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Posts posted by djlest

  1. Trump as president would be the same as letting Taksin rule america, A greedy self obsessed businessman that has zero interest in a countries best interests but will fill their boots at every opertunity. Then leave the country in tatters and divide..

  2. the rice scheme...enough said...
    Her brother bailed the country out of debt by killing hundreds in a war againts drugs, then as retaliation puts the country back into debt with a rice scheme scam... oh the irony...
    And lets not mention the fake flood that killed many more, how many people got rich from that? see how quick he stepped in with a few billion baht permanent cure to save the country?

  3. As someone who had his business perched directly 300 meters from the red camp, with bamboo spikes, car tires, baricades and a constant noise of angry shouting and rallying these muppets into a frenzy just before dark, then constant gun shots and pipe bombs all night. It was anything BUT a peaceful demonstration, not to mention all the businesses that went bust, all the damages, all the ransacking of malls and stealing, then setting fire to buildings.

    It was thankfully the Army that guarded my shop each and everyday, they were incredible and never fired back or retaliated when i witnessed them face to face with protesters.

    I was also in a grenade attack, i was directly beneath the skytrain when the grenade wsent off, the result immediately after was an angry mob of reds running directly at my car, dragging taxi drivers out and kicking them. I escaped narrowly by running a red light.

    Peaceful? no way... if they died then they shouldnt have been there... period. The army did what it had to do...

  4. when people cheat it means they are not really happy in their current relationship, is that wrong to not be happy?
    No human owns another, she had every right to cheat even if it hurts another human... its not illegal....
    Ofcourse the right thing would be to break up first then pursue another person.... But that rarely works... sometimes a good break requires a third party to drill the message and resentment home..

    in essence,.,, Cheating is not right, not wrong but hurts...

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