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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. What does article 7 actually say?

    "Section 7. Whenever no provision under this Constitution is applicable to any case, it shall be decided in accordance with the constitutional practice in the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of the State."

    Now, "the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of the State" is merely the long-winded definition of the Thai constitutional monarchy, so is just one long compound noun defined in section 2.

    The phrase 'constitutional practice" is not defined, but we must assume means those sections that define rights and obligations without defining specific actions - and as we are witnessing, there are many such 'black holes' in the document.

    So, section 7 says: if the Constitution does not tell you what to do, do whatever you want, so long as it is not prohibited.

    The idea that the President of the Senate can select an interim Prime Minister is not written anywhere but is consistent with our simplified definition of section 7. The only tiny problem is that the Constitution explicitly states that a PM must also be an MP.

    So perhaps our esteemed chief justice would interpret section 7 as saying: if the Constitution does not tell you what to do, do whatever you want, so long as it is not prohibited.

    And remember, this is not a judicial coup; nope, not at all.

    BTW I have always said that, given the House was not going to be able to convene, the Senate would eventually select a new Council of Ministers, but how are they going to ignore the requirement of the PM? I'm sure a carefully worded decree can get around anything, but it also has to overcome the decree itself being potentially unconstitutional! Who wrote this crappy constitution?! Don't ask.

    Question is, which MPs? Can't be from the Feb 2 election as they haven't been sworn in. So, must be from the previous admin. But haven't they lost their status after 30 days like the PM?

    They have indeed lost their status.

    The council of members only consists of 21 cabinet ministers and 1 prime minister in a caretaker role.

    When parliament was dissolved by Yingluck, there was no parliament and so no 'members of parliament' most of those MPs became nothing other than party members. Only the cabinet ministers hold their status as 'caretaker ministers'.

    So really they only need to appoint 22 ministers.... Not a biggie.

    Question is are they still receiving their pay check?

  2. The reaction to pressing the "secession" button was interesting. If I were a redshirt, I'd be smiling at the panic caused to the oligarchy. Call it "autonomy" and figure out a proper strategy for the future. Some form of semi-autonomy may well be the price of peace.

    No country has rules of secession written down as it undermines the nation state. There are many areas of the world that would be happier being liberated from their big brother - often with valid historical reasons.

    This would also not be the first time that the Thai army has had to go and quell discontent up north; indeed, Chavalit was Commander-in-Chief the last time the army put down communist insurgents.

    All they want is a bit of independence for governors and taxes. Hardly ground breaking.

    Not even thaksin sees the value in running a land locked bunch of hills.

    I missed that article can you point it out.

  3. "But did you know that at least every minute somewhere in the world somebody dies, who didn't take supplements ? coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif"

    But did you realise that in the Western world longevity is increasing and most elderly people just eat " ordinary " food mostly home cooked!

    The majority are not fooled by the false claims made by those who peddle expensive "supplements"

    Well I would have to agree with you on a lot of supplements. But I am in a sort of remission on my knee thanks to some supplements. I would be interested in hearing what the elderly people are using. I know most of them see doctors. Also and it might sound cynical but some of them living so long because of supplements have no life now they have been hit with other debilitating fatal diseases that had nothing to do with the supplemental's they could have taken.

    Also I have been in three different facilities where people go to wait and die. Just sit in a wheelchair all day long starring into no where or 100% bed ridden. It is not a pretty sight.

  4. Thanks, Tywais, for the border layer over your SE Asia snapshots. Your maps do, of course, give a very general reflection of the annual agricultural conflagration in SE Asia. That does reflect the general agricultural situation in these rice producing countries, but I have chosen to be more local in observation around the city of Chiang Mai. My area of focus (by FIRMS satellite report) is relatively "local": the Doi Suthep - Pui Protected Area and a 15km radius around it. You might wish to look differently.

    Again, as I have mentioned before, the satellites don't capture it all. They are not overhead all of the time. Smaller fires and fires of short duration are generally not captured. And, having worked with this a little bit, I know that the reported coordinates are not necessarily right on target (They trend to an Eastward error of a couple of hundred meters.) Anyway...

    The good news is that there isn't much to report! I have not yet seen the concentration of clearly agricultural burning of last year along Rte 1095 (the road to Pai) in the general Mae Taeng area, both east and west of the main route north.

