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Posts posted by bheard

  1. My assumption is that the arrest has nothing to do with the number of people in the vehicle (whatever type it was), but that the people in it were suspected of being 'illegal'.

    My experience is that in Thailand, overloading a vehicle is a thing to be admired, as it saves money - you don't have to make as many trips. I have been told by more than one Thai person that people who do it are sensible.

    So there!.

  2. Welcome to Thailand.

    I have heard many stories of a similar nature to yours.

    If you have hair ,be ready to tear it out, but don't worry too much, it will all work out in the end.

    Good luck

    Good luck indeed.

    "it will all work out in the end".

    No it won't - it didn't for him did it?

    Each of those episodes chips away at a marriage.

  3. These problems, along with the alleged slavery on fishing boats, have been known for years. Boats are owned by untouchable rich folks. New plan and new laws? Right! Thailand's problem is not an inability to write laws, it's an inability and lack of political will to enforce them. Until that changes... samo, samo! Oh, they'll straighten up for a few months until the EU investigators go home.

    Yup, they've got laws galore. but enforcing them is a different matter.

    If it will take only 3 months to clean it up, why did it not happened as soon as the laws were enacted? Thainess.

  4. Yep, many of these bus drivers have no concept of responsibility for their passengers.

    For that reason I make sure I'm nowhere near the front of the bus these days - at least I can't see just how bad the driiving is! And definitely travel in broad daylight!

    Poor Thais, they don't have a clue about wearing seat belts either. Most buses have 'em, but Thai passengers look at me stupid as I'm belting up.

    Many of the people in this crash would probably have been better off if belted.

  5. I really don't like seeing those Brio's on the road. They look like little dinky cars, I often think of how poor they must be when rearended, as there is no boot or rear at all, just the rear passenger seats and the window and bumper directly behind.

    Looking at the picture I now k. If you were in your Hilux or Ranger, you'd still be dead if a truck squashes you between it and a bus.

    Get real. If you were in a Hilux or Ranger you'd still be dead meat if a truck travelling at speed squashes you against a bus!

  6. Who or what is it that is qualified to determine just when that instant happens where the durian changes from unripe to ripe? Jail term or free to walk.

    Is there a 'sniffer' technology that does this? I can picture the dial now, with an analogue needle that points on the left to a baby fruit, and on the right to a mature smelly fruit (indicated as such with little squiggly lines rising from it).

    Or perhaps a probe that beeps once for unripe, twice for ripe (3 times for overripe even)?

    Or maybe just some old biddy who happens to be passing by?

    It all seems to be very subjective, and to have a jail term riding on that judgement is, well, laughable!

    Only in Thailand!

  7. We all know which group gave the orders to plant this bomb just waiting for them to be arrested.

    Why not buy them plane tickets as well so they can casually leave the country. It gives them time to update their passports as well.

    If they had not already left the country they sure as hell have now. "Thank you Boss for telegraphing to us in code, giving us the chance to get out, we'll pay you back in greng jai".

    For god's sake, why do they always mouth off in this way??

  8. When we had a burglary at our house the first two police officers to arrive came red faced and reeking of alcohol. They couldn't give a shit about drink driving.

    Oh dear, not encouraging.

    No chance of fixing the road toll till there is a total brain transplant in the society.

    Starts with parents, but how can it start when the parent takes the 3 or 4 young'uns for a trip to 7-11 on the motosi?

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