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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Dont think a day goes by when I dont see a taxi driver having a slash on the side of the road.....oh the outrage!
  2. I live over near Wongamat and Lovell school is my nearest station so look at it quite frequently. Not convinced the meter at Lovell school is working properly as it went offline over Christmas/new year, offline now (just checked) and when online the readings dont seem to alter. It was red the other day when the rest of Pattaya was yellow.
  3. Individually generally great guys, in a group.........
  4. 'Impending Haze Crisis' Its been with us a couple of weeks already.....
  5. A drivel rich thread on which you are the main poster........ Cant make it up
  6. Because you went off topic and started talking about shoving cash in a mattress, duh.........
  7. I dont care about tax, never made any reference to it in this thread, just made a comment about how easy it is to exchange cash. I think you need to take your blinkers off and chill out.....
  8. Nobody knows and all you are doing is getting yours and other posters knickers in a twist.
  9. Back doors and 'spying devices' are separate things.
  10. Sorry typo, Governments are not the highest payers.
  11. Don't bring trannies back, no need for the 'walk of shame' :)
  12. Its not a case of fitting spying equipment. Here's an example of whats possible, its CCTV granted, but back doors can be built into anything. I agree, dont think that China is spying on everyone, but a back door gives the opportunity if a need is identified. There is a reason why much Chinese equipment is now banned from sensitive/government sites in the west. https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2019/08/03/update-now-warning-as-eavesdropping-risk-hits-millions-of-chinese-made-cameras/?sh=1a1fdea76bf2 It's a little naive to think that people with access to sensitive information are all well off and driving top of the range cars, Governments are the highest payers, not sure what the average wage at GCHQ is, but would guess many are buying second hand cars! To be honest I have little knowledge of EVs, but do have some on the question you asked of the other poster.....his comments may seem far fetched to the majority but are quite sensible IMHO. Of course, if you already have Chinese apps like 'we chat' installed on your phone fill your boots and buy what you want....... :) Anyway apologies , back on topic, may consider much further down the line if I need a run around and have solar on the house, verdict is out for me for a while.
  13. You are all on the right track, but wrong. She is a motorcycle taxi , this story will explain it....... https://thethaiger.com/news/national/pattaya-punch-up-perplexes-police-viral-video-captures-motorcycle-taxi-turmoil-outside-central-mall
  14. Don't you just love that very scientific word 'likely'
  15. Dont think job status has much to do with it, having assets/reason to return is what counts and he has that. Wouldn't bother with an agent, just tell the truth and I wouldnt see a problem IMHO. My wife doesn't have a job other than running the house and taking care of the kids if I am away at work, she has been to the UK 3 times, the first 2 unmarried.
  16. Better still, turn it over to the illegal economic migrants who keep turning up on the south coast. Only thing they are fleeing is hard work.....
  17. Looks like you have been wearing a mask for some time Bob, does it get a bit stuffy in there?
  18. The shower block at Wormword Scrubs is more appropriate if the allegations are true......
  19. Given all the bar girls are already on Tinder I find that very hard to believe!
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