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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. Really ,? GBP @ under 45 bht , the new norm .

    If you are getting under 45 you are being shafted.

    I do wish you Remoaners would stop posting spurious figures. Here are a few REAL figures:-

    Government Savings Bank


    Thank you , so mush . @ 45.383 , i can now live a quality life , expected of a ex Brit,, existing in LOS .

    Try it out. You will survive but maybe cut back a little for a while.

    Just think how much more it would cost if you had to live in the UK with all their taxes, rules and regulations.

    yeah could be like the USA. Omg
  2. it is my belief, that until the EU ruling of article 50 has been activated, and run its full coarse ( meaning the UK has finally broken the tether ), the Uk has no rights to enter into any trade talks.with any potential trade partners, as they are technically still a member of the EU.

    nonsense! The new trade minister Liam Fox is actively talking to numerous countries. EU can't stop "talks"
  3. Just think . All those expensive imported Waitrose food products in Central/Tops stores currently with 100% "luxury" tariffs could be accessible in 2 years, and other UK companies free from the EU shackles. Opportunities are boundless. Take note "Remainiac" deniers! The EU project is beginning a slow death!

    I have a feeling that no matter what any agreement may or may not say, those 'luxury' tariffs will not be going anywhere and that the 'free' part of the deal will be east to west only.

    Indeed. Same as when the UK press attempting to entice voters with cheaper wine, and cheese and ... And what happened? Everything doubled in price.

    "Double in price" because of what? And when did that happen ?
  4. Just think . All those expensive imported Waitrose food products in Central/Tops stores currently with 100% "luxury" tariffs could be accessible in 2 years, and other UK companies free from the EU shackles. Opportunities are boundless. Take note "Remainiac" deniers! The EU project is beginning a slow death!

    I have a feeling that no matter what any agreement may or may not say, those 'luxury' tariffs will not be going anywhere and that the 'free' part of the deal will be east to west only.
    a " feeling " Ah Nothing to back it up!
    Correct; that is what a feeling is. Just like when you wrote "All those expensive imported Waitrose food products in Central/Tops stores currently with 100% "luxury" tariffs could be accessible in 2 years" with nothing to back it up.
    Difference is what I pointed out is far more likely considering Thailand is looking for a FTA. Your "feeling" is no more than ...um what it is!
  5. Just think . All those expensive imported Waitrose food products in Central/Tops stores currently with 100% "luxury" tariffs could be accessible in 2 years, and other UK companies free from the EU shackles. Opportunities are boundless. Take note "Remainiac" deniers! The EU project is beginning a slow death!

    I have a feeling that no matter what any agreement may or may not say, those 'luxury' tariffs will not be going anywhere and that the 'free' part of the deal will be east to west only.
    a " feeling " Ah Nothing to back it up!
  6. To anyone who visits BKK first time and uses BTS and sees long queues to get coins to join another queue to purchase a ticket. I say welcome to the city of inefficiency and inconvenience, if you haven't found out already !

  7. Victory !!!

    I agree. But the handling of Brexit is far worse than Brexit itself.

    So far I think they're deliberately screwing it up to scupper it.

    The BBC and MSM is awash with the most intense scaremongering I've ever witnessed.

    Every time the MSM is against something I assume it to be good, and vice versa, More and more people seem to have started to see through the MSM and their attempts at manipulating public opinion. But the fun thing is now even the politicians are showing their true colors for all to see, just check the tweets etc from major European leaders and politicians lol. They start seeing the emperor naked.

    the EU was built for the benefits of the elites ultra rich, banks or huge multinationals,the huge list of EU regulations made the multinationals happier because it insured a monopoly on the market so no small-mid size business will be able to compete, just imagine that the British MEPs failed to Block 84% of EU Laws of all time, this isn't a democracy, EU lawmakers managed to outvote UK politicians.

    Greenland was the first country to leave the EU on 1985 nothing catastrophic happened to them, UK can negotiate a new prosperous trade treaties with the US, Canada, Brazil, India, China and all high growth economies just like what Switzerland is doing, China is selling to the EU and it has no trade treaty whatsoever, Nothing like being told how to run your finances or industry by a bunch of unelected elites in Brussels, Its like living in a house full of room mates. Some are well off but the others trash the place, allow uninvited strangers to move in and then hit you up for more cash when they f*%$#k up for the 100th time. Time to move.

    Apparently you believe that the further away a country is from the UK, the more opportunity there is. Sensible people know that proximity is hugely important in trade. Let me see know, what's the closest market to the UK....I give up. Too difficult a question.
    the ignorance of some!Proximity of country is not the most important factor in selling products and services in a global world.
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