    The last time we had a "good year," it was a couple of years ago, as I recall, due to an unusual series of early intermittent rains that limited burning. This year, with quite moderate pollution to date, can not been so characterised. I have no explanation for this. Has the government been successful in its educational mission!! Forgive me for being cynical, but I wonder about that as a convincing reason. To be cynical, maybe it has to do with Yingluck's celebrity appearance at a couple of administrative cake and coffee official meetings. There are not enough economic incentives in place to limit burning as there were decades ago to limit poppy agriculture. Maybe so many farmers are in hock because of late government subsidy payments that they are hesitating to plant in the face of little money for upfront costs and worry over the enormous government stockpiles of rice that Yingluck can't get rid of that will continue to cause a huge problem for the foreseeable future. Farmers are generally not fools.

    So, for now, enjoy relatively clear skies! And, to close, I'll wager that the problem does not come from China. More about that some other time. In the meantime, is there anyone here that might be interested in researching seasonal upper atmospheric wind patterns at various latitudes in combination with seasonal monsoon winds? Take look.

    Yes I have not been keeping up with the technical details so I do not know how much forest fires have affected the city.

    I know that there is fires in Loa and Burma that also have an affect on us. But not how much this year as compared

    to other years. They have the potential to be a large factor.

    Also no I am not a Thai. Just bad luck with getting posts up and edited for a day and a half. Hopefully it is OK now.

  5. E400E220E320E270E400E230E280_E0A0E340E19

    Alas, it's all for naught.

    Late this afternoon, Yarowet Shinawatra has rejected her nomination for Outstanding Woman.

    As per norm for the Shinawatras, the breaking news was posted on Facebook by her daughter..


    Yes it is all for Naught.

    It sure has brought out the anti Shinawatra in people. Not even willing to consider that one of them has a decent side to her.

    Thaksin has certainly attached a stigma to the Shinawatra name and no amount of good can get rid of it. I have absolutely no use for Thaksin and his appointed stooges. Or should I say bought stooges.

    But looking at her track record it goes back before Thaksin became a force. I have to give her credit.

  6. Thank you for your snide comment. I did read your post wrong, I apologise. It wasn't Yarowares you were denigrating for not understanding democracy , it was the government. My question still stands though, who do you think does understand democracy?

    Is it suthep with his campaign to overthrow the (caretaker now) government and replace it with an unelected council, or the democrat party, the party that refused to take part in an election and has apparently abandoned politics for at least 5 years after not voting in the ongoing Royally decreed election?

    Do they understand democracy?

    Do you understand Democracy. 48% with 100% of the power is not Democracy.

    You conveniently over look the fact that Suthep has not suggested an unelected council for good.

    It is just a temporary measure until they can get the government operating in a respectable way by clarifying points in the constitution so there is no misunderstanding and putting in some penalties that will have a real bite to them.

    Also to accomplish this they will have to do some thing about the police department.

    Things like decent wages and no more rank by bribery or nepotism. Also the election system needs a drastic overhaul.

    Just what is it you have against an honest for the people government?wai.gif

    Thailand has hit it's bottom and it is time to start the climb back up. In doing this there will be people getting hurt. The sudden lack of unearned money or freebie's will be very painful for some. That is the price that must be paid on the road to respectability.

    Live with it.

    Before I go can you direct me to the source you have saying Suthep wants to replace the government with the Democrats.

  7. cheesy.gif

    Wow this thread is like a funeral wake.

    What Thailand needs is exactly what Surapong is calling for:

    1. Suthep needs to pack up the last 3 tents and organize a trip back south for the 6 wheelchair grannies

    2. The frivolous, politically motivated law suits need to be dropped

    3. The PDRC individuals with outstanding arrest warrants need to be apprehended by the police and held accountable for their crimes

    4. The Democratic party should probably be disbanded for repeatably boycotting royally sanctioned elections

    5. Might as well round up the PAD crims still on the loose (to show the world that the rule of law is still functioning in LOS)

    6. The ongoing elections must be completed without disruption by the unruly mob and the result must be respected.

    7. The campaign by this lawless mob to prevent payments being made to the innocent rice farmers must be ceased

    8. Abhisit and Suthep should have to front court to face the multiple murder charges hanging over their head

    9. The "popcorners" responsible for firing on and killing police just trying to do their job should by identified and jailed

