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sungod last won the day on January 16

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  1. If you know, you know.
  2. Best you lay off the sauce, clearly you have forgotten what you are getting your knickers in a twist about.
  3. Duh, you just contradicted yourself- not so bright are you?
  4. A bit like Bill and Monica, and subsequently Hilary's failed attempt at the ultimate office? I can see how you adapted that!!!!
  5. To be fair, most of us can understand why you wouldnt find a female attractive. Not your taste, that's fine.
  6. spoken like a real left wing loony
  7. Nor would I, good on you
  8. Very sensible post explaining how it is, middle of the road people have had enough. Unfortunately you will be branded extreme right by those who disagree with you.
  9. I'd argue with acceptance, I don't think they are capable of accepting democracy. How about 'submission' 🙂
  10. I told you to grow up
  11. Your post belittles the brave people who fought Nazism, and those who suffered under it. Grow up, you lost a democratic election.
  12. Where do you think they recruit from?
  13. Correct, I think the real issue is that there are not enough flat screen TVs to go round
  14. If we did that with illegal immigrants in the UK, no one would want to come.

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