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Posts posted by RecklessRon

  1. Okay I know this topic has been done to death but I've just spent over an hour getting nowhere searching this site and the net. I didn't find anything close to reasonable that matches my requirements, $US1,000 was the best I could find and that's ridiculous, so I'm hoping someone here can help me out.

    As a single adult male I want to:

    1). Fly to Vientienne from CM in mid-March.

    2). Never get on a bus, except to and from CM or Vientienne airports, or cross a bridge (ie: nothing to Udon Thani).

    3). Stay at a reasonably priced place with western plumbing, hot water and air con as close to the embassy as possible.

    I can leave any time and any day before March 15th and come back as soon as possible - allowing an extra day for anything that might go wrong. Plus I can travel and return any day of the week - whatever is cheapest, including both airfare and accommodation.

    Referrals to travel agents are fine if their price is reasonable.

    Also I would be interested in any kind of 'they do everything for you' deal that isn't unreasonably expensive.

    Lastly, if there is another place I could fly to and from (must not have any cross-border or long distance travel by bus, train, etc.) that is less expensive I could be convinced to try it.

    Thanks, eh!

  2. The best brush is a clean, dry, soft toothbrush. Paint and makeup brushes shed and break on the motherboard, and such, rough spots. Just be careful not to use too much force as you don't want to bend anything.

    While the case is open be sure to re-seat all your add-on cards and RAM. Also, once it a while, cleaning their contact points with an eraser removes the tarnished buildup that can cause your card to malfunction, short and overheat.

    And the vacuum is definitely the way to go. Suck not blow! Blowing will fill your unused slots with dust that may render them useless in the future.

  3. Well that's a matter of opinion. Most people my age have kids. Maybe they are widowed or divorced and they may have the ex-from-hell but they have family. My parents have passed on so I am alone. It really hits home when my bank asks for a contact or beneficiary and I have to pick a friend I met less than a year ago! Don't get me wrong I had a great time partying but I have nothing left but the memories (and a really small amount of cash considering how much I earned over almost 3 decades).

  4. Have you considered Search Engine Optimisation? -you 'control' but get the legwork done cheaply in India. Not hard to organise and perpetual motion to try and stay high on Google. Also, the english versions of many thai websites are in dire need of improvement......

    Both opportunities in your sphere of knowledge surely?

    But, idle curiosity, why did you feel the need to check out your IQ? And tell us all its 167? For some reason it reminds me of the great quote from the inspirational Simon Weston who got his face burned off in the Falklands War, when describing a 'superior' officer - 'intellectually brilliant and as much use as a lighthouse in the desert' Doesnt apply to you though-just came into mind. .

    And why do you tell us about your past life with 'trophy' girlfriends??

    Nothing to prove here surely at 55? just chill out and enjoy life. Maybe we only get one time around.....

    It was my foolish attempt to get posters to understand I don't want a job I want a business and that I am quite capable of learning any business I choose. Also that I wasted the first half of my life chasing the almighty dollar to live the high life resulting in my not having a family (trophy girlfriends were along for the ride ONLY - none ever said "let's stop going out 5 nights a week, dropping $500 a night, we can stay home. I'll cook and we can save for our future" and none made it past the first move) and now I am no longer going to do that, now I am trying to pursue happiness instead - hence a desire not to be working long hours!

  5. Buy a Fortuner and rent it for 35k per month

    Is that the going rate? Seems a bit high to me...

    What percentage of the year would it be reasonable to expect it to be rented? I'd expect to be lucky to get 4 months rent per year (so I could buy 3) - can I legally/easily own multiple cars here?

    So why not be a consultant here then? You have a specific skill set. You know the industry. Call International companies, try to get to speak with the right person, tell them who you are, where you are, what your experience is etc and ask if they need any help representing them in Thailand. This doesnt necessarily mean a "sales job". They might want someone to run their office for them. Who knows. Much better idea.. for someone with an IQ of 167 I dont think you should be contemplating a 30,000 baht a month job running a noodle shop

    You wont find good jobs listed in the BKK post, or anywhere else. You need to take some initiative. There are heaps of opportunities but you wont find them chatting to idiots in bars.