    10. Lastly, something will have to be done to get that mad monk on the streets out at Chang Wattana

    As soon as we get these things done the SOE is gone and we're back in business

    Chop chop - Songkran is just around the corner

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gif excellent reasoningclap2.gif

    2. The frivolous, politically motivated law suits need to be dropped

    You then with out even stopping to draw a breath post the exact opposite

    3. The PDRC individuals with outstanding arrest warrants need to be apprehended by the police and held accountable for their crimes

    Like I said before have you ever considered writing children's stories?cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  8. "If its leader Suthep [Thaugsuban] still stages the rallies I don't know how to explain to and convince the investors," the chief adviser to the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO) said.

    If i was a potential investor looking at Thailand, weighing the safety of my money, i definitely wouldn't make my decision based on a peaceful rally in a park. My concerns would be, a government that has proven that they can't balance the books, work within the laws of the country, and are destined for dissolution. Money loves stability.

    I would like to add ignores court judgments it doesn't like.

  9. On top of the protest must end, Surapong and his ring circus that's called CMPO also must end before the confidence can be restored. While they going at it, throw in the Y-luck's government, DSI with it too. No one has any confidence in any of this bunch of clowns that they call themselves politicians or "robbers" cloaked as politicians!

    "BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul yesterday urged private sectors to ask the anti-government protesters to end their rally first and then he would help restore confidence of foreign investors to re-investment in Thailand."

    It would appear that the government is more interested in getting people with money to have confidence in them than they are getting their own people to have confidence in them.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    They ALL got the information from one source the Ministry of Transport's Transport Safety Centre Facebook page..?

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Ah, a government ministry. Well they wouldn't lie would they now wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.pngwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>

    The Bangkok post claimed it was PDRC guards.

    The Nation says it was the PCAD guards.

    Sounds more like they get their information from more than one source.whistling.gif

  11. "Somchai said the government promised that the Bt20 billion would be borrowed from the central fund, not just taken from it."

    If the Government promised, rest assured, that they are saying the truth and they will repay the money in unspecified time.

    Good that the farmers will get some money, but in the meantime other sectors will start suffering from the lack of funds.

    A vicious circle, that there is no exit for the foreseeable future.

    Well I have a few mixed feelings on this. Will they be around to pay it?

    I do feel glad to see some money coming to the farmers but it is still Only about 16% or 17% of the money owed to the farmers.

    Who is going to get it? What about the other farmers? The government has not always been honest in their dealings with the farmers.

    I do have one reservation and it shouldn't bother me but it does.

    If the farmers are so desperate why did they not support the anti government protestors. They drove tractors and farm vehicles to Bangkok from distant locations and did nothing they just turned around and went home. How much does it cost to drive a tractor from Issan to Bangkok and back?

    If they are as hard up as they claim to be where did the money come from?

    In my opinion they will probably be the ones getting the 20 billion baht.

    While those who honestly tried to face Yingluck will have to wait.sad.png

    At least it is a sizeable start.

    • Like 1
  12. Here's a recent story from a farang on Facebook who surely has no reason to make things up (click here for link with picture):

    'An upsetting run in Lumpini as Bangkok public space is slowly allowing itself to be taken over by lawless thugs.

    I run in Lumpini park everyday. Today I entered the park at 1pm and on my right was a group of mob guards surrounding one Thai guy. They were intimidating him and put his head between his legs and were hitting him on the head. Maybe the guy did something wrong maybe not, but physical abuse is not okay.

    I saw this and asked them what they were doing and took a picture. The picture upset them and then I told them they were not police, which upset them a bit more... the one guy got quite aggressive in his speech and approached me and said he was a police officer, I once again, told him he wasn't.'

    And here's another incident witnessed by a farang:

    Cyrille Andres @cyrilleandres 4 hrs

    @RichardBarrow I saw an old guy get beaten by PDRC guards there too. And they ran after me when they saw I took pictures.


    Given this, and the stories I mentioned earlier, I have no problem believing that the PDRC guards beat the guy up. I'm not sure I believe that he was just 'relaxing' in the park though.

    I doubt we will ever get the whole story.

    I found it interesting that the runner in the park would tell the guards they are not police. Is he saying it would be OK

    for the police to have been beating the guy. Also how did he know they were guards?

