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Posts posted by Matej

  1. 47 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    It's well documented that trump gets very little sleep and he's said it himself. The NUTCASE tweets in the middle of the night speak for themselves. Definitely the first internet troll president. Congratulations, trump voters! 

    What happened to your ignore list?

    Yes, Trump loves Twitter.

    But better to tweet than taking yolo selfies while jogging in park, no?

  2. 35 minutes ago, Toronto said:

    He's in his room flicking through tv channels?  Grow up. 

    You are wasting your time trying to have a reasonable discussion with regressive leftists, because that's what they are ...


    Women's march, or anti-trump protest whatever it was, will have definitely huge impact on 


    1 Donald Trump cannot sleep because of that ...


    2 Women's lifes will be better, because abortions, promiscuous sex and single motherhood that's what all women dream about



  3. 11 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    I see that you also do not quite get irony. You take exception to me doing to you exactly what you presumed to do to me. Oh well.


    Further, you continue to present arguments against things that I have never said. The collorary to Obama that you present is facile and further evidence of your bad faith posting. I will not engage with trolling further. You want a discussion then address the points I make, not the points you make up and put in my mouth.


    Who said that US institutions are based on racism? Either you are deliberately being obtuse to play into your stupid polemic or you have legitimate difficulties in comprehension. Either way, nobody can counter such intellectual dishonesty.

    Read what you wrote on previous side.


  4. 1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Do you often feel the need to teach your grandmother to suck eggs?


    You do not need to go much further than the US criminal justice system to find continual and constant racial bias. After exhausting that almost unlimited well of institutionalized racism, you can then look at the Welfare system, the School system, in fact pretty much every system at local, state and federal levels. If you expand beyond racism to bigotry against other minorities including the poor, the instances expand exponentially.


    No. Referencing institutional racism is not an over generalization. I use it as a noun. For your information, a noun is a naming word. One is expected to use nouns in written and oral speech. It is a name of a characteristic. It was not used as a generalization in the same manner that you over generalized. I can provide more information on the grammatical use of nouns if you wish.


    I am not really interested in carrying forward this exchange. I do not believe you are acting in good faith. Each of your posts has indulged in stupid polemic and I am not interested in the statements of such people. If I see a genuine post I may participate in the discussion but you certainly do not have any business demanding that I produce anything for you.

    Thank you for explanation.

    You are lucky that I'm not a woman, because it would be mansplaining and your liberal friends don't like that.


    Of course there are individual cases of racism and of course there are racist people. But saying that whole system is based on pure racism and implicit bias is incorrect. No data, statistics support your statement.


    You are like Obama. 8 years he was talking about institutionalized racism, but never showed single law or policy that is racist.


  5. 1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

    You want examples of institutionalized racism?  There have been many experiments done where applications for loans are submitted. Even though the information on the loan forms is exactly the same,  those with names that are likely to belong to black people are rejected at a much higher rate than for white people.The same goes for applications for employment. 

    Capitalism cares only about one color, the green one. For example look at Jim Crow's laws in 60ties, forcing businesses to discriminate against black people, but business owners were cheating because they wanted black people money. They wanted to sell them stuff and provide them services.


    You want to tell me that bankers in 2017 discriminate people just because they are black? That is your example of institutionalized racism?


    The idea that government will dictate private businesses what to do is very dangerous. Jim Crow's laws on one side and leftist beating florist because he don't want to serve gay wedding on the other side. It didn't work then it will not work now.


    You pick something and interpret it as racism because racism has to be somewhere out there that doesn't solve problems for anybody, actually it creates more problems, because they, blacks in this case, live in society where they are told that every obstacle they face in their life's is from nameless and faceless group of people who is out there to get them just because of the color of their skin, they gender or sexuality ... THEY WILL NEVWR BE SUCCESSFUL IN THAT SOCIETY.


    I'm responding from smartphone.

  6. 5 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    I told you why I commented. You demanded an example of a country more liberal than the US in certain areas. I gave you an example citing Equal Opportunity Legislation from South Australia which has since been deleted.


