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Posts posted by iamanisland

  1. Simple the use of MSG - used in Everything,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YUK stuff stay away from it !!!


    Oh, PLEASE, do not start down this road...Western processed food (which is what most Westerners eat) if FULL of MSG, way more than most (well-prepared) Asian food...the criminalization and orientalization of MSG--which is just a SPICE, for crying out loud--by self-righteous Westerners irks me to no end...

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Please, the comments too MSG are just 1 reason (and not the only one) too the op's questions, there are other reasons too which are being shared.

    But your mere sugestion that MSG is a "spice" ??? Oh my!!!! I know education is not high on the agenda for most but please just look at the full name.

    "Monosodium glutamate" which part of that name suggest "spice"??

    It is a man made chemical compound. To minick the naturally occurring acids fiund in some foods. Think the japanese are responsible for its creation? Not sure and cant be arsed to check. Thats not the point of this thread. I think even a first grade student could tell you this. Chemistry not your strong point.

    Thank you for informing us that most westerners eat processed food. Thats quite a sweeping statement.

    I oftern wondered why asian supermarkets carry rows and rows of instant noddles. Know I understand its for westerns to buy and consume.

    Next you will be telling us fish sauce is naturally occuring. Does it come from the fishes anus???

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  2. Simple the use of MSG - used in Everything,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YUK stuff stay away from it !!!


    Oh, PLEASE, do not start down this road...Western processed food (which is what most Westerners eat) if FULL of MSG, way more than most (well-prepared) Asian food...the criminalization and orientalization of MSG--which is just a SPICE, for crying out loud--by self-righteous Westerners irks me to no end...

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Heck, I just love food and Thai food is right up there with the best. And the places I usually frequent do not use MSG (and not a single study has conclusively found that MSG is harmful anyway).

    No one ever said here MSG is harmful and yes it is found naturally in some food products.

    Just answering the OP's question "why is the food so good in Thailand?"

    Answer is possibly because of the vast quanities of MSG. If you dont beleave then try this experiment.

    Buy can of regular dog meat, split it in 2 parts then add 150g MSG too 1 half and none to the other half. Cook both and serve with rice.

    Guess what... 1 tastes yummy the other tastes like shit. I rest my case. However a friend sugested try the experiment with human excrement.

    Ok thats not for me but I think it will bring same results.

    Please read the OP's question again. This is just my answer to that and nothing to do with if MSG is good or not.

    Thats in another post.

    But food for thought Thailand is the 2nd biggest users of MSG next to china. Giving china's population to Thailand then if you are not using MSG then everyone else must be.

    Best regards and happy eating.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. I enjoyed my lunches more in Taiwan than in Bangkok.


    In fact, I've just developed a bit of a craving for some Taiwan lunches...



    Me too!

    In general bkk food over priced and generally average.

    And getting very tired of being dragged around because some MSG lover says the most famous chicken rice can be had in this place or you have to go here for the most "famous" tom yum.

    Be warned the only thing famous about any of these places are the queues of people all trying to be there because its the most "famous".

    The food at the "so famous" places is generaly below average. Maybe its just the 2 hour wait just to get a table that pee's me off the most.

    Looking on the plus side at least I get too "check in" on facebook at the resturant and take pictures of my lovely msg laced food (even if it tastes like shit) and the big bonus is I can photograph my 15000 thb meat receipt with my credit card!

    Then people will really think im something. Right??????? Just have to try and hide my 100 thb shirt I brought from Chatuchak market thats all........

    How too explain the life of lemmings to your thai gf???

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  5. Sorry for such a long post up there but as I say a little education is very dangerous.

    So the world informs us of the dangers if smoking and harmfull sun rays. But ut never educates us on all the other billion things in the world.

    Dont even gete started on diet drinks and

    Aspartame. I bet they dont teach that one in schools here????

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. Let the mostly people smoke but i don't know why. If every individual person eat healthy (url link deleted by moderator) and make a good health. Avoid to smoke here Because smoking is very bad habbit. it's gain a cansor.

    See above. Dont think anything that contains artificial additives can be considered healthy.

    And as for smoking well its a free world and those ppl who wish to smoke let them smoke. Its great for the economy lots of lovely tax on cigarettes.

    Fact number 1:

    Smoking does not cause cancers. However there is overwhelming proof it can increase the risk of the all ready present cells in your body to become agitated and agressive. Thus triggering more and more malignant cells to divide and multiple without chance of there destruction through your normal immune system.

    Fact number 2

    Smoking will supress your bodies immune system.

    Fact number 3

    Smoking is not a cause of death. You will find no death certificates with the words "COD: Smoking.

    Fact number 4

    All of the worlds oldest ppl I.e. those 100 years and above have all smoked and drank in moderation and have gone on to live a long long life. Oldest I beleave is/was 116 years.

    Fact number 5

    Cancers that are agrevated by smoking, the main ones being lung and throat are in fact in the minority of all cancers that form. Cancers in the lungs that agrevated by smoking start on the inside of the lungs only. However there are more cancers diagnosised where the cancers are on the outside of the lungs these are normally a tributed to industrial affects.

