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About allanos

  • Birthday January 14

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    Johannesburg, South Africa

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  1. Why is it that the Left (Dems) always play the man and not the ball? They seem to be incapable of making objective, balanced judgements and delight in savaging the man! I am not a US voter, but, in my mind, Biden - who is a corrupt, political hack whose term in office is littered with bed economic and social policy of enormous magnitude - is the greater of, let's say, two evils. Take a look - objectively - at his term compared with Trump's, and be a fair judge as to when America was a better place.
  2. Quite right, Normandy, a momentary lapse! The rest of my statement stands.
  3. Perhaps he is alluding to the fact that, after Hitler's betrayal, the Russians kept the German forces split. The Nazis were bogged down on the Eastern Front unable to commit all of their forces to Western Europe, and where, potentially, the success of the Dunkirk landings and subsequent offensive might have had a diametrically different outcome. Some 20 million Russians lost their lives in defence of their Motherland; German troop losses amounted to hundreds of thousands of men, not to mention the volume of materiel lost or destroyed.
  4. You may be right, I haven't looked at it. But there is a huge difference in percentage terms in each country. The impact (of Muslim population) is much more noticeable in the United Kingdom, and, frequently, are much more vocal and activist than in the USA. Vance is like the all-too-typical American, doesn't know much about what is going on outside of his own country. For example, ask an American to find Africa on a world map - it takes forever!
  5. I don't recall bars on the windows but that might depend on the service provider. I travelled 2ac sleeper in both directions Mumbai - Goa. About 11/12 hours each way, about 2000 Rs or so.
  6. Agree about the culture and the overall experience. I haven't tried in Thailand - yet - but did do India last October. Similar experience, it seems. I would think twice before doing something like that again, but am really glad that I braved it.
  7. Yes, good comment! I did take a look at the PIT scale and you are correct that the top rate is 35% The same scale applies to income from crypto. There is also the possibility of paying a 15% withholding tax (WHT) on crypto income, but this would then be an input credit against actual tax due. It is possible that this deduction is left to each individual exchange to apply or not. The ultimate answer may be to cash out in a country where no tax is payable (e.g. UAE, Singapore, Georgia and many others) and then remit to Thailand. If the amounts are large enough, then a personal visit may make some sense. It probably needs further investigation but there do appear to be some loopholes.
  8. That's very useful. Thanks for your help.
  9. Thanks that's very helpful, especially the second part which I had not given any thought to. Do you have some idea what the scale of tax is in Thailand at the moment, I have been out of the loop for a couple of years?
  10. Can anyone tell me the best way to cash out bitcoin to fiat, locally? Can it be done with a local crypto exchange? Or is it a case of selling the bitcoin on a local crypto exchange, converting it to a stablecoin, and cashing that out with a compliant bank? Any helpful comments or replies are appreciated.
  11. His "domestic problems" in Finland, so very far away, must have been extreme to prompt him to take such a cruel egress. Cherchez la femme!
  12. Corrective laser surgery and cataract surgery are not the same thing. I support all of those who have had successful cataract surgery. My vision had been greatly impaired in both eyes with cataracts which I left untreated for quite some time. But I took the plunge. I cannot speak to present cost, but to economise, rather than have multi-focal intra-occular lenses implanted, I went for monovision as mentioned by Sheryl. The ophthalmologist had stated that there was a 5-7% possibility that the surgery would not be successful. My second eye was treated around 4 weeks after the first implant was done. For around ten years now, I drive, read, watch tv etc all without any other reading aids. The cataract surgery gave me a new lease on life.
  13. Irrespective of the OP's personal status, the person requiring a visa, if a Ugandan citizen or permanent resident, will be required to apply at the nearest Thailand consulate, either in Kampala or in a country close by, eg Nairobi, Kenya.
  14. The more egregiously "progressive", whatever that means, the more defining of "woke" something is, it seems to me. There appears to be some sort of competition, from the those one identifies as members of the "liberal-left- loony establishment, to outshine each other with more and more far-out pronouncements and edicts. Mr Biden was quick to identify this movement early in his presidency, to show that he "get's it", and America will suffer the consequences. And woe betide if he is followed by Kamala! Personally, I don't like Maher either; he's a bit of a political opportunist and swims with the tide.
  15. Farang 1, Monkey Lady 0! I view the hubris of this scoreline as the major issue with the OP's post. If anything, it should be the other way around. Monkey Lady 1, Farang zero. So he brow-beat and got one-over on a dirt-poor, unsophisticated, poorly-educated old lady who, it is presumed, has never had the advantages that he has had in his life, and then goes online to brag about it! Smug, complacent and self-satisfied doesn't begin to describe it. It is not a Thai vs Farang thing at all, but a question of humanity and compassion, in my view.
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