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Posts posted by bheard

  1. "The department is aiming to reduce child obesity by 0.5 percent over the next ten years. It also aims to maintain the obesity rate among young children at no more than 9.9 percent per year. Besides obesity, the department has set other youth-oriented goals, such as increasing the average height of female and male students to 165 cm and 175 cm, and their average IQ to above 100."

    Increasing the average height??? - This is one of their goals??? What are they on these people?

    Obesity - tackle it, good idea. IQ - work on that, good idea. But increased height, how can that be something you need to achieve as a goal?? And why??

    The mind boggles, I wonder what strategies they plan to use to achieve that 'goal'.

    Personally, I like 'em . . . errr . . . small.

  2. Some real punishment at last. Well done judge and to the motorist that posted the clip online.

    Edit to add video clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJzpvfLRmu8

    Can't see how the accident is his fault but still no sympathy for him losing his car as his driving was dangerous.

    I agree, I don't see how it his fault.

    It seems like at 1:45 mark. The pickup truck on the right was more focused on the red yaris than the car merging his/her right. He suddenly swerved to the left to avoid the merging sedan causing the crash.

    The red yaris was trying to race the car that was filming or something, he stop and took off several times to tempt the video car.

    I reckon the 'merging sedan' you spoke of (the 'teenager' right?) was long gone.

    The white pickup driver was just orchestrating a typical Thai manouvre - 'I'm turning left now, I'll think about it later'.

    He/she caused the accident no doubt. Nothing to do with the Mirage driver.

    So where in the whole story does the pickup driver get repremanded?

    The driver of the vehicle with the camera may have had his attention taken by the Mirage driver, and was therefore not quite up to the job of missing the errant pickup, however it was clearly the pickup that caused the crash.

    Sad. Hope that motosi rider lived to tell the tale.

  3. I always have a slip of paper in my passport which is very important to me. It is stapled there by the immigration officer when I enter the country.

    Did the girls not have these? If there's one thing I have stuck in my mind when travelling it is when I'm departing. Very important!

    Actually I'm sceptical about these chicks, not aware of when you have to leave? Come on, give me a break. How can that be? Stupid? Think there might be an Irish joke hidden in that one.

    Anyway, nice they were helped out.

  4. Damn, buffalo tongue fetches 417 baht/kg???? I nearly bought an ox tongue just yesterday, but at 250bt/kg, I thought it just a tad over-priced.

    A buffalo tongue weighs? One Kilo? That's an awful lot of buffalos! Even at 2 kilos, it's still a lot of buffalos.

    Anyway, full marks to those gangsters for trying - what would have become of those tongues if they hadn't smuggled them? Disguised as dog meat for the Laos I bet.

  5. This sounds like a case of an irresponsible dog owner. As a runner and cyclist I am constantly menaced by dogs, not soi dogs, not temple dogs, peoples dogs, people who are normally standing idly by while their dogs chase and will if I let them bite me. On my bike a carry a bottle of water that's been boiled with chili peppers as a non-lethal self defense which I used on a wealthy woman's two Rottweilers that had chased me a half of kilometer from her house. When the dogs went yelping home she called the police on me. I am a dog owner and lover but the irresponsibility of many dog owners here is so common and dangerous it's one of the biggest problems with living in Thailand in my opinion.

    Totally agree, I don't ride anymore in Thailand, one major reason is the dogs. The owners are exactly as you describe - useless or worse.

    I can picture in this case the dog cramped to that Russian leg. What to do but use lethal force?

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