    Notice his opening startement.

    "'An upsetting run in Lumpini as Bangkok public space is slowly allowing itself to be taken over by lawless thugs."

    Right of the bat he is telling us he is prejudiced.

    I wonder if he had not told them they were not police if any one would have pretended to be one.

    Violence is not the answer. The red shirts thought it was and it worked for them. It got the PTP elected. Now they are seeing that it did not end when Her majesty took over the PM office.

    Suthep is urging non violence. But that doesn't mean just let people do any thing they want to do to disrupt the rally or harm some one.

    Remember the red shirts have a history of trying to disrupt opposition rallies.

  13. Definitely strange to keep him for a week in Lumphini before dumping hiim into the river. Other bodies of people with PDRC insignia on them seem to have been murdered and dumped without delay.

    What does a PDRC signature look like?

    Please cite some examples.

    Remember to point out the signature on the body.

    Bottom line is violence is wrong. You can point your finger at Suthep for a lot of things but one thing you can not accuse

    him of is urging violence. There is plenty of films of him urging the opposite.

    Unfortunately the red shirts did not get all the thugs some for reasons of their own decided to free lance.

    Maybe they don't like to have a master. Or maybe they joined the police. Who knows?

  14. I doubt very much that he was wearing the necklace by choice..

    Just want to congratulate you. You finally got some thing rite.

    By the way the article said the PCAD guards not the anti protestor guards.

    Just a little detail which I am quite sure you can turn around to the point where we should be sending flowers to

    Yingluck for her sterling performance and unbeatable leadership through Facebook.

  15. Why don't they drop charges against Abhsit, Suthep, Yingluck & co because none of them are going to be convicted and everyone is just wasting the courts time.

    Don't think Abhist would agree to that. He is willing to face the charges and keep the pressure on the PTP.

    As one poster said what is good for the goose is good for the Gander.

    Just out of curiosity if they were all tried and found guilty where would they do their time.

    Some thing tells me it would be some place most of us couldn't afford on a one month holiday.

  16. Yes, Please, keep Chalerm safe, what would we do if anything happens to him?

    As I was reading the article I was wondering if they are embarrassed to be supporting Chalerm.

    If they really want to support him their are many places in the world that specialize in helping people like him.

    Fly him there.

  17. "...Its operation is still focused on violence prevention and peace keeping"

    "...army continued its operation to prevent the use of lethal weapons, violence and violations of law in all areas during the anti-government protests"

    "...keep a close watch on any activity which might affect national security"

    ".. the army was intent on helping improve the overall situation and it was impartial"

    Above quotes ostensibly the rationale of both the military and Elitist Political forces they represent.

    Not how the electoral majority see it at all.

    Trying to claim security motives is misdirection, when it is in fact Protest support. This is how it is perceived by those who see an attempt to invalidate their votes.

    Ever since 2010 R'song, the military think they can turn on a dime, and mythologize about national security in place of what occurred then..........If National Security is what they are concerned about, they ought to be at the borders.

    They cannot be blamed entirely for R'song however....They were simply the enablers for many of the same coup-mongers on the streets today, who are also trying to advance their cause via the judiciary......These Coupists will often try to whitewash themselves and re-write history, by characterizing the 2006 coup as being a military one.

    Trying to make black seem white, doesn't fly with most people.

    You are correct it does not fly with most people.

    So stop trying to do it.wai.gif

  18. The drivers charge WAY more that normal if you are going to the airport or bus station. If you go to Airport Plaza shopping mall in a songteaw, it is 20 baht from Thapae Gate. If you go another kilometer to the airport, it jumps to something like 100 baht.

    has anyone been able to catch a red bus out of Central Airport Plaza for 20 in recent months? seems like they are charging 30 Bath now. twice we had the need to use a songtaew from there and every songtaew said 30 Bath, fare has gone up only from Airport Plaza - mafia asking for more?? every Thai, even students, wife's family included paid 30 Baht both times. not that i care about 10 Baht and use one every year or so but seems like the same thing that happened at Arcade station about 18 months ago - 40 Bath for everyone because guy in charge or someone at Arcade upped their commission.

    Well to be fair the cost of living has gone up in the last 4 years and I am not one bit surprised that they are now starting to ask for more money.

