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Posts posted by bheard

  1. Maybe the bike was going much slower than the bus and the bus driver just ran into them . Will we ever know the truth , I doubt it ? Post removed to bar stool plod.

    Sounds more like the true picture.

    Both the dead from Myanmar? Do they have any knowledge of how to ride? Just asking.

  2. nice story .... but isn't 74 a bit old to be getting married ?

    Why do you think 74 a bit old to be getting married?

    because most people get married around 30 - 40, not usually 70 and up. And why didn't he get a young nana girl around 20 yrs old ?

    He obviously wanted to marry a woman, not a girl.

    Smart man, marry a woman and she's likely to be around for a while. Looking after him. At 74 that's what he is after.

    Marry a girl and it lasts 5 minutes.

    Very good luck to them.

  3. “I have forbidden all betting on the rockets and have informed every province of the consequence of such an act. We want to ensure that the festival is celebrated in a traditional way but should betting be allowed to happen anywhere I will immediately recall the commandant of the area to face disciplinary action.”

    It's my bet that the traditional way would include betting - be it baht or any other thing of value.

    How about instead of wasting their time on that, the police inspect the papers of the designers of these lethal weapons, and ground any rockets designed by anyone who does not hold a degree in rocket science . . .

    Tip: Stand back, way, way, way back!

  4. My Thai massage lady asked me a similar question only today.

    My Answer: Those <deleted>' dogs! Destroy 'em if they are not owned directly by someone, require all dogs to be tagged to their owners, require all owners to be fined large amounts of money if their dogs are roaming free. Mandate a maximum number of dogs per property - 2.

    Fantastic improvement. She agreed with me, she likes to go walking in Australia where she now lives, but when she visits back home, she is too scared, because of the dogs!

    And finally, enforce the laws. That's the bit which makes it all totally pie-in-the-sky.

  5. The driver's description of the reason he had to take to the scrub sounds authentic.

    Years ago when I regularly rode my pushbike around Thailand, one of the most scary things I had to contend with was those idiots who charged onto the wrong side of the road to overtake in impossible situations, lights flashing, going very fast, no concept of danger to the other road users.

    Another aspect of this crash is that nobody was killed. If one of those minivans rolls several times and you are not belted up, then someone is gonna die! Does this mean that the passengers and even the driver were wearing their seat belts?

    Hard to believe I know, but in theory, possible!

  6. My wife owns 3 investment properties in Australia 100% and not 49% (land and buildings) but I am forbidden from investing in Thailand. There should be laws that if a farang is banned in Thailand then Thais should be banned overseas. Won't happen tho as other countries welcome foreign investment no matter how small.

    Suck it up. That's just an indication of the stupidity of the Australian governments. (I'm an Aussie).

    The ideal situation may be that foreigners can lease land (say for 50 years).

    Not necessary for a foreigner to own property in any country.

    In Australia, foreign ownership pushes prices up so that locals miss out - think first home buyers.

    Nowadays it you go to an auction in Aus and your agent sees Chinese people present, he tells you - don't bother even bidding, you cannot outbid them! This is TRUE.

  7. Seems reasonable. In the UK it's just a ploy to get as many old cars off the road. The Thai test is probably as good as it should be and as your Vigo is streets ahead of everything else, the Test Men didn't need to look much further!

    You got that right.

    If the ABS light or the Airbag light come on, un the UK it is a fail now. A replacement Ford Mondeo ABS unit is £1,500. I bet a lot of good cars have been scrapped because of these tests which have nothing to do with roadworthiness.

    If I know I don't have ABS, I can drive carefully. It's never saved me form anything yet. If the passenger airbag doesn't work it's the same as if one isn't fitted.

    Rip off Britain.

    Oh yes, another good driver, good enough to not need technology.

    Remember that the instant before you impact with some idiot who gets in your way when he shouldn't.

    I guess you don't even need seat belts . . .

    Darwin award comes to mind.

  8. 3.209 Billion baht in tax refunds.

    So, how much money is being generated to provide tax refunds of 3.209 Billion?

    10s of Billions, 100s of Billions?

    This is a refund of tax paid (my understanding of a tax refund), so it is a reduction in the amount of tax paid. presumably not a refund of the total amount of tax paid.

    The numbers are way too atmospheric for me, but obviously a huge huge scam!

  9. The parents of course didn't for a minute consider the situation was suspect and probably didn't care anyway as money for them was involved.

    That will be their story for sure. Total ignorance. Of course they knew what the result of their actions would be, but the money was more important.

    The parents are the ones who should be arrested in an effort to send a message to all parents that this selling of their children to smooth talking kind men is not on.

    As a consequence of the girls returning home - what will the parents do now? Banish them I bet, given that they failed to send money home like the kind man promised.

    And what about the kind man, will he come knocking? He wants his pound of flesh, for sure!

  10. Gotta love the idea of beer connoisseurs debating the taste of Chang. It's Thai beer, it all tastes of some variation of bugger all. Chuck some ice in it and get it down your neck.

    SB, you nailed it! All just beer, not top shelf but drinkable, with ice even better!

    Lao beer, now that's a different brew completely! Very nice!

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