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Posts posted by djlest

  1. Hey MRO thats awesome! great idea...

    Is that the alipne stereo or the sony stereo in the pic you posted?

    i just put an order in for the later model 2.5 GT and it comes with the alpine and the touch screen

    Unfortunately no AUX or USB is on the alpine, and suprisingly the cheaper model with the sony stereo does have AUX in and USB

    I was tempted to downgrade (or upgrade) to the sony. But they told me the touch screen wouldnt work with the sony... grrr!


    Just wondering what stereo you have in yours, i see you have the touch screen dvd too

    Did your have AUX in? or know if it can be modded to fit one?


  2. Hi Moonriver - thanks for the reply and to Culicine too :)

    Well i have just purchased a brand new 2.5 Pajero sport 2wd 2012

    and im itching to get a chip for it... or a pggyback...

    I have not found much info on the later model around this forum yet,

    I may have to make a new post for the results on the new pajero sport remapped speed results.

    I have read all the threads and see that the racechip from germany had some positive and negative reviews, but moonriver pretty much started the ball rolling there.

    one concern i have is being very little difference between 25% and the 30% versions, albeit the price.

    But after results do you you still feel this is true moonriver, what was your conculsion before the dump pipe?

    @ Moonriver - i know you upgraded 25% - 30% racechip, are there any additional controls on the more expensive version?

    If you had the latest Pajero what chip would you go for, or piggy back

    I resepct your opinions as i know you have a lot of handson experience from racechip.

    p.s. this is actually the wifes pajero and she has a tendancy to put her makeup on whilst driving at high speeds. with that in mind something easy to plug and unplug at certain times of the month may be beneficial.

  3. Hi Moonriver

    Thanks for the reply

    Can you recommend a good source for the latest chips that will be suitable to piggy back the new 2011 engine 2.5 VG Turbo

    I think ours arrives in a few weeks and id like to get ready

    p.s. is it advisable to chip a brand new model or should one wear it in first?

  4. For those that say - Ipads will replace laptops

    i urge you to go back to the days when they said, laptops will replace computer systems.

    Each has its own strengths and qualities and uses. Sure sales may fluctuate and more ipads are sold than tower systems, but its only a fad while everyone gets a new toy.


    1.computer tower systems can be a lot more powerful and tweakable than any laptop,

    2. There is no way in hell i would want to spend 12 hours of my day hitting an amoled screen while i do my daily work routine of type and design

    3. Ipads and Iphones are fantastic for a few hours a day, a quick email, a new app, some surfing (but these are hardly real work)

    4. The position of an ipad or tablet flat on the desk is not anything as good as a laptop or monitor, they slip and slide and are just toys

  5. Its an Absolute Joke

    The Tablet Game is without a doubt one of Taksins money makers, He is praised in the North as the GUY that brought the first computers to Thailand - yes some even believe he invented them (i kid you not) they really are about as bright as a lump of coal. Hence easy votes!

    The Dems did quite a lot to try to improve the education system, and it wasnt in the form of buying votes. Unfortunately Thais dont respond to Lump sums of money being invested into LONG TERM projects. They only focus on the NOW.

    When they get TABLETS now! they will still have them when its time to vote, thats 900,000 votes, plus relatives - potentially a couple of million extra votes...

    Plus the deal Taksin made with China -

    Thailand send x ammount of money for 900,000 Tablets.

    Taksin scrapes off 50% and the manufacturer sends them back to thailand.

    everyones a winner - who cares about education anyway...

  6. Greetings - Just at The Mitzi Sales showroom today and very interested in the 2.5 GT - especially after reading your chipping posts :)

    Please can you share more about the chip process?

    what are the best garages around Bangkok for chips and dyno?

    where did you buy your chips and prices etc?

    Any tests on fuel consumption, are they really more economical given the increase in torque and HP?

    This thread is turning out to be very interesting indeed.

