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Everything posted by sungod

  1. My kid is not inoculated for the benefit of him at this stage, he will not get jabbed for the benefit of you- no way.
  2. Don't disagree with anything you say, its a well balanced argument in my eyes. Therefore it should all be about choice, that's not happening here. You should respect that.
  3. What we dont know is the long term effects of mRNA vaccines, specifically in young healthy adults- boys more so. CDC is actively investigating reports of people developing myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) after receiving a mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna). Most of these people fully recover, but information is not yet available about potential long-term effects. Not saying my son wont have a vaccine, but prefer to wait until the 'human trials' are over and more information is available. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/myo-outcomes.html
  4. Can throw in smokers, those who drink too much, those who dont follow Dr's advice and those on garbage diets. Maybe the hospitals should refuse to give life saving treatment to those who dont wear helmets on motorbikes too?
  5. Certainly, this is what we generally use on here, https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?fbclid=IwAR35ZFiRZJ8tyBCwazX2N-k7yJjZOLDQiZSA_MsJAfdK74s8f2a_Dgx4iVk These guys are acknowledged as credible, https://covid19.who.int/ Oh, and the BBC have this. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51235105
  6. Someone nicks your car, they have the blue book for starters.
  7. Fair one, but I do find the teatotalers on here can get bent out of shape too. It is a strange rule though, a step backwards for the adults out there.
  8. Why insist on kids having vaccines as a condition of reopening if all they do is close again?
  9. Are you really a teacher? All the ones I speak to at International Schools in Pattaya cant wait to get back to the classroom. Let me know where you work, I'll make a note to knock that school off my list if I am ever looking to move.
  10. What about those who are not drunks and enjoy a late lunch with a few beers oh Puritan?
  11. For sure schools should be open. They should also be using the vaccines being wasted on kids to protect the vulnerable who have not been jabbed yet.
  12. https://www.facebook.com/kungshotsausage/ Not for open sale, but makes her own for eat in. Very nice.
  13. Hilarious, your post may have been many things, 'Pretty easy to do when it was very low to begin with. ' If you think that is insightful, your bar is very low ????????. Anymore words of wisdom before bed? ???????????? Beats counting sheep!
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