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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 5 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    The generals are in fight mode and pulling out all the stops to curb free speech and access to every persons right to information available. This is not looking good. Amnesty International, Thailand, also getting kicked out last I heard.

    Well, as you can see in all dictatorships......so no surprise at all. They should ask China how to do. Easy as that.

    I personally would not live here.????

  2. 12 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Guess the sky is the limit with Omicron.  It has been elsewhere, but as quickly as it went up elsewhere it went downwards.  However, from when the first cases were found here in Thailand Omicron has not acted like it has elsewhere until just the past 5 days, so one has to ask themselves why?  What is so different about Thailand that the virus acts completely out of character before it takes off just like with Delta and the original strain.......

    Omicron started everywhere very slowly increasing speed after weeks.

    So the expertise of this doc might be OK. 

    And don't forget his brain is working not damaged by poisoning black hair color.????

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