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Travel Dude

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  1. Aseannow... could you please just write in a normal style? The local community is on edge... bla bla. It seems all of your articles have this kind of language. Its just such poor writing skills.
  2. Do you really think the western world eats grass??? 🐃 🐃🐃
  3. Like usual. When nothing to gain financially they often don't act. Rotten to the core
  4. The main contractor should be held responsible. But of course money talks and life of workers is even cheaper than chips... RIP to those poor souls who have no voice and need to work under those unsafe conditions. Really sad that no responsibility is taken. If 132 death is a true figure, what a scandal, what a shame that should be. But nothing really serious happens. In any western country the company/owners/chairman would already be slapped with hundreds of millions of dollars in fines, a stop of the project till ALL safety measures are met, and most probably in jail for many years for manslaughter. Sad situation 😢
  5. The main contractor should be held responsible. But of course money talks and life of workers is even cheaper than chips... RIP to those poor souls who have no voice and need to work under those unsafe conditions. Really sad that no responsibility is taken. If 132 death is a true figure, what a scandal, what a shame that should be. But nothing really serious happens. In any western country the owners/chairman would already be slapped with millions of dollars in fines, a stop of the project till ALL safety measures are met, and most probably in jail for many years for manslaughter.
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