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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 3 hours ago, tweedledee2 said:

    I've had similar issues as the OP when viewing videos attached to Yahoo articles, Fox News etc. several times over the last 2 months.  The first time, I updated the drivers which didn't resolve the issues. Running HP Diagnostics couldn't find a problem. After restarting the laptop everything was back to normal. So now I just restart.

    Listening to Fox NEWS????? To Fake NEWS? 

    No need to fix anything 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 6 hours ago, ParadiseLost said:

    We have the pleasure of one of these lucky recipients of a pardon living nearby. He has started his own 'business' raising roosters and nobody is prepared to confront him, even the landlord has given up asking for rent. The noise is driving everyone nuts! After living here 15 years I am now forced to move, perhaps out of Thailand as the place seems to be going backwards (and it never got very advanced).


    Would it not make more sense to build larger prisons?


    Or exterminate the filth?

    And where is the connection to robbery and stabbing or gold necklace???

    • Confused 4
    • Sad 2
  3. 42 minutes ago, baboon said:

    I am afraid I am inclined to agree with Worgeordie. If Ja New was wanted dead, his body could easily have been found having met an unimaginably grisly ending.


    But that does not excuse the kicking he took, which is another matter. And alas, I fear justice will never be served on the scum who attacked this brave and principled young man. Why? Well I think we know why...

    You think if 5 men as a group attack this one poor guy they wouldn't fail to kill? 

    Oh dear, good that this did not happen. Teaching a lesson?

    Maybe it was his lucky day.

    But to doubt that his story is somehow fishy as Wargeordie did is a no Go. 

    He should have had condemned the attack. 

    But as he admitted he's a grumpy old man ????????????

  4. 3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    Why can't Trump just shut his big mouth?  He almost never knows what he's talking about.  An utter embarrassment to the formerly proud USA.  And every time Trump says something stupid, our friends overseas ask "How can this guy ever become President?  What is wrong with the USA?" 

    Well, you deserve what are you voting for. 

    But honestly I pity you. It's embarracing in these days to show your American passport? 

    I hope Americans will not grant this disabled? Loud speaker a second term 


  5. 9 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    What have I got to apologise for ?.your a very sensitive and thin skinned person.

    if you think anything i posted was disgusting or offending, in my opinion the man

    was never attacked by 5 men with sticks or clubs,just look at the photo ,its says

    it all,hardly any bruises,no cuts,no blood, he got roughed up a bit,that's it .


    If you want to see someone who was really attacked with a stick,go to Chiang Mai,

    forum, and check out the guy who was attacked in Pai,and is in Hospital,see the

    difference .on second thoughts you better not,it might upset you.


    regards worgeordie

    Your reaction reminds me of an old grumpy man. 

    Good Luck,

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

    I am not ,have not, said the man was not attacked,it just was not by 5 men

    with sticks, it's more like 5 men slapped him about a bit,,and just by the photo

    you must come to the same conclusion,but for whatever reason cannot see it,

     Bringing in Trump goes to show you have lost the debate,sorry.


    regards worgeordie

    Well, I did not expect at any point to hear an apology but guess there is a lot of stubborness which will prevent you from admitting sending disgusting comments. 

    Next time please think twice before sending offending posts. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

    Yes, I am in doubt in what he said,do you believe everything ,

    everybody says,if so you are very nieve, A picture says a 1000

    words,and the picture says he was not attacked by 5 men,with

    sticks (unless they were drumsticks), are we looking at the same

    picture?,now this post will disgust ,revile,and upset you even more !

    maybe you need a new pair of eyeglasses ?


    regards worgeordie

    Well, it shows ME, that not only Trump got a lack of moral and character. 

    As you would know best there are a lot of fake NEWS. However there is no doubt about it that this man was beaten up. This is to condemn. And everybody with common sense and a higher standard of morality will do so. 

    My judgement about you did not change.

  8. 5 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

     So why is my comment disgusting ?,all i said is this man

    does not look like he has been attacked by 5 men with clubs,

    like i said you must be either blind or stupid to think he has.

    regards worgeordie

    Your disgusting and disrespecting comment implement a doubt of being attacked by 5 men, because he looks too good with his injuries. 

    You should apologise publicly. 

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