    No im not going to spell it out for you, or say what I ended up doing.

    I don't know what you mean by 'I know the industry'. I know how businesses and government agencies operate but I have no idea who would need a falang representative in Chiang Mai who isn't very fluent in Thai.

    You are correct that I could apply my analysis skills to this and treat it like it was a job search or work but through-out my career I used head-hunters (placement/recruiting agencies) to do the legwork because, mostly, it is an insiders game. Basically when a contract becomes available the local sales people (head hunters), who are smoozing the client's managers with free lunches, get first shot and cold calls have no chance whatsoever. No cold calls get through as they don't have the backing of a big agency who will pull bad/disliked consultants out and replace them with better ones, at the same cost or less, if anything goes wrong (to protect their reputation and relationship with the client). That's why I can work all over the world. I send my resume's to big consulting firms which they review and keep on file. Then their staff check to see who the best fit is whenever their clients have a need and, since I was easily in the top of my field, they'd contact me to see if I'm available and interested. Then it becomes all about price and timing. FYI: Only the guy on the ground can get wind of these contracts, if he is lucky and favoured. The clients need is always immediate and time is tight so the clients that contract me don't have the time and expense to do a job search. They simply call a few agencies, send them a list of the contract's requirements and have them send resumes of their top 3 people each (so head-hunters only market people with the required skills whom they think will beat out all the competitors submissions). Clients look over the resumes of 6 or 9 qualified people who have the backing of their consulting agency (at least to get the job - the headhunters are rarely around when there are problems at the job). Then they interview 3 or 4 and often make the decision in the interview as they are usually looking for the first best fit (actually they are usually pretty desperate to find anyone who can figure out their problem, fix it yesterday and do so within their existing structure with as little disruption to their other employees as possible). When they find such a person they close the deal ASAP. I can say, with a fair degree of certainty, that the last 20 years of my career I never had a contract that anyone else interviewed for who wasn't from an agency.

    So anyway I'm not a salesman. I don't like selling. I don't market anything, except myself, and so I'm not going to cold call a bunch of companies hoping they would be interested. BTW: If I knew of a company looking for an agent I would contact them and check it out.

    The fact is I HAVE enough money to BUY a business. I don't need to do all the work of inventing a new one from scratch or job searching (hopefully ever again). As has been pointed out I probably won't be allowed to work the business (although I'll do the books - FYI: I went through my first year of the University of Waterloo in their charter accountancy program before switching to computer science).

    Also my not being allowed to work, hopefully, should put to rest all the 'lazy' and 'need to work harder' talk.

    As for my IQ. I am smart enough to know I wasted the first 30 work years of my life chasing money and wise enough now to stop that idiocy and try to be happy instead (time to stop and smell the roses). I am 55 and single. Never married, although I had lots of trophy girlfriends and spent lots of money living the high life so I have wonderful memories of a great ride. However I moved every 6 months from city to city or country to country leaving relationships behind only to start again, and again, and again... Now I just want to settle down, play with a dog and look at some grass and trees instead of being inside an air-con building from 8am to 11pm 6.5 days a week or between contracts (unemployed) not knowing when or where I'll work again (and not going anywhere while hoping the money will last - as each new job means moving expenses, first and last, a month or so of hotels...).

    So now I want to live life to its fullest, which doesn't include busting my ass as a wage slave regardless of how high that wage is.

    I want to say thanks for everyone who contributed positively to this thread. It gave me a lot to think about. Currently I'm leaning towards a franchise and considering buying an existing one however I'm not going to buy any business until much closer to the next high season.

    IMHO: Any business that counted on a large percentage of their annual take during the high season is likely in real trouble at the moment. A lot of these businesses are being dealt a death blow, due to the lack of tourists, but that won't be noticeable for several months as there is still enough business to keep them afloat. The upshot is that I expect the price of almost any given business should fall over the next 8 months - there are, of course, going to be exceptions but I stand by that prediction (so you can laugh at me in 8 months if I'm wrong).

