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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. Also, please explain to Bangkokians the rational and the sense that are behind the decisions to start

    3 major projects at the same time, and who's behind it and pushing it to be so at the expense

    of the people, Bangkok have been without electric trains for over 100 years

    and couple more year would not make any different here if the 3 project were to spread over a

    longer period to avoid the traffic mess,

    please don't be logical.and rational and expect the place where neither happens to occur!
  2. If the UK votes for Brexit, I shall move back to Luxembourg where I am currently resident, apply for Luxembourgish citizenship and, assuming I get it, my British passport can go down the toilet to be washed away by all the bullshit from the Brexit camp.

    To leave the EU, to me, would be an act of treason to all our friends and allies in the EU who have put up with our non-stop moaning about it since the day we joined. If Brexit is the decision then I hope the EU screws Britain over in every possible way it can and there will be plenty of ways...trust me, I used to work there!

    Luxembourg City, Frankfurt and Paris all want a piece of the action currently enjoyed by the City of London; with a free hand and no veto from the UK they can make life very, very difficult for the City and very easy for the European capitals who want that business. Go ahead leave! Bear in mind that if the UK wants to continue selling into Europe, they still have to meet all the current European standards and any new ones that the EU drams up but the UK gets no say in what they might be.

    Oh and by the way, once the UK has left, you can employ and train 1000s or maybe 10s of 1000s more civil servants to take over all the administrative jobs that are currently done by EU agencies like EASA, the European Aviation Safety Agency who look after pilot training standards, aircraft type licensing, Europe wide air traffic control issues, the European airline blacklist and a host of other rather important safety related jobs, the European Medicines Agency who look after drug licensing in the EU, the European Chemicals Agency who look after chemical safety, the European Maritime Safety Agency the list is endless. I guess Britain can make use of some of the 100s of British EU civil servants who will presumably lose their jobs once Britain leaves as they will no longer meet one criterion for employment in the EU civil service; namely that an EU civil servant shall be a citizen of a member country. At least if they were previously EU civil servants they will be competent and highly trained unlike their British counterparts; am I being unfair to the British civil service? No I am emphatically not! The British civil service seem to be incompetent to run even the smallest project ( http://tartley.com/?p=229 ) as if the disaster that was the ID Database project wasn't bad enough, there was the much vaunted CSA the child support agency that made millions of people's lives a complete misery and completely failed to achieve any of its goals; some might say, failed to achieve anything at all! Then there was tax credits system which failed to pay people who needed and were entitled to money but paid out £ billions to fraudsters instead. However, the the daddy of them all has to be the NHS IT project which has so far cost the British taxpayer £10 billion, yes that's right TEN THOUSAND MILLION POUNDS Sterling and it is a complete, total failure. The last estimate I read from the government's own auditors said that around 60% of the government's projects were in danger of failure. The British civil service is one of the least competent in the entire western world and the Brexiters want it to take on roles like aviation safety and medicine safety...really???

    a rant of fiction if ever I've seen
  3. Watch them get a pardon after 6 months.

    Another expert on the Thai justice system (not).
    don't need to be an expert.They won't do 2 years. .Got It

    You do not know what you are talking about.

    Why should they not do 2 years ?

    Any decision on early release is dependent on certain criteria, like good behaviour.

    Got it ?

    I know how it works here better than you. Got it!-won't do 2years
  4. I lived on Koh Phangan for 5 years and saw this a dozen times; Thai men/boys always attack in groups, it's like they never heard of a one-one-one deal or they are too wimpy to engage someone on their own.

    Once the punches and feet start flying their spineless buddies start in and it becomes mob rule, usually 4 or 5 or more guys against one hapless, usually drunk farang.

    The name for a female cat comes to mind, I hope these clowns get a taste of their own medicine in the monkey house.

    because most are cowards and either fight in groups or use a knife or gun.Two years?pathetic sentence considering the fact they won't do 2 years
  5. I just hope nobody calls him a genius, he was certainly a good boxer in his day but not a patriotic American, and hardly a modest man, nor a good husband or father. He was a serial adulterer and misogynist. Many of his early views were very racist. Certainly an icon of the 60's who had some good qualities despite his faults.

    not patriotic? Idiotic nonsense! Because he didn't fight in Vietnam and fought racism
  6. When temples become commercialized.

    First Wat Pra Sing now Wat Chedi Luang.

    Soon they will all charge, which is ridiculous in my opinion.

    Money should come form the heart trough donations.

    Maybe these big tour buses full with Chinese could make some sort of a collection before entering the temple compounds.

    Religion is free and so should it be to go and pray at any church or temple.

    Also for the abbot if he want to make money he should consider the tour operator contracts run is from November till end October and are already send out for 2017..

    So operators visiting this temple can not inflate their prices any more and will skip the temple, which mean even lesser donations.

    40 bath is not a lot , but for a bus with 40 persons it adds up.

    I will be looking forward to see how this greedy story ends.

    Nonsense, the entrance fee into UK cathedrals and greater churches ranges from ten to twenty Pounds not 40 baht!

    a bit out of touch up there in CM, .Charges to.churches and cathedrals in.UK. Nonsense!!!
  7. Why should anyone think ANY different? Unless it's from the bigots who believe everyone who isn't a

    open door to all migrants is racist, That was the line peddled by the Labour losers from 97~2010,and the liberal parts of the media.

    Tsk tsk, such venom Alfred, are we not having a good day or what!

    perfect day
  8. Why should anyone think ANY different? Unless it's from the bigots who believe everyone who isn't a

    open door to all migrants is racist, That was the line peddled by the Labour losers from 97~2010,and the liberal parts of the media.

  9. If Brexiteers implement a points based immigration system as they have said they would, only those workers with the right skills etc would be allowed to remain. But EU countries would do similar hence the potential exists for the UK to loose up to 2 million EU workers who want to be here and would receive in return, 1.2 million UK workers who were resident in the EU and who don't want to be here, or (pro rata). Hmm, that doesn't sound like a particularly good idea to me, does it seem like a good idea top anyone else? Enforced return of the expat, either through economic or juristic means, we got our sovereignty back so now you WLL come back and enjoy it


    more lies from "in crowd",ANY points based system would apply to.NEW immigrants. Post your fiction,it goes in one ear and out the next of most folk!
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