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Everything posted by A1Str8

  1. I was just about to get the 4th or 5th i can't remember vaccine when I was in Europe but then the war in Ukraine started and convid seemed to have disappeared without a trace. The gov stopped talking about it. Now I want my vaccine against the war. I cannot in good conscience get my 4th convid vaccine knowing what's going on in Ukraine. I want to first have at least 3 vaccines against that but they don't have it. So I am back to TH and am very disappointed because nobody let's me get vaccinated.
  2. Yo best bet is to negotiate a long lease. Buying brand new is for dummies. Buying sec hand isn't worth it. You get it you use it you spend quite a bit on upkeep then sell it years later for much less coz of depreciation. But don't lease from a business. Find a nice family who has several cars and is willing 2 give you one. Negotiate a price that's good for both of you. He pays for maintenance coz it's his car.
  3. Why, he thought that it was gonna stay closed and we would have no place to go and pay for sex?
  4. Over the years I never got scammed by them once. They can only scam those that have a pea brain.
  5. I am a huge fan of ai. Made it a lot easier to make money.
  6. Russians usually opt for more violent methods when in need of money. What's with the begging? That is out of character.
  7. He rented it on Dec 2021. They reached the conclusion that he should be booked on Feb 2023. Took them more than a year wow I am impressed. They must have been busy arresting the real criminals. Whose names should be withheld coz no advertising allowed.
  8. Of course we get better treatment. We have mo money, madam.
  9. I think there should be no rules reg vaping anywhere. By now it's established that they're more harmful than cigarettes. Which means all the idiots who willingly destroy themselves will pass. Only the smart ones remain. What's the holdup?
  10. I didn't speak ill of him. Just stated facts. Besides i don't stop at popo checkpoints.
  11. This nonsense. Imagine if you also decided to establish a criminal gang and named it government. You would be untouchable automatically.
  12. Dumb f...s here trying to make fun of him because he used the nickname longevity and now he's dead. Don't worry you can't go lower than that.
  13. He starts the article with.. As an American i always try to blend in when I travel. When was the last time you tried to blend in if you're from the US? Just shut up????????. You don't even know how to do that.
  14. If you won't have enough money to renew then obv sell short.
  15. Nobody cares if he was asleep. The b*tch still stabbed the wife. And nobody asked the b*tch to drink alcohol if his weak little body couldn't take it. I hope to bump into him in Canada, he is going to be effectively asleep once again.
  16. Yes it's been ongoing for a very long time. Chuwit just realized it or what? Last time I bumped into his daughter in the States, she was driving a Benz. Don't be jelly Chuwit, you ain't the only thug around.
  17. Who told them to hand over any amount of money to the coppers? If they did nothing wrong then don't pay. Be taken to the cop shop and get released soon coz there's nothing against them. But no they had to be carrying illegal items. Therefore braking the law. Then wonder why corrupt cops break the law. Some people are just way too intelligent.????????????????????????????????
  18. We don't know whether they're bar girls or not. The definition of a bar girl is a girl who does not prostitute themselves for a little money like workers but prostitute themselves for a lot of money earned in a few hours as opposed to entire day shifts. Either way every person does what's in their best interest and we all go after the money. So it's not the bar girls you should avoid. It's more about relying very heavily on common sense and cold logic. Not one of the bar girl ripped off foreigner stories could have ever taken place if men used their brain instead of allowing their out of control emotions to run a train on them the moment they saw a woman.
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