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  6. I say

    Forget the starting a business idea.

    You are farang. You live in Thailand. Make that your advantage.

    There are many overseas companies who need reps and agents in Thailand. Take initiative (pick up the phone).

    Thais can be difficult to work with. Your advantage you are not Thai.

    This is what I did, im a rep. I oversee stuff and go to a meeting once a year in USA. Piss easy and lots of $$

    a sales rep ? and dont you need to be able to speak thai with your suppliers or salesteam or whatever?

    I agree.

    Plus... 'pick up the phone'? Exactly who would I be calling? Cold-calling large companies on the off chance they might need a Thai agent who is a falang that barely speaks Thai? Seems to me like a needle in a haystack and a hell of a long shot. Then comes the part where they ask about relevant experience and I explain I spent 30 years as an international computer consultant having zero to do with actual sales or sales staff or marketing or dealing with suppliers or ....

    If that's the case how do you expect to successfully run a SME in Thailand? Many of the attributes you say you don't have are a must in a self-managed SME, even at the retail level. Perhaps as already suggested a franchise is the way to go as operational processes & business analysis needs should be documented. Downside being it will probably require a heavy investment managing staff that will be a real challenge if your Thai is not proficient.

    The 'attributes' I said I didn't have are experience not abilities. I never said I couldn't do any of those things, or do them well, just I HAVEN'T much experience doing those things.

    I was an international computer consultant and worked all over the world advising government, manufacturing, banking and insurance companies about computer security. I have a strong work ethic and an IQ of 167 - meaning there aren't very many things that are too complex for me to understand or learn - if I want to put the time and effort in (although languages are my weak point - English was my worst subject in school. I got B+'s when all my other subjects were A+'s).

    Also I will be buying the company so I don't have to prove my skills or go through any experience screening in order to get the job!

    Plus, of course, I will be learning and listening to experts in whatever field I go into... it shouldn't surprise anyone to know I am an extremely fast learner and do exceedingly well in anything I set my mind to.

    PS: Honestly, I do not believe there is ANYTHING that I can't learn to do extremely well if I want to badly enough.

  7. That list is flattering but it doesn't help clarify where one would look for such a wonderful opportunity.

    I'm going to assume that if BuffaloBill wanted to share more details he would have invited me to PM him or would have PM'd me (several people have) or will respond to my reply.

    I have no doubt that somewhere in the world there is a company whom I could represent however I suspect the odds of discovering who and where are slim to none. I think this is one of those either 'being in the right place at the right time' or 'knowing the right people' type of thing.

    BTW: I would have thought posting all the details that I have on this forum was a tad reckless...

  8. I say

    Forget the starting a business idea.

    You are farang. You live in Thailand. Make that your advantage.

    There are many overseas companies who need reps and agents in Thailand. Take initiative (pick up the phone).

    Thais can be difficult to work with. Your advantage you are not Thai.

    This is what I did, im a rep. I oversee stuff and go to a meeting once a year in USA. Piss easy and lots of $$

    a sales rep ? and dont you need to be able to speak thai with your suppliers or salesteam or whatever?

    I agree.

    Plus... 'pick up the phone'? Exactly who would I be calling? Cold-calling large companies on the off chance they might need a Thai agent who is a falang that barely speaks Thai? Seems to me like a needle in a haystack and a hell of a long shot. Then comes the part where they ask about relevant experience and I explain I spent 30 years as an international computer consultant having zero to do with actual sales or sales staff or marketing or dealing with suppliers or ....

  9. Form two orderly queues, preppers, doomers and conspiracy theorists on the left and thinking people on the right, no pushing and shoving please - my, isn't that left line long!

    Thinking people ARE preppers and doomers and a LOT more of the conspiracies have a kernel of truth to them than you would expect!

    Only ignorant fools think that everything will be fine in the long run and that their great grandchildren will be free to walk into a 7-11 a pick from 20 varieties of chocolate bars!

