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Posts posted by flyingdoc

  1. I wish you were correct, Samsingsong!

    In fact the figure was £4 billion, only to be told that the Indians were insulted by the offer. Britain then went to great lengths to try to explain to an outraged public, why India did in fact need such a large amount. Most, including me, were left totally unconvinced !

  2. MaeJoMTB, what on earth are are you talking about?

    46 too old to start?

    Rubbish! First of all it is not even old, and secondly I know of lots of people who have retired and turned their hobby into a lucrative business, some even on eBay alone!!

    I do know what I am talking about, as I specialize in Anti-aging Medicine (AAM), and have done for the last 25 years!

    What is really required, is a determination to do it and succeed, no matter what!

  3. I have read all the posts and am getting completely differing messages. Do you actually want your marriage to work, or aren't you bothered any more ?

    My advice would be to stop feeling sorry for yourself, take her by the arm when she does finally contact you, and go back to Thailand. There at least she would be happy presumably, and you could start looking for a job, whether it be in TEFL, with a newspaper like the Straits Times, Bangkok Post or the Nation, or even consider a reputable MLM company. There is always work for those who are determined to find it, but if you are always looking for the ideal or excuses, then you will always find them! Work out what you really want out of life. Blogs should be a hobby for you at this stage, not an apology for a job! Try harder. I can give you further advice on finding work in LOS if you want - I have got far too much on my plate and it is coming out of my ears!!

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