    If you were working for some body would you not expect a raise in 4 years. Try getting one at the Central Festival Tuck Tuck's 150 baht. Songthaew Can't say. If you are alone it is 150 baht to get them to go or you can sit there and wait for them to get a load. 200 baht to and from Promenada.

    But don't forget all there have free shuttle services.

    I live in the city and use tuck tucks and songthaew's regularly and yes in the last few months I have noticed them asking for more quite often. They are still cheaper than buying a vehicle paying insurance on it and upkeep plus fuel.

    • Like 1
  19. Received an order from iherb last week, took three weeks to arrive, but no problems.

    I keep the order under $50

    If they want to keep it in Bangkok, then I wish them good health.

    My order was under $50 also. Had 15 orders prior to this with no problems. It is pot luck whether or not they decide to flag your package and if they do you might get a call to go to customs in Bangkok with an import authorization letter which I know there is no chance in hell of getting. As with everything here, there is no consistency on how things are done and when something does happen it usually goes against you. Time to make the big move I was planning to do last year. Adios.

    The fact that "there is no consistency" here has worked in your favour on the past 15 Orders, yet you immediately whine when the 16th Order is subjected to the actual regulations?

    Legally, everything Imported into Thailand should be subject to Import Duty Assessment - note the word "assessment", many items are NOT subject to Import Duty but it is the responsibility of the Customs Department to decide that. The simple FACT is that there are so many parcels etc. coming through the normal Post Office system here that only a very small percentage ever get examined by Customs - as you say, it's pot luck, and on your 16th attempt you were caught out.

    So take your ball and make the "big move".


    I am whining because I got subjected to the actual regulations? First, I would have had no problem paying an import duty if that's what it came down to and that would have been a reasonable resolution. Instead I was told I would need to get an import letter from customs in Chiang Mai which makes no sense. There is no way they would issue one and second, there were only a few items, all of which were basic nutritional supplements for personal use so give me a break.

    Along with all the other idiotic things one has to put up with over here, there is also no shortage of idiot remarks one gets when someone makes a post that could be helpful to some others on this forum. I think there are a number of expats who are really miserable over here and they just don't know it or are willing to admit it and Patrick you are one of them. Stay put and keep on posting as I am sure people are in need of the important advice and wisdom you so obviously possess.

    Would you be happy of you had to get the license every time. You beat the system 15 out of 16 times and are going to leave the country because of that.

    Just make sure where ever it is you go it is a nanny country. You won't make it any other country.

    Never ceases to amaze me the number of people who come to Thailand and expect things to be the way they were back home.

    If I had an inkling of a thought like that I would not have come. No I don't enjoy all the differences but the positives far and away out weigh the negatives.

  20. Received an order from iherb last week, took three weeks to arrive, but no problems.

    I keep the order under $50

    If they want to keep it in Bangkok, then I wish them good health.

    My order was under $50 also. Had 15 orders prior to this with no problems. It is pot luck whether or not they decide to flag your package and if they do you might get a call to go to customs in Bangkok with an import authorization letter which I know there is no chance in hell of getting. As with everything here, there is no consistency on how things are done and when something does happen it usually goes against you. Time to make the big move I was planning to do last year. Adios.

    If you want consistency have them send it FedEx.

    I think there is a bit of a problem now between I Herb and customs. I tried to place an order with them last week and they said they were no longer shipping with the Mail. Two days later I tried again and the order was accepted and I received a confirmation letter with the order number on it. They said they would be shipping it in the usual manner.

    They mention orders under $80 for the mail system. This one was $76.

    I believe I received the confirmation 3 days ago. Keeping my fingers crossed. Last time I used therm I got it in 8 daays and had to pay another 7 baht on the postage. No big deal.

  21. That is why I have been saving crops of the firemap to remove the unnecessary elements. Here is todays updated snapshot and I have added a transparent overlay on it to distinguish Thailand.

    attachicon.gifFIREMAP OVERLAY.jpg

    Sorry about that having trouble posting today. I meant mark where Chiang Mai is not Thailand. Been a hit or miss situation on posting for two days now. Good for a while then nothing. Tried to edit it and couldn't.

    Ah, got it. I had just downloaded another overlay map with the cities identified and will try to put that on top of the cropped fire map in the future.

    attachicon.gifFiremap Overlay March 4 2014.jpg

    Thanks looks good.

    Will that be on the one on the first page.

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