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Posts posted by RecklessRon

  1. Okay so I'm moving to CM mid-Nov with the shirt on my back and all my computer gear. That includes 10 to 12 hard drives that have lots of TV shows, movies, documentaries, game shows, etc on them and their plugs and wires. I'm retiring and these are my personal collection that I saved so I can watch whatever I want despite being in a remote location. Anyway they aren't for sale but I'm wondering what the customs agent will do when I arrive?

    FYI: They all fit into my bugout bag (backpack) but it weighs 40-50 pounds. I'll also have a middle sized suitcase, not too heavy, and a large didgeridoo wrapped in a blanket (3 pieces - only 1 checked). I expect I will pay overage on the weight with the airline.

    Any chance Thai customs will confiscate (some of) them or attempt to censor/inspect the contents of each hard drive?

    At 30 TB and about 1 hour viewing per GB that would be around 30,000 viewing hours and I really don't want to stand in line while they do that!

  2. We've all heard the horror stories about delays in wire-transfers and some that 'go missing'. Even ex-pats being put down by their spouses in collusion with bank managers to empty their savings accounts.

    I'm moving from Canada back to Thailand (hopefully for good) and I'm trying to decide which bank to deal with for both wire transfers, semi-large balances and longevity!

    Does anyone have any recommendations on the safest ones? Or, perhaps, warnings of who not to deal with?

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