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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Hey, just last week many anti government backers were backing a 'boycott" little did they realize that boycott is a double edge sword. That can be used by all, any performer should paid the price for their own decisions that the majority of people disagree with!

    They also can pick not to drink a certain beer or energy drink, that what freedom is all about "The freedom of Choice".


    The red shirts can boycott the performers as much as they like. They don't have to go and watch them. Just as the anti-government protesters don't have to support Thaksin linked businesses.

    Once again, the red shirts are doing exactly the same thing as they complain about when the anti-government protesters do it. Where is the sense in that?

    They are not doing the same thing. The red shirts are threatening them.

  2. Hey, just last week many anti government backers were backing a 'boycott" little did they realize that boycott is a double edge sword. That can be used by all, any performer should paid the price for their own decisions that the majority of people disagree with!

    They also can pick not to drink a certain beer or energy drink, that what freedom is all about "The freedom of Choice".


    They choose not to drink them. They are not threatened. If the red shirts were a company I would say you have many shares in them. Seems to me any thing they do is OK with you.

    Out of curiosity were you aware that they are all not like you. There is a growing number of them who want Thaksin out of politics. Grudgingly I have to admit there are some with some thing between their ears besides air. But as any one who can think clearly can tell with the suggestion of separating from Thailand and raising there own Army there are still a majority lacking in gray matter. Kind of like the people getting up in the morning and the last thing they do before they leave the house is make sure the kick me sign is firmly attached to their back.

    I believe the army is now searching for some of them.

  3. thumbsup.gif

    Which is why the low turnouts on 2nd February, taken together with the high-level of spoiled-papers & 'no'-votes, is so significant IMO.

    What are you saying - that no votes are a more successful opponent to the Reds than the Democrats? Just shows how pathetic Abhisist and his mob truly are.

    The No Party have better policies than PTP laugh.png

    The no party have better policies than PTP who in turn have better policies than the Dems.

    Sad state of affairs.


    Is indeed a reasonable man member for 4 days and 88 posts. Maybe with luck and I doubt it one was reasonable.

    Has to drag the Democrats into every shameful act or showing the PTP continues to crank out. You have to give the he/she credit. He/she has a great imagination. They should write books for children.

    • Like 1
  4. Why would you pour water into a holey bucket anyway.

    Voter apathy is a reflection of the fact that most people don't trust either of the major parties, and that new moderate parties with bold progressive leaders are long overdue and essential.

    I don't follow you how this reflects on the Democrats they had no contenders in the race.

    and that new moderate parties with bold progressive leaders are long overdue 
    and essential.

    Not sure about that one. Haven't really got that much knowledge of the Other I believe it was 60 parties registered.

  5. 10% is very low. Does anyone know if there is a minimum turnout required?

    If there is only one candidate running in that constituency, at least 20% of total voters must vote for him/her.


    Can just see it now PTP winning in a landslide and not sitting a member for the constituency.

    Bound to impress the well educated red shirts and PTP backers.wai.gif

  6. It seems mathematical illiteracy is worse than I thought. I'll make it as simple as I can: This past weekend Bangkok Bank and Siam Commercial gave an exchange rate approximately 3% worse than Aeon for a withdrawal from a U.S. bank. The worse exchange rate resulted in a much higher cost for ATM withdrawals from these two Thailand banks than for an identical withdrawal from Aeon. If your bank reimburses ATM fees you will still pay 3% more for ATM withdrawals from Bangkok Bank and Siam Commercial than for withdrawals from Aeon. For withdrawals above 5000 baht the exchange rate differences matter more than the ATM fees charged.

    I can't make it any simpler than that. If you want to suggest alternatives to ATM withdrawals, please start a different topic. I had hoped to keep this topic focused on ATM withdrawals, which many people prefer.

    Edit: It occurred to me that I can use this to my benefit. I tutor math, mostly to high school students, some very bright, some not so much. I will definitely use the above as an example of using math in the real world to save money, and explain that it is beyond the grasp of some adults. Perhaps it will motivate my students.

    With all due respect. I would like to ask you if your figures match what your bank account total says. I have a Canadian account and an American account and both take two to three working days to reflect on my computer.

    You made the transaction on the week end. Are you sure your bank account on your computer will match your figures come Wednesday?

    Were you using the same ATM card, Visa , Master Charge or American express at each of the machines.

    I do not know how to check the going rate of exchange on my computer. I do have two exchange rates on my tool bar and they never match also they only change the rate once a day and not on Sunday OR Monday.

