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sungod last won the day on January 16

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  1. Cancel book week too, it upsets kids who cant read.
  2. Apart from being full on them maybe?
  3. Maybe they are simply playing to their audience? Given the <deleted> tip the UK is becoming, there are probably no christian kids in the school. Like everything else in the UK it has probably been taken over by refugees and 'asylum seekers' . A bit like the doctor's surgeries, hospitals and benefits offices.
  4. I bet he's welsh
  5. The most dumbest, those foreigners who have gone and filed.
  6. Unfortunately it seems to be the only type of language you use and understand.
  7. At least my head is not wedged up my own a........ Bye
  8. Rich coming from one of the nastiest and vindictive posters on the forum. 🤣
  9. Muslim vigilantes threatening news crews and doing what they want as the police wont touch them, Mike Amesbury beating <deleted> of of one of his constituents and only getting a suspended sentence, Ricky Jones trial put back again to August as others got fast tracked and jail time for facebook posts. The police created the problem by saying little more than he was a choir boy from Cardiff, when in fact they found ricin in his home with an Al Qadea training manual. 2 Tier Kier's UK, thats what people are angry about.
  10. What pushed people to perform extreme irrational acts?
  11. Racist rioters my a**. Fed up normal people more like- mind you the left sees anyone who doesn't agree with them as racist or extreme right.
  12. +1 for Maxxis, I changed to them quite a while back on my Toyota pick up, great wearing tyres.
  13. I dont pay your wife either Bob, she likes me as I am hung like a baboon.
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