    I made no statement that America was nasty, racist, sexist and homophobic. I would never make such a stupid generalization. Such statements are the pure definition of bigotry - meaningless, broad brush assumptions based on preconceived attitudes. I would have and will say that some US States have enacted legislation that denies minorities equal protection under the Constitution and in violation of the Civil Rights Act. I would have and will say that institutionalized racism is driving many policies, laws and regulations in Stats that enact voter suppression laws, deregulate industries, deny minimum wage protections etc. But I would certainly avoid falling into the trap of committing a logical fallacy by:


    "...conclude something about a population from a non-representative sample, or about a larger group from a non-representative subset of that group."



    In other words - over generalization.


    As for what bothers me, many things do and many things do not. Ideologues trying to define me certainly does. You have no idea about my views and no business telling me what they are.

    And that institutionalized racism is not generalisation?


    For your information institutionalized racism is racism expressed primarily in actions of political institutions and government.


    Show me institution, policy or law that is racists ... Otherwise you are just repeating popular, but meaningless leftie phrases.




  7. 7 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    And there's the raw truth.... we all await with baited breath, to see where he ( and the most powerful free country in the world) will lead us.


    so far... he's been bombastic... but perhaps that was just to win the election... now that he's the man, we have to wait and see what he will do.... and we have no choice in that, because he was duly elected


    if he screws the pooch... y'all ( US voters... globally responsible persons) will need to act together, to mitigate any negative effects on world peace etc etc ( sounding like a little girl there) for the sake of the rest of the free world.


    Unfortunately, so far, by coming out against the TPT agreement, he has already starting pushing Australia towards (trade) allegiances with China, which, arguably, for both our nations, may not be for the best, given our historical allegiance and lifestyles.


    two days isn't long enough.... first he's got to be seen to practice what he was preaching.... give it two months, to see where this administration is going (post promises blah blah), then the opposition is within its rights too bring out the nails for a crucification. 


    Politics should be about policies and ideas not about feelings. Identity politics, national socialism is road to catastrophe. Politicians should not be idols. Look at campaign, lies and changing positions all the time.

    On both sides.


    I don't care if presidency will help Trump personally ...

    I'm not American, so maybe I shouldn't care about Trump's stupid plans, wall on Mexican borders or trillion dollar infrastructure plan ... I'm from Europe, so same as you I want strong America, but America under the Obama was very weak. Obama didn't do anything about Putin, Syria, look at Turkey, agreement with Iran. Look at Kerry's or Biden's speeches for example at UN.

    What do they achieved? Nothing.


    Some say that Trump is an isolationist, but I don't think that's the case.

    Today he might be 'friend' with Putin, but because of his narcissistic nature that might change very fast.


    When it comes to free trade. I'm more sceptical than optimistic. For example look at his pressure on Carrier corporation, because of moving factory to Mexico.


    Let's give him at least 100 days.

    We will see.


    But for now let's celebrate that Obama is finally gone ...


    Good night






  8. 31 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    It only took me three minutes to debunk it... easy peasy lemon squeezee


    and.... Australia is like the second most desired immigration location, and the forth easiest country to immigrate too


    that took an extra five minutes.


    aussi aussi aussi!!! Lol

    You mean easiest to immigrate to for poor Myanmar, Vietnamese, Indonesian ... ???

  9. 18 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    You asked for an example of a country where minority protections are better than the US. Somehow this became a biased, fact free rant about racism in Australia, US immigration and anti-LGBT hate legislation. If I had known that your question was a dishonest baiting exercise, I would not have bothered.


    Just another collection of fringe right talking points full of made up information that doesn't deserve the time it would take to debunk.

    So why do you comment? It bothers you that someone doesn't agree with you, or you have no more arguments ...

    All I wanted to say is that America is not nasty racist, sexist and homophobic country


  10. 10 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    You're trying to be witty or funny, but it's falling flat.  Actions counter to the Constitution are taken seriously in the US.  Many smart people are looking with hawklike intensity at Trump's and his surrounding sheeples' law-breaking. Trump has dodged laws 1,000 times thus far.  He's wiley, particularly with his bevy of attorneys.  But he can't dodge laws forever.   P.S. where are his tax returns?   He declared, a year ago, "I would love to release my tax returns, believe me......"

    ....yet another lie, among thousands that Trump tosses out to the minions he thinks are dumber than doornails.  


    Republicans are denying voting, in targeted areas.  Reps got successfully sued re; their clandestine efforts to affect voter turn-out in certain inner cities, where poor Dem (mostly black and Latino) voters are massed.  It happened in 2012.  