  7. I heard there are a few Chinese owners ready with their cheque books ...waiting for the crash and they will mop it up

    I pray for that to happen , convert the whole mall into a wholesale centre like MBK or Chatchuchak ...open 15-20 Chinese restaurants with the best food dim sum seafood Hong Kong roasts, straits Singapore food and it will be packed smile.png

    Sent from my iPod touch using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Well they have a good Dukes and an Italian Deli restaurant opening soon under a proven restaurant management. Also leave the Theaters there.wai.gif

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Where's the 'Resort'?? I remember it was first called 'The Promenada Resort Mall'.

    Maybe that's coming?? or maybe they could turn one whole wing into a hotel?

    It was always promoted as that and I have been wondering the same thing. The original concept was for all upgrade stores.

    They missed that.

  9. My cousin had an ATM card sent with fed ex. Her mother had included some marshmallow Easter bunnies as it was Easter time. About $4 to $5 item. Customs held them up while they sent back to the states to ascertain the value of them. Fed Ex charged her an additional 1,500 baht for the duty and handling of it. Plus the time delay as customs had a four day holiday and the time getting the value of the marshmallow Easter bunnies.

    I guess it is always good to put the value of the item if a friend is shipping it they can put a cheap price on for you.

    If at asll possible mail it.

  10. I would be more interested in the experiment if it was done in the week when the exchange rate is changing faster. I went to the AEON ATM in the airport and withdrew 20,000 baht a while back. I then went to the Kasakorn? bank and withdrew another 20,000 baht. This was just before the AEON started charging 150 baht. My bank card charged me $5 at the AEON It takes several days for the finial to register on my machine the end result was I saved 23 cents by using AEON with no 150 baht charge.

    Sorry I do not remember the total dollar figures. I did this in the middle of the week.

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Maybe the University could stop allowing anyone (students included) to drive onto campus grounds, period? Just build a few multi-storey parking lots near the various entrances, force everyone except teachers to park there and only teachers would be allowed to park in front of their buildings. Everyone else would be forced to walk, ride a bicycle or catch a shuttle bus.

    Over the years universities in other parts of the world have progressively banned cars from being driven around campus and turned their campuses into walking zones. An example is UNSW in Sydney, Australia. Back in the late 80s and early 90s it was possible to drive through campus, going from Barker St. to High St. although there would have been some parking restrictions already in place. Now, except for service vehicles, it is impossible to drive through most parts of campus anymore and you either have to park off campus or on campus in one of the provided parking garages if you have a parking sticker.

    Such a solution would solve the issue of traffic accidents.

    Note that even Chinese universities are following their western counterparts - there are universities in Kunming for example, where I wouldn't know where to find parking inside and there's no way you can drive through those campuses. Basically you are forced to park outside or only in specially designated areas.

    Why can't Chiang Mai university learn from these international examples?

    Because it is not Thai.

  12. "However, the strangest misbehaviour, which is widely encouraged on Chinese travel websites, involves costume play where the visitors buy or rent a student uniform and pose for pictures."

    Why is this so strange?

    It's a common practice at many Chinese cultural sites, but Chiang Mai University is no cultural site. It's just an ordinary northern Thai university.

    I've long asked myself what the deal is with all the mainly Chinese visitors to Chiang Mai university, most of whom ride bicycles onto campus, not cars as the article claims.

    All the while there are plenty of westerners that also visit Chiang Mai university, but few would come to take pictures or make it a tourist destination in it's own right - they go there to visit lecturers, staff or students they personally know, or to have a coffee on campus, something like that.

    If they were to have a guided tour I would go for that. I have worked on a few of them back home and always enjoyed the feeling of being alive I felt there. Had a boss who would quite often go there for lunch. Not that the food was that good but the people had so much energy.

  13. Got a few then was directed to this technical thread.

    Winnie I thought you went south for the smog season?

    That was the plan yes, though it's still pretty okay up until now.

    Main reason though is that I'm stuck for a medical procedure which kind of messed up the holiday plans.

    I could have delayed the medical thing but then it would cut into my Songkran time, I need to be firing on all cylinders by then. wink.png

    Regardless it is a smart move to get it done ASAP.

  14. The army is a big part of why Thailand is in this mess in the first place. The reason this movement exists in the first place is because people in the North / NE are desperate to be able to elect governments without having them removed by coups (like the one Prayuth participated in in 2006, or the impending one that he has repeatedly "refused to rule out").

    And now Prayuth continues to drag the country towards civil war by refusing to support negotiations with the "separatists" (who made it clear in their speeches that they are only asking for autonomy as opposed to full independence). If he cracks down on the Red Shirts, then many moderates who would have only wanted decentralisation will instead think "in for a penny, in for a pound" and start supporting full-blown secession.

    Because of Prayuth's blindness in his drive to support yellow groups to bring dictatorship to the country, Thailand is missing what may well be its last chance to avoid following a Syria-like path.

    Well that is one way of looking at it.

