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Travel Dude

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Posts posted by Travel Dude

  1. This illogical habit is the epitome of why Thailand is so unproductive. Shutting down entire offices , especially public service departments so all the staff can eat at once is as about well....it as stupid is it gets.

    How on earth do working people get anything done? I guess they really don't . You cannot go to renew your car registration during your lunch hour, you have to take off from work instead, which adds even further to the nation's ineffectiveness.

    Is it so incredibly alien to have half the staff eat earlier and the other half eat later?

    This is not a typical Thai thing. In many South European countries lunch breaks are over 1 hour. This is the case in well developed France. Spain also has an extensive siesta. It is more efficient to close the whole office for an hour than to work with half offices for 2 hours... safes the environment too as they often close the air con.

  2. Public humiliation is unexcusable ! You are the one who should be fired, you took advantage of the family relationship too by treating her that way.

    You need to really look at yourself, more than the staff performance, very poor example you have set them.

    Are you working here Charlie? Do you have a Thai team? If so did it never occur to you to loose your temper because some of your employee seems not to care?

    I wouldn't bother too much.

  3. The fine is soo low that the taxi drivers take the risk.

    10,000 complaints in 5 month is 2000 a month or 66 a day... Fines should be doubled to 2,000 or even up to 5,000. Then they would behave much better.

    Do they all effectively pay their fine?

    And then there should be a system to identify repeat offenders. And an increasing fine up to jail for the real die hards.

    Personally I have had very few problems with taxis and 98% of my trips have been fine.

    • Like 1
  4. As part of the "I don't care as long as it is not concerning me" topic Maybe we can address the fact that That drivers never make space for an Ambulance. I am appaled seeing no one moves and people bravely wait in front of the red light while an ambulance is screaming for passage behind. And what if it were their daughter or son in that ambulance. But when a VIP needs to pass everyone moves kn the side. MAKE WAY FOR AN AMBULANCE.

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  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What this report doesn't point out is that the Thai Military knew this ten days ago. The report I read quotes Air Vice Marshal Montol Suchookorn as saying "but did not share the data earlier because officials "did not pay any attention to it" and were not specifically asked for it."

    Just let so many boats and aircraft search in the wrong places for ten days.

    Malaysia knew from their radar that MH 370 had altered course and told no one, the flight never flew into Thai air space , it turned back towards K.L then banked and flew over Butterworth , an air-force base , as this is Malaysia air space over a airbase ,why the worry , Malaysia knew and never told anybody.

    For a minute this is not about Malaysia now. We all know they are doing a very poor job.

    Is saying "yes but he did it too" a reason for you to have the same mistake and making that mistake less serious?

    Come on...It is not because it is your country that you should defend the total lack of commitment and unprofessional behavior of the army while a civil plane with over 200 persons has dissappeared. I am curious to know how you would react if your son, daughter or mother was on board that plane. How would you feel?

    Your answer basically says that more people in Thailand believe the army handled properly, making the whole world think ALL Thai's have no common sense, are selfish and careless. STOP defending the indefensible just because it is your country.

  6. If you think Thailand is the only country , agency , withholding info on this I doubt it .... There is a lot more to this story and I believe a lot more info being with held ... time will tell ...I feel for the passanges families ... no closure is a heavy burden for anyone ....

    Come on...It is not because it is your country that you should defend the total lack of commitment and unprofessional behavior of the army while a civil plane with over 200 persons has dissappeared. I am curious to know how you would react if your son, daughter or mother was on board that plane. How would you feel?

    Your answer basically says that more people in Thailand believe the army handled properly, making the whole world think ALL Thai's have no common sense, are selfish and careless. STOP defending the indefensible just because it is your country.

    • Like 1
  7. OK, I've got three veteran posters telling me that a work permit is needed. Thank you very much.

    In a somewhat different scenario: I am the owner of a condo which I would like to rent to others. In order to rent my condo I have to post advertisements, respond to emails and calls, show the condo, collect rents, make or direct repairs and improvements, manage evictions, etc. This certainly sounds like work l but I know at least a dozen expats who have bought condos and then perform this work without the benefit of a work permit.

    Is a work permit needed if one buys and then rents or leases his/her condo? Would you HAVE to hire a management company to perform the management of the rental property to be within the law? If you did have to hire a management company, are the acts of of hiring and then working with your management company considered "work"?


    Hey, please wake up. This is Thailand. Don't ask all those questions based on your western values. You know all the answers already but you are trying to stir the xx. ...

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