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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 1 hour ago, vandeventer said:

    Not so right this time. India is a democrat and republic state since 1947 and the worlds population is 7,953,952,577 


    Those mentioned countries are allied and voted for Putin in UN.

    (I'm not counting little countries as eg Vanuatu or Seychellen also)

    So take in account that 3 billion people agree with Putin.

    And half of the world are undemocratic states.


    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Onerak said:

    This will encourage the authority to at least stick to their original plan further relaxation and work towards increasing boosters to reduce death. In the month of March, the infected arrival percentage was 0.56. THey have to also monitor the infection rate that must be normalized to each country's infection rate per millions as we can see deaths are increasing all over Europe, specially UK, France, and Germany. USA is still holding steady with only 30% boosters and far less vaccination rate. 

    Sure, deaths are increasing. If you have 15 Million people unvaxxed eg Germany, then those stupid will be infected in a large amount and have to die of stupidity.????

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. 9 hours ago, RandiRona said:

    Hahaha....so China is just assembling stuff by sourcing parts from all over the world. Note to Thai government. Go directly to source countries for original submarines rather than getting a retrofitted copy.

    Well, they tried it indeed and traveled to a shipyard in Germany.

    However, the price was obviously far beyond expectations.

    Probably it was a nice trip eventually.????

  4. 7 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Why in all these years they never came up with even a single plan “aiming” for more Europeans? Always their plans are for these following countries more 1.Indians  2.Arabs and 3.Russians 4.Chinese. What’s so bad about aiming for more Europeans?????????

    Europeans are too dangerous for Thai govt and society.

    They now all...,and better. And give ideas and even advises. 

    Who is aiming for those people?????

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, rott said:

    Whether or not having alcohol available makes some people happier is their business.

    Thaiwrath was commenting on drink driving not on having a drink. Which I'm sure he feels is not "too" bad, as you almost said. 

    I know. Many addicts pretend "having a drink" is not too bad. In their imagination having a drink doesn't mean not be able to drive. Is 50 fatalities on Thailand's roads is not enough?? Day by day?.

    So restrictions should have implemented long time ago already. No booze on Songkran!

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