           The judge hearing the case barred Rep's underhanded activities (restraining order).  What they did was rounded up ex-cops and veterans, people who can legally carry guns, and posted them at polling stations.  The volunteers also had official-looking badges and armbands, saying things like, "Regional Security".   Many inner city folks are at least a bit spooked when seeing big white men carrying weapons in their neighborhoods, particularly if they look like officials and are hanging out at polling stations on voting day.  It likely turned some voters away.   In NJ, where it happened (just before the lawsuit was filed), a Rep won by a very small margin.  The ruse worked.  Republicans should celebrate.



    Individual case. That's not law or policy.


  11. 16 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    You must be very cluess to make a post like the one above.  For 6 of the 8 years Obama was President he was stymied by congress to do as much as he wanted. But he did a lot including his executive order about Dreamers. You could look it up, but something tells me that you and knowledge have a kind of mutual aversion.

    Of course, because of others. He wanted, but he couldn't. Poor Bary. Everyone sabotaged him ...


    What about obamacare? He wanted and he did, despite Congress ...


    Have a nice day.

  12. 3 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    The South Australian Equal Opportunity Act 1984, makes it unlawful to discriminate abecause of:


    association with a child (in customer service or accommodation)

    caring responsibilities

    chosen gender


    marital or domestic partnership status



    religious appearance or dress (in work or study)



    spouse or partner's identity

    Discrimination laws also cover:

    sexual harassment




    In many US states, employers are allowed to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. The so called 'bathroom bills' in many cases define protected groups against which discrimination is unlawful but do not include sexual orientation or gender identity in the list of protected groups.


    Protection of minority rights is the same issue whether discussing voter suppression efforts against poor and minority community or unequal treatment under the law based on any of the factors listed above.


    These issues have been repeatedly covered in the media in the US. It is happening right now. The courts have upheld a case against Texas but now attempts are being made to reverse the decision on the basis of Trump's victory.


    Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act, Court Rules



    Supreme Court Won’t Mess With Ruling That Struck Down Texas Voter ID Law

    But Chief Justice John Roberts signaled that this is not the end of the road for



    Is Australia less racist, xenophobic and homophobic than USA? With its immigration policy? Apart from indigenous population it's country of white guys, system created by white men. It's very interesting that as better alternative you are suggesting a country which is much more white than USA and where immigrants have implicitly zero chance of gaining citizenship, by law. Just because of one declaration with one sentence containing words gender and sexuality.


    That's how leftist care about minorities. Just using them as political tool for bullying others.


    Obama was president for 8 years. Why he didn't do something about immigrants in USA. Why he didn't give them citizenship? No single policy or plan to solve this problem. Instead he was pushing his transgender policy about bathrooms ...


    I will tell you why, so u can use them as a club against his political opponents. He doesn't want to help them. He needs them in current situation, endlessly repeating that their are victims because everyone around them is racist and xenophobe.


    Democrats with their identity politics are the biggest bullies here.


    Finally Obama is gone, one of the worst president of USA.


    Have a nice day.





  13. 11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    There are other countries less racist, less homophobic, and less xenophobic than the USA. For example, in the majority of U.S. states it is legal to fire someone or deny housing just because they're gay. If you don't know about this, that's your problem. Do some bloody research!


    On voter suppression, that's a huge issue.

    It's off topic to go into it but here's a start:



    Which countries? Name some please.


    Gays again? We were talking about active policies or laws denying voting rights for poor people.

    32 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I responded to your post which said THIS:

    Then you mock me for mentioning gays.

    Dude, that's just too sleazy for words. I chose not to engage with members employing such sleazy BAITING tactics on this forum. Try it out on someone else, perhaps more masochistic than me, willing to play your games. 

    Ignore List. 

    32 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I responded to your post which said THIS:

    Then you mock me for mentioning gays.

    Dude, that's just too sleazy for words. I chose not to engage with members employing such sleazy BAITING tactics on this forum. Try it out on someone else, perhaps more masochistic than me, willing to play your games. 

    Ignore List. 

    OK. Obviously we were both responding to different parts of our comments. My apologies.



  14. 10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    There are other countries less racist, less homophobic, and less xenophobic than the USA. For example, in the majority of U.S. states it is legal to fire someone or deny housing just because they're gay. If you don't know about this, that's your problem. Do some bloody research!