    Fact number 6

    Skin cancer is way way up on the list than lung cancer. Most cause of this being triggered is from industrial products and the sun.

    Summary: True smoking can increase the risks of you contracting a nasty aggressive cancer. But then alot of things in the world can too.

    Long exposure to the sun.

    Breathing car bus and truck fumes.

    Chemical products ie cleaning agents

    Aircon in the home if not maintained

    Cement and concrete dust in the air from all the construction.

    Spray painting in fact all painting can the harmful.

    Garage mechanic playing in old engine oil all day.

    The cook smelling lpg and burnt palm oil everyday. And on and on.......

    One last thing for asia ppl. Hidding yourselves from the sun in the way only asian do mainly for vanity and scare of cancer is probably doing yourself more harm than good. One of the only true sources of vitamin D is from the sun. Are bodies need this or we will die.

    Covering yourself and hiding in your darken aircon rooms from 6am till 6.30pm everyday has a dire effect on your health can surpresses the bodies natrual way of protecting you from the sun. If this continues from generation to generation asian city dwellers will no longer be able to go out side without forming skin cancers because there body will have no record of how to do this. Also no sun = depression and sudden mood changes.

    Ok I think thats enough for now.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. I new to this forum and new to the fabled story of gary and the AA and the other guy was it peter???

    Having some conections within the AA I was interested.

    Anyway a few well placed questions later by phone and you will get ypur answers to your concerns.

    I would appreciate if ppl would not post without research. Do some and then post back.


    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. New beer price increase.

    At a % right?? So whats the realities?

    Silom this afternoon large singha bottle now 225 thb tgats from 185 thb yesterday.

    Local to me otherside of bangna 95 thb from 85 thb.

    Maybe the schooling is mathmatics is really that bad after all.

    Any more accounts please

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  9. Page addition no longer possible for long time. Think us passport holders still can????? Help??

    Totaly agree go anywhere where there is a uk embassy and apply there or as said apply in hong kong. Thailand embassies seem to be a problem in service and time to process. Correct pls if im wrong??

    Off topic slightly, but even in the big eu this is now a problem to get replacement if you dont live in paris or germany thats it thanks to the closure of consulate services all over.

    Rant over.


    Follow the lastest info from the guys here. Upto date info is king.

    My last passport I got issued from fco was in bombay 3 years ago. Reason was the same as yours. They copied the pages and gave old passport back. 7 days later a phone call and it was ready for collection no problems.

    The last bit of advice I give.... go for the 48 page passport, For me I was finishing a passort about every 3 years. 48 page one helps a little and the extra cost against hastle is worth it.

    And correct you get a little extra my last issed dec 2009 and exp is now sept 2020.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Normally I carry passport all the time if moving away from condo and especially if in more touristy areas of bkk.

    Have taken to just carrying a photo copy of passport detail page and visa and stamp etc too.

    However I did read on a form (I cant remember which one it was now) about a guy who was stopped asked for passport to which he offered his gsm with pictures of his passport and visa etc. He also declared that this was of no problem to the officer that stopped him.

    Now we all know that its better to have your passport on you at all times and that is what is required. Also I appreciate that it is really down to the officer that stops you and his discretion.


    Does anyone else have the experience in being stopped only offering electronic pictures of there details??

    Just intrested as I always remember the gsm but sometimes the passport gets forgotten.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. Welcome to the lovely world of the Belgian foreign diplomatic posts Posted Image


    You really have to squeeze the info out of them, either by e-mail or in person. Very hard to find out something over the phone.


    The info on their website is useless, a lot of it is out of date, so relying on that would probably set you up for lots of unwelcome surprises.


    About 5 months ago I checked the website for more info on marriage and the required documents. One item was that Belgians living in Thailand need to have a yellow house book (Tabien Baan). Thinking this is rather odd (not that many foreigners are registered in a yellow housebook, and it's not exactly an easy procedure either unless owning a condo).


    So I wrote an e-mail, and I did receive a reply within 2 working days, stating that I "correctly noticed the info on the website needs to be updated". They wrote it will happen "very soon". Almost 6 months later the wrong info is still there for all to mislead!


    They did immediately inform me of the proper requirements though, so I guess you'll be informed per email on the proper possibilities soon.


    Belgium you either love it or hate it.... but I actually love the place. Thanks for the post. Sounds soo soo familiar!

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  12. Hehehehe.... (childish giggle) sorry.

    This is my worry.

    I will say it and im sure you guys have herd it a million times but now its my turn.

    "Im not trying to cheap the system" just trying to find what doors are open and which doors will close when I open the first door. Being that, if I put myself there I will be on such a short time scale just want the best.

    I have the mind that if all goes wrong we return to asia she can work easy for sure and I put my feet up again.

    But we have a shot at "somthing better" so want to give it ago.

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  13. Ok yes been reading all day again.

    I like option "A" too but if refused etc how to apply for std schengen after that?

    As stated at the begining I already have belgium residency and id card and im british so that should be no problem.

    Letter of intent/ contract for work all possible. No accommodation for now which kind of makes me alittle ileagle on reporting with local office with id card but this is a minor thing for sure and accommodation can be sorted easily. Have bank account there and work contract.

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