't carry much though. My smartphone and wallet stay in my pocket. If I need to bring my passport and retainer case for my teeth my girl will carry the items in her pocketbook.

    What happens if you get drunk and lose your bag? Or what happens if someone grabs it and makes a run for it?

    You wear it with the strap diagonally across your shoulders. This avoids any snatch and grab. It is comfortable this way and you let it stay there all the time, so you can't lose it. You simply do not notice it after 5 minutes

    Diagonally across your shoulders? Doesn't the strap rub on your bra?giggle.gif

  6. Not sure what everybody else thinks but personally I am very very happy about the recent moves by Thai authorities to get rid of the foreign scum in this country. 


    Visa runs are an abuse of the immigration system. You want to stay here? Get a non-immigrant visa. You want to work? Get a work permit. 

    It's too hard? Go somewhere else. You don't have any other skills than your ability to speak English? Tough luck.


    As for criminal scumbags, we can only welcome Thailand's decision to crack down hard on them.


    I hope the ED visas are next. What a scam. You think you can bypass immigration laws by paying a corrupt cop to procure you an Education visa? Those days are coming to an end. 


    Thailand will do just fine without you.



    And now take the blinkers off!


    I also don't see Thailands problem either.  Out of that 70,000, how many are a burden to the state?  Do they pay them unemployment benefit? Do they have to house them? Do they have to pay their medical fees?
    The answer to all of the above is NO.  Some people overstay here because they want to make a life here with their Thai girlfriend or wife.  But because Thailand has so many stupid visa laws and makes it so difficult to stay here long term, some are forced to bend the rules.
    I would be happy if Thailand was dragged kicking and screaming into the 19th century let alone the 21st!
    (oh and for the, record I work here and am on a 2 year BOI visa/work permit)

    Thailand has some of the easiest visa laws of any country. Try getting a visa to retire or live in a western country for under $100 and proof of a relative small income.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Go to any European country!

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    It appears the Kingdom no longer want tourists who overstay that will reduce the income in overstay penalties as well as income that these overstayers payout whilst they are living in Thailand the Malays will be loving all of this " Welcome to Malaysia"




    Exceeding one's permit to stay in the kingdom for more than 90 days is just snubbing one's nose at the law and the authorities. A 10 year ban for such actions is inadequate. Life long blacklisting would be much more fitting for these unsavouries.


    Dont be such a god damn snob!  You and your ilk are one of the main reasons I refuse to drink in the Thai Visa Bar!



    It always amazes me how inflated some egos are, whether in over-estimating the economic value of a handful loser over-stayers or in thinking their absence from some bar is a grandiose social statement with devastating consequences to those snubbed.


    Sad how the farang fear of losing face seems to take over their lives.

    Arent' you Thai?

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    It appears the Kingdom no longer want tourists who overstay that will reduce the income in overstay penalties as well as income that these overstayers payout whilst they are living in Thailand the Malays will be loving all of this " Welcome to Malaysia"




    Exceeding one's permit to stay in the kingdom for more than 90 days is just snubbing one's nose at the law and the authorities. A 10 year ban for such actions is inadequate. Life long blacklisting would be much more fitting for these unsavouries.


    Dont be such a god damn snob!  You and your ilk are one of the main reasons I refuse to drink in the Thai Visa Bar!



    It always amazes me how inflated some egos are, whether in over-estimating the economic value of a handful loser over-stayers or in thinking their absence from some bar is a grandiose social statement with devastating consequences to those snubbed.


    Sad how the farang fear of losing face seems to take over their lives.

    Oh God looks like you drink there to then!

    • Like 1

    Please, falang. Only money is accepted. YOU are not. sad.png


    Thailand is not a refugee camp for unemployable scofflaw farangs. 


    Of course Thailand wants farang who have money to spend and who actually spend it. Are you so childish as to assume they would want foreigners here because their mere presence is an inspiration and joy to Thai nationals?


    Most countries have ad campaigns trying to attract foreigners as tourists and in some cases as retirees because it puts money into the economy. And every country does whatever it can to boot out foreigners who don't follow the laws and who contribute nothing to the economy.


    This depressing farang obsession with being loved wears thin pretty quickly. If you were such a beloved, valued member of Farang Land, why did your friends and neighbors ever let you leave?


                  8255.jpgIsn't being a  farang enough??


    Who said the overstayers are unemployable scofflaw farangs?  I think you will find that a large proportion of those overstayers are English teachers at government schools and have to do visa runs/overstay a bit because THAI Schools will not get them a work permit and pay them a pittance to do a job they cannot do.  Just wait till ASEAN kicks in. Thailand will be the runt of the pack.

  11. I also don't see Thailands problem either.  Out of that 70,000, how many are a burden to the state?  Do they pay them unemployment benefit? Do they have to house them? Do they have to pay their medical fees?


    The answer to all of the above is NO.  Some people overstay here because they want to make a life here with their Thai girlfriend or wife.  But because Thailand has so many stupid visa laws and makes it so difficult to stay here long term, some are forced to bend the rules.


    I would be happy if Thailand was dragged kicking and screaming into the 19th century let alone the 21st!

    (oh and for the, record I work here and am on a 2 year BOI visa/work permit)

    • Like 1



    is it just me or do others detect a "trend" here?


    The trend I detect is many expats and tourist taking their dollars and baht to other countries to spend.


    I understand making it difficult for the irresponsible, low life "overstayers" ans other schemers  to remain in Thailand.


    Everyone will benefit from that. 


    Making it difficult for responsible, expats and tourists who are very good for the Thai economy is just plain foolish! 


    Nobody will benefit from that...except other countries.


    The military government is clamping down on corruption.  All these new rules are just a way to get Tea Money legally!  It will push people away from Thailand and they will end up the beggars of ASEAN.  What we need now is for the TAT to host a 'Happy Farang Carrying Passport' party weekend and all problems will be solved. Final nail in the coffin of Tourism in Thailand?

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