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Posts posted by flyingdoc

  1. What a lot of cynical comments! My TGF comes from a perfectly good family, has a good job and owns a large house, new car etc. I spend time between the U.K and LOS, and we take holidays together, usually within Asia, and we are perfectly happy. Marriage? I don't know! Things are perfectly O.K as they are, but what the future holds, has yet to be decided. Age difference? She is just slightly younger than my eldest daughter in the U.K. but it doesn't make the slightest difference to us, but then I do work and specialize in Anti-aging Medicine (AAM). I think the other important consideration is that we are also best friends, and both working in different aspects of the medical profession, means that we can talk to each other and have common ground!

  2. Education on the whole is below par but there is little will to do anything about it. Certainly in my 31 years of coming to LOS, the standard of English has deteriorated atrociously. The other day I was at an Airport bookshop, Asia Books, which specializes almost exclusively in books written in English. There were 2 male assistants who failed to speak or understand a single word of English - aged in their 20's. I tried for 10 minutes to explain about my Asia Books / Bookazine discount card and how they could check my number on the computer, but I might as well have been talking some unheard of foreign language, as they hadn't even the first clue about their own Company's discount card! Surely it would not cost much more to at least employ staff who spoke at least a smattering of English?

  3. Just arrive in smart casual dress. Money is always the right thing to give, in the envelope usually provided, whether a village wedding or a formal one at a 5 Star hotel. I once succumbed to a dare, and arrived in kilt and sporran, only to be hauled out on to the stage in front of well over 1,000 guests and had to make a speech. Everyone clapped but few understood a single word, I suspect !

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