  10. I don't know but "Is Our Money Safe in a" US "Bank"?

    Despite the media's blitz with the 'it could never happen in America' ignorant drivel no one who knows both economics and history would advise placing money in a USA bank for the long term. Aside from the trade deficit and insurmountable debt, systemic government corruption by special interest and big business groups, the infrastructure collapsing, the constant increase of the poor and homeless, the income inequality increasing, the laws changing to ignore people's rights while handing more and more rights to business... aside from all of that they are fracking everywhere and, in the not too distant future, there will be no safe water left to drink.

    How could that be consider a 'safe' place to park money?

  11. Fifty-Two: Point taken. I agree 10ae has the concept of being self-sufficient and the precept of him doing it all by himself but the fact was he hired experts for advice and grunts for labour as needed.

    I morph 10ae from a tale of a hard working man to the concept of being satisfied with 'enough'. Hence the low work hour commitment. Enough is enough and I WILL take the time to smell the roses.

    So if the law says I need to do something that affects the overhead that's okay as I don't much care what the overhead is except as it relates to profit. What I mean by that is a business that has double the overhead as another business doesn't matter to me if they both net out 30K. For example a restaurant (not my choice of business) that has 4 employees vs one with only 2. I don't much care about the extra overhead if they are both generating the same net profit. Obviously a restaurant with 4000 employees generating the same amount of profit would be ridiculous so don't take this statement to the extreme its just an example to show that I'm flexible!

  12. Hi Ron,

    Just an idea but if you have a BOI dormant company or similar, and mainframe experience, you could probably set up a server farm.

    Find the local backbone, buy used/reformed servers, network them and add services.

    I'm sure you'll find the golden/wooden/stainless steel goose if you look hard enough.

    Best of luck


    Thanks, good thought. FYI: One of my many jobs in computers was the Lan Administrator for CFB (Canadian Forces Base) Petawawa. I could easily do this sort of thing if I wanted to work but I want to buy a business and let others work! I'd never be able to let anyone else do the work, in a business in my field, because I'd always be able to do it a lot better and faster. So... getting into server farms would almost certainly put me back into 70+ hour work weeks - its in my nature as I spent my life in computers that way. That's why I'm not doing computer consulting work in Bangkok (or HK or SP). I'm looking for something much more laid back (and if you think you know any computer hardware environment anywhere on the planet that is truly laid back I have a bridge in Brooklyn you may want to buy...)

  13. 30k baht a month from a 1 million baht investment? I do considerably better with no ties...to a country or tax system.

    Online is the world now and the overhead is negligible. Why even contemplate the stress of a Thai based biz?

    30k baht a month is really aiming low, what kinda life can you have on that? Just exist barely.

    he never said 1 million THB investment. he means considerably more as i understand it which is why the whole thing is ridiculous. why bother with the risk in Thailand when conservative investments will bring you 30K which i agree is a not a life at all in Thailand; only an existence.

    As I've said before I don't have enough funds to earn 30K in interest whether in term deposits or bonds but if you know of a safe investment yielding 8% or more that may continue to do so for at least a decade I'd be interested. I have zero interest in stocks as they are a fools game.

    As for my cost of living: I require a roof over my head with a bed, aircon and computer/TV setup, clean clothes and sheets, a hot shower, western plumbing, a fridge and stove and tasty food in reasonable quantities. Anything extra is a bonus - like a dog, a yard for the dog to run in and maybe a wife/gf.

    I am happy with what I have and my needs are filled so I don't waste time making myself unhappy wanting things I don't have or working extra hours to get them - some may recognize that concept, I'm sure I learned it somewhere...

    Anyway I'm underfunded by about 25% if I live 30 more years. That would be a conservative estimate, barring accident or illness, based on family longevity and my current age so I'm looking at ways to use the funds I have now to secure an income that will last. Should I live 20 more years just off interest I'd limited to 700ish B per day and wind up with zero left. Then I could run back to Canada at age 75 and let the taxpayer take care of me but I'd rather figure out a way to stay (and yes I do have very good health and accident insurance here in Thailand).

