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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. Jesimps

    Source was the Times but also it was raised and confirmed by James O'Brian. Look it up, it's not difficult

    As for Cameron saying he would trigger article 50 directly after the referendum, well he couldn't could he. By resigning he hands over the responsibility of the timing to his successor. It takes three months from that point for a new PM to be found and appointed and as soon as she/he is then she/he can push the button as soon or as late as she/ he decides. Lets see what happens then shall we?

    I loved Nigel's full blown rant at the EU meeting. I think it is always good to attack and insult the people you are going to be negotiating with. Guarantees you will get the best deal that way.

    He won't be negotiating! turncoat Boris and the other renegade tories have purposely cut Nigel Farrage out of the negotiating team.
    "turncoat Boris? It's the remainers ,such as Theresa May who kept low profile and waited to see who won . It's called cowardice
  2. FTSE100 closed yesterday at 5982, up 8% on year low & higher than 12 days ago, but UK media crack on with their biased negative press! Rome planning multi-billion euro rescue of precarious banking system as Italy's bank shares collapse in aftershock of Brexit. The weak EU financial markets are in real shit ,Italy and Spain .post-185211-14671251353753_thumb.jpg

  3. In this Brexit case it has been obvious the majority of (a lot of obviously uninformed) voters made their decision with their heart and NOT with their brain. The demand for a new refendum confirms this.

    16 million voted Remain. How many have demanded a new referendum? 2-3 million from around the planet? That is hardly confirmation.

    I recall a meme or whatever they're called. March of the Zombies. It showed a line of young people, all staring into their smartphone. Too busy to see what's going on around them. That's the 57% of 18 - 24 year olds who didn't vote, and are whinging now.

    Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

    57%? More like 65%
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