    On voter suppression, that's a huge issue.

    It's off topic to go into it but here's a start:



    Which countries? Name some please.


    Gays again? We were talking about active policies or laws denying voting rights for poor people.


    I'm sure main stream media, CNN, ABC, NY times would not miss anything they can throw on Republicans, conservatives in general.



  15. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Your post is truly despicable to anyone that values democracy. Instead of that let's do the AUSTRALIAN thing and REQUIRE all citizens to vote!


    The republicans continue to work hard to deny voting rights to minorities and poor people. So very "democratic" of them. 


    How anyone is denying voting rights for poor in America?

    No one is. Show me any law, government institution, agency or policy that prohibits poor people to vote. Some facts, because I don't care about your subjective feelings.

    Demanding US citizenship to be able to vote? Every country on this planet have such law and heavily enforce it. Including Thailand.


    It's funny how leftists portrait America(government, laws, system) as nasty place(racist, homophobic, xenophobic ...), despite there's no be better country to live in, especially for minorities.





  16. 11 minutes ago, farcanell said:


    I hope your not suggesting that they stop making those celebrity video clips.


    Whoring around, trying to be super sexy, seductive and then complaining about sexism and men objectifying women.



    Anyway. I hope you are not fan of those MTV video clips, because even average Thai ladyboy looks much better than them.


  17. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    trump being elected is what went wrong. Duh!


    At first. When you commenting on someone.

    Be consistent and don't do cherry picking. Where is rest of my comment?

    Don't be pussy.


    Yes, he was elected. You, me or anybody can't change that.

    That's democracy. There were two horrible candidates and one of them was elected.


    Acting like it's gonna be end of the world it's just pathetic ...

    Hollywood celebrities, 10 times divorced, demanding assistants to carry around their dogs, whoring naked in video clips ... presenting themselves like moral role models.

    Bunch of feminist brainwashing young girls that their freedom is over because there's tiny possibility, they won't be able to have abortions in the future, because of Trump said something.


    I mean come on ...




  18. 20 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

    My Thai gfs who are into this always tell me that they order from Australia. The shipping is cheaper and whether customs stop it or not depends on what's written on the package. You should find a company that is willing to write something like 'gift' on it. Then it will most likely pass through. 

    Since it's imported, there's tax and customs duty on it but since the destination country deems it illegal, you won't pay any tax on it. It will be confiscated. Unless you refer to the advice mentioned above..don't have it shipped the normal way. 


    OK. Thank you for info.

  19. Hello


    I want to buy a sex toy from amazon, USA, and want I it to be shipped to BKK.

    They are shipping to Thailand.

    I know sex toys are illegal in Thailand and I also know I can buy this kind of stuff here, likely not this one.

    My questions is what are the chances it will pass through customs and not be confiscated.

    I don't want to buy stuff for ppl working at customs.

    It's stainless steel, no batteries, weight around 600g, one piece,  less than 100$ ...

    One of my friend suggested that it's better to buy this stuff from Japan, not America.

    Less suspicious or sth. Some said no problems if it's for personal use and not making business out of it, others said it's not allowed here at all.

    So how is it? There's seems to be no problem with stalls at Sukhumvit soi.


    I ordered/sent many stuff on this address, but nothing like this. Never lost anything


    Thanks for any info.


    And by the way, it's not for me it's for a friend of mine. :smile:


  20. We have to hope that regressive leftist victimish complex will never infect Thai people.


    I live with a ladyboy and first reaction was that Trump hates LGBT people.

    So identity politics and other leftist stuff is already present in some form here.


    Also, let's not forget about Red Shirts.

    Which is leftist party, aiming on poor Isaan people ...

  21. 45 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

    Fareed's Take: Why I'm voting against Trump.

    Fareed gives his take on why Trump is dangerous to American democracy: his core beliefs are racism, sexism, protectionism, xenophobia, and authoritarianism.




    I always considered Fareed a smart guy, but this look like a typical leftist answer to everything.  You are racist, sexist, xenophobe ...


    Americans can choose from two crappy candidates. One crappy woman or one crappy man.  It's simple as that.


    And Obama - The pretty boy is just doing what he was always best at. Polarizing society.  Men vs. women, whites vs. blacks, rich vs. poor

    Democrats and their identity politics, we are going to save you minorities, just hold on ...




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