    I do have several million baht but I'm not about to post the number. Suffice to say it is not enough to earn 30K in interest.

    Lastly, please don't denigrate my post. If you don't like it don't read OR post on it but don't say this is an exercise in futility. The bottom line is that if there are no falang in Chiang Mai earning at least 30K per month from a business that isn't illegal I would be very, very surprised. I suspect many will be making 50K or even 100K per month. BTW: I think differently than most about how hard you must work after your business is established and running smoothly. Basically if you want to make as much as you can then you work as long as you can. Take almost any stable business that currently requires 10-12 hours a day 6-7 days a week to make 70K per month and cut that back (with sound judgement, experimentation and metrics) to 8 hours * 5 days and it should make over 30K easily. I recommend any skeptics read 10 Acre's Enough - it is time well spent.

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  14. What I mean by 'I don't care about ROI' is that I only care about the ongoing income. I'm not concern that I get my money back inside a specific period of time. Most investors want to get their money back within 3-5 years and some are willing to invest for 7-8 years. I can afford to take up to 12 years to break even as I am not concerned with the initial purchase price being returned quickly - only that it will generate the 30K and continue to do so forever (so long as I work the business properly).

    As for the annuities - as I said I would need to get 8%. 4 or 4.6 is not enough plus there is nothing left at the end of the annuities period (even a for life annuity). If I buy a business there may be something that can be inherited.

    Understood - you only care about the eventual income stream.

    Just wanted to let you know that it is a bit confusing because there is a financial equivalence between ROI and income stream - so saying that you don't care about ROI is misleading.

    Yes, you are correct, I should have been more clear.

    I am only interested in achieving the income stream and don't care about the time it takes to recoup my initial investment and I don't care about the purchase price required to achieve that income so long as it is within my means.

    It could be making nuts or bolts, a garage/repair shop or a 7-11-type franchise. Obviously the lower the purchase price the better but I am looking for stability and income so I'm not interested in 'low money up front with very high income' ventures.

  15. Ron, you say things like you don't care about ROI as long as you get your 30k baht/month, but clearly you do care because you're not buying a 4% Single Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA) which would fit your needs perfectly. Buying Consolidated Edison (ED) will also give you a 4.6% dividend that is pretty rock-solid.

    A better way to ask the question might be: I'm starting out with 500k baht (or whatever your starting amount is) and looking to turn that into a 30k/month semi-pasive income stream via a business, how can I go about it?

    It also sounds like you're willing to put in some sweat equity at first as long as it drops off later - is this what you mean by "I don't care about ROI"?

    Answer: the best way is probably to set up a business that caters to foreigners with money, which probably means providing services to tourists or perhaps an outsourcing operation for design or software work. Real-estate services for expats might be a good way, too.

    What I mean by 'I don't care about ROI' is that I only care about the ongoing income. I'm not concern that I get my money back inside a specific period of time. Most investors want to get their money back within 3-5 years and some are willing to invest for 7-8 years. I can afford to take up to 12 years to break even as I am not concerned with the initial purchase price being returned quickly - only that it will generate the 30K and continue to do so forever (so long as I work the business properly).

    As for the annuities - as I said I would need to get 8%. 4 or 4.6 is not enough plus there is nothing left at the end of the annuities period (even a for life annuity). If I buy a business there may be something that can be inherited.

  16. Ron,

    It's sounds like you should visit the franchise show in July in Bangkok and see what new ideas there are or what franchises are you like.

    Some franchises are not that expensive, a lot of the thinking has already been done and there are methods and marketing in place that you can benefit from.

    It may then just come down to choosing something you are interested in, finding a suitable location and managing the business a few hours a day and doing some of the marketing. Easier to choose a proven business model than risk buying a random business with dodgy accounting.

    ...or doing an Internet business and forgetting bricks and mortar and working from home.

    Good Luck.

    This is EXACTLY the type of reply I was looking for.