    And now Prayuth continues to drag the country towards civil war by refusing to support negotiations with the "separatists" (who made it clear in their speeches that they are only asking for autonomy as opposed to full independence). If he cracks down on the Red Shirts, then many moderates who would have only wanted decentralisation will instead think "in for a penny, in for a pound" and start supporting full-blown secession

    On the other hand the moderates might say thank you for putting an end to those nuts.

    By the way if they have autonomy why are they trying to create an army?

    Just a question.

  15. Ironically the Thai PBS website that relates this tale has a section headed "Related News".

    The suggested article is headlined

    "Army Chief pleads for calm"

    He has a strange way of making that possible....................

    fab4 your are truly fabulous.clap2.gif

    Why don't you just give him a call and explain what the red shirts expect out of him.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  16. I have read only that some people are discussing the possibility and a desire to secede.

    Can't see what is illegal about that myself.

    And recruiting a massive army - larger than Russia's?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    When that army is mobilised let me know. To speak of one is the usual blustering by self important pumped up self appointed spokesmen. It is as meaningless as Sutheps millions taking over Bangkok.

    As I said, what is illegal about discussion and desire?

    I should point out that I disagree with the North of Thailand seceeding but would agree with anyone their right to discuss or want such a move.

    Same as I want Scotland to remain in the UK but respect anyone who has a different view to mine.

    They are not discussing it they are promoting it.

    Suthep did not say a single word about taking Bangkok out of Thailand.

  17. Other than a few extremists which both sides seem to have, the talk is more of maintaining and upholding Democracy in the Country.

    The clear message to the Courts and Army is... Do not try and Coup us again. Ever.


    Have you ever bothered to check in and see what the red shirt idea of democracy is. I don't think you would like it.

    • Like 2
  18. Thinking differently is illegal now is it?

    Advocating secession is illegal, your thoughts, and everyone else's are safe, don't panic.

    Yingluck should disown this groups ASAP, her silence (and the caretaker government's) is extremely troubling; specially in view of at least one of her cabinet memebers being part of this movement.

    Being silent is all she can do.

    She doesn't have room in her mouth for another foot.

    I understand having her speech written for her but what I can't understand is how she can read them with a straight face. Or does she actually believe it. Have they drained the treasury so bad they can not hire decent speech writers?

  19. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The main issue is whether a document notarized by a foreign notary would be accepted by the home country company or government agency needing the notarized doc. Perhaps some might accept while others might require a embassy/consulate notary.

    If a document needs notarizing to go to the states each state has their own requirements. I would check with the people receiving it to see if a Thai notary would be acceptable.

  20. My true is working good except for Thai Visa. I have trouble checking on the Thailand news site.

    I suspect that they have probably over sold it in your area and the service will not improve until they up grade their equipment. All providers have been guilty of this at one time or another and different locations.

  21. "The source said Army officers would set up checkpoints in outer areas of the park to beef up security"

    Some ongoing misdirection by the anti-UDD/PTP/RS media, in support of anti-democratic forces, exposing their unelectable Elitist roots.

    To suggest the military is 'Beefing up security" is again whitewashing their supportive participation in these protests. This factoid is behind their demonization of the police, in order to aggrandize their friends in the military.

    That said, I keep noticing the stubborn efforts for the media to continually characterizing these protests as being anti-Govt....When it is obvious to everyone not similarly agenized, these are anti-democratic, anti-electoral and anti-parliamentary people.

    I guess it feels uncomfortable even for the anti-democratic forces to be seen as anti-democratic....Then I suppose that would be considered a small positive....If they are ashamed of their own stance, it may cause some to distance themselves from the extremists who are driving this thing.

    Although I am sure they will be gleeful supporters of the Elitist-rooted independent agencies and judiciary, who will carry on the good fight that the weakened street protesters set up for them.

    No body is opposed to democracy except the Shinawatra clan. They are looking for to begin a dynasty of Shinawatra dictators.

    the protestors are against a dishonest democracy and that is what they are trying to get rid of. They will then be able to bring in an honest democracy.

    You know all this but choose to ignore it. Why? What do you gain out of ignoring it?

    • Like 1
  22. Yep.... You won't face any more opposition to completing the elections, enough data has now been leaked to confirm that the elections will be voided by the constitutional court and fresh elections held of which the PTP and YL will no longer have caretaker power, and the Dems will absolutely walk into power.

    Oh happy days.

    The only way the Dems will "absolutely walk into power" is with the help of judges, the army and those who can't be named. They're never going to win an election because they don't have policies to help ordinary people.

    Maybe they should offer one tablet for every school kid......the electorate was sucked in by that promise.....still to be fulfilled.......or a subsidised rice scheme could be a good idea....what do you think?

    Sounds good to me as long as the tablets are a piece of crap with no useful material on them. I hear that you can get a lot of them out of China and they will give you a kick back.


    I forgot that the rice payments must come in the form of useless voucher's.

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