    I'll watch for this - anyone with info on that franchise show (date, location, reservations, etc.) please let me know.

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  17. If you work in it yourself you would need a workpermit and a minimum income of 50,000 Baht a month from it to be within the requirements of a workpermit. Add the high cost of starting and running a business here legally and you'll need a much higher gain on it than 30,000 Baht.

    Remember most people come to Thailand to spend money, the whole country is geared up to help you with this. Making money is a whole different ball game and you'll find it very difficult!

    I do NOT need any more - you are missing the point. I want a business that generates 30K NET PROFIT. Costs, red tape, etc. are IRRELEVANT as they occur before NET. I don't care if the overhead is 1,000,000 baht per month I only care if the business is stable and generates a NET profit of 30K!

    That's a pretty immature and naive approach to a business model.

    I will give you the 30k every month and you don't need to lift a finger.

    Give me the 1 million baht, then after 33 months we do it again with another million..

    Coming on a forum to ask for ideas what to do and you are sadly defeated from the start.

    Do your own research,drive round every day see what sells what doesn't, is there a gap for anything. Location most important get that wrong and bye bye money.

    Meet people who are selling,find out why, learn about rental rates in different parts of the city and what you get for 7k against 50k.

    Drop everything,girls,beer and committ 3 months to learn about what can be successful and understand whether you need w.p and accountant, legal partnership with thai or whether to risk just being the investor with a thai on all the records and business papers.

    I found one of the biggest incentives for my drive to success was selling up in my home country. I don't have the option of going home crying as that means living with my mother and listening to her say ..I told you so.

    To be honest though 30k clear every month you need to pretty sharp with everything,....but as you say initial investment is irrelevant.....the most stupid thing I have ever heard anyone say.

    Try posting this thread on the business forum here and see how they react.

    IMHO: The 'business' forum is a great place to be ripped off. As bad, and as warped, as some of the people in this forum are they aren't in the business of ripping people off. I don't think the same can be said about the majority of the posters in the business forum. While I would take everything said here with caution and skepticism I would take everything said there as misrepresentation at best and blatant lies as the norm.

    As for the business model: Having a business model before you even know the type of business you are going into is beyond stupid! Once I figure out what business I want to be in I will work up a viable business model, until then is would be complete speculation!

  18. FYI: 4% isn't enough - I would need double that, hence the need for a business that earns money.

    You don't have enough money to live in Thailand.

    You don't have enough money to get a VISA either.

    Sorry, but that's the way it is.

    If any of us could get a lifetime return of 30k/month on an investment of 5Mbht, we would have already.

    You could live here legally for 10 years with a VISA on 500k/year.

    But that's about it.


  19. If you work in it yourself you would need a workpermit and a minimum income of 50,000 Baht a month from it to be within the requirements of a workpermit. Add the high cost of starting and running a business here legally and you'll need a much higher gain on it than 30,000 Baht.

    Remember most people come to Thailand to spend money, the whole country is geared up to help you with this. Making money is a whole different ball game and you'll find it very difficult!

    I do NOT need any more - you are missing the point. I want a business that generates 30K NET PROFIT. Costs, red tape, etc. are IRRELEVANT as they occur before NET. I don't care if the overhead is 1,000,000 baht per month I only care if the business is stable and generates a NET profit of 30K!

    I am sorry to say that I really think you have your work cut out to achieve what you want...many have been there before you and failed. Plus why would anyone on this forum want to share with you a good idea to make money...they would be doing it themselves, and forget about buying an existing business, the only businesses for sale are losing money ...people don't sell profitable businesses, they keep them.

    My advice is keep your money in your pocket and remember the saying..."If you want to make a small fortune in Thailand start with a large one". I have tried the small business idea myself, twice, abject failure, yet I ran very profitable businesses in my home country. I did not need to make a lot, but made nothing for all the hard work I put in, so I gave up trying and am much happier and better off as a result..

    If you want to give your wife/GF something to do......let her get a job, she won't make 30k a month but at least you won't be losing anything.

    Good luck whatever you decide to do

    Thanks but I am NOT looking for someone with an ingenious idea that I can steal or any kind of money making scheme.

    I was asking for examples of solid business that are already in existence that are making that kind of money. They don't even have to be for sale I'm just trolling for possibilities. Also I won't be building next door to them and becoming their competition I will be building in a location that is under served (IMHO: Buying/building a bar/restaurant/massage parlor on a street that has 50 of them already is pure insanity!).

  20. if you find that golden business that brings in 30k a month for a small investment, give me poke ...

    who would not want to get that kind of money (almost teacher wage) for doing, well, lets say, do nothing much

    Most readers seem to be missing the point. I didn't say I was broke or that I wanted a golden cash cow that would generate huge profit from next to no investment. More details were requested so here they are:

    1). I am 55 year old British Canadian with dual Citizenship - so I can use whichever one is best and change from one to the other should circumstances change.

    2). I am about to get a retirement visa (the 800,000 + >50 years old + have 1 year lease, which will turn into a condo/house when I decide what/where the business will be) although that could change now that I'm looking into buying a business.

    3). I can put down several million and get by for a good length of time before the income reaches 30K.

    4). I could form a new Thai company under the current rules but I have access to a Thai company that I bought in the 90s. I got it as a special deal - I had a skill set in (mainframe) computers that was wanted at the time so I was granted a single-person (consulting) company and was allow to hire myself as a required falang. I still have that company and can use it if I choose simply by re-filing the paperwork for my work permit. (please don't ask me how you can get one unless you can time travel and have special skills - or bitch about the legal issues as I don't care to hear about it - that's something for my lawyers worry about!).

    5). I understand business. I was an international computer consultant and have worked with, and advised, businesses of all types and sizes.

    6). I will hire all the necessary lawyers, accountants and staff and I am well aware of the need to CONSTANTLY keep tabs on the staff, as well as the lawyers, bankers and accountants!

    7). I will not choose a business that I won't like working in, that requires more than 30-40 hours per week, is inherently unstable, is illegal, is in the sex industry, tourism, is a bar or fixed-location restaurant or massage parlor, etc.

    8). I don't care about ROI. If it takes 12 years to get to the 'break-even' point that would be fine with me so long as it continues to generate 30K+ per month. IMHO: There have to be opportunities for successful business that are being turned down because the investors want their ROI (to reach break-even) within 3-5 years and discard all feasible opportunities that take longer than 7!

    9). IF the business won't return that much, or will return 10 times that much, it is NOT the business I am looking for.

    10). I want everything to be legal and above board. That said I will also pay the tea-money (bribes) as required.

    FYI: I understand that investing 500,000 and asking for a return of 30K per month is living in dreamland

    BUT there must be a stable, viable business of some size that will return 30K baht per month

    SO the question is what, where and how much it will cost to buy?

    11). I would entertain the idea of partnerships if the business is right AND the deal is sound AND I like the partner AND believe I can both work with them and they would be 'safe' to do business with.

    12). I don't drink except for special occasions (last drink was over a week ago and there is a bottle of whiskey in my fridge) so I'm not a lounge lizard or bar stool drunk or lazy - just old and no longer willing to work myself to death.

  21. If, as you say "I'm not interested in the ROI. Most investors are looking to recoup their investment in 5-10 years. I'm just looking for a perpetual ATM so I don't care if it breaks even in 15 or even 20!", then why not buy an annuity instead of buying a business?

    There are no available interest rates that will take the amount of money I have and turn it into 30K B per month for the next 40 years. An annuity will pay until its term ends and then there is nothing left.

    Therefore I want to buy a business - that will generate that amount of profit - a business will continue to do so forever and still have a resale/inheritance value.

    Most annuities pay until the policyholders life ends.

    Canada Life offer returns of about 4% for the main policyholder reducing to 2% to his spouse after his death.

    But you lose the investment immediately.

    FYI: 4% isn't enough - I would need double that, hence the need for a business that earns money.

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