  7. Makes perfect sense to me

    HSBC in most countries in the world is a good bank with reasonable charges

    however HSBC in Thailand is an absolute Joke - Probably the worst bank in Thailand and only idiot expats join because they think it will be the same standards and familiar system as back home - how wrong they are.

    hsbc thai branch has ridiculous bank charges, pretty much for anything they charge you, even the atm cards you pay for.

    want a credit card, sure we want 100,000 fixed deposit with zero percent interest.

    got a problem, you have to fax this and fax that just to make a withdrawal or transfer!

    or just drop by HSBC thailand bank and hand them in - just one problem, there is only ONE branch in the whole of Thailand!

    one word. Crap!

  8. As if mobile phones werent the worst thing we gave our kids and watched them become zombiefied and txt 2 the m8s

    Now crappy chinese ripoff tablets are being sent up north to buy votes..

    ofcourse i have a room full of Thais behind me praising that no other gov has ever done this!

    And who cares if they dont really work, the status symbol of having a Tablet far out weighs the actual use of one...

    yawn! 3rd world - always has been always will be - education wont defy thainess

    • Like 1
  9. Professional hit

    Sim cards are always removed so the body cannot be tracked back via gps traingulation

    Who walks around with a phone and no sim card?

    Anyone professional wont steal the phone, so its pretty much for certain it was a pro hit...

    And as for the pump station, what better place to go for a little bit of torture late at night behind walls...

  10. im sorry but that's ridiclous and just a cheap way of getting poor people to do their dirty work...

    1 egg for that much work, probably a few hours work no doubt!

    The gov should PAY a salary to someone to clean up the mess which it has caused, not bribe people with eggs - its an insult.

    or better yet they could have NOT used styrofoam and used a normal biodegradable packaging, but that would be way too much forward thinking - now they have to backtrack with 50,000 rotten eggs!

  11. in my opinion the whole deal has been planned from the day yingluck stepped in.

    ironic how the worst flood in thailands history happens just 4 weeks after yingluck steps in? or is it ironic that all northern reservoirs and sluice gates were manipulated to flood the country. either way i would say its quite a suspicious event, considering thailands rainfall was not particulary brutal the last 12 months, and probably manipulated by now to look as if it was along the deltas but not elsewhere.

    Now isn't it ironic that just a few weeks after the flood, Mr Taksin comes to the table with a grand cure for thailands worst flooding, with a 400 billion project that he wants to put in place to fix the issue. this was before the worst of the flooding had even taken place, it was almost premeditated - that was the last we heard of him by the way - until yesterday ofcourse.

    Now after the worst has passed, thai people have been shocked into forgetting all about politics and are more focussed on survival, helping one another get over their differences perhaps. But just barely one week after the worst has passed, a new strategy to bring THE CURE back home has being put into motion. Again almost as if it has all been pre meditated from the start, and a helicopter that forgot to install lights? its become rather a comedy now as to how transparent the reality really is.

    As for those commenters that say, i prefered when Taksin was in power to nowdays, dont forget that the minute taksin was kicked out of power, the damage to the country was caused directly or indirectly by him trying to get back in.

    Was it not Taksin that really chose to leave his beloved Thailand?

    Did nelson Mandella run away from his country when the chips were down?

    What true man of dignity and honour would run away if they were so innocent?

    Tourism and Business has been down since Taksin left because

    a) hijacked airports

    B) A global recession that affects the entire world not just Thailands little tourist hub

    c) Red shirt mayhem, cities burning, riots, killings,

    d) Man made floods all executed with precise timing, or was it just mother nature being cruel?

    Whether al of the above is a conspiracy theory or not, whether only selfish, greedy, poor, uneducated, or desperate people have always backed the man because they have similar ways of thinking or really do believe the man can be compared with the buddha of business himself.

    The truth is Thailand will never be free - for as long as one man wants to own it, rape it, pillage it and turn it into a business that will better his own empire, the more money his empire has the more he can control the weather so to speak.

    A truly inspirational leader for Thailand would give up ALL businesses before entering into politics

    Would never manipulate laws to better their own business empire and grow their own wealth

    would never try and step back in now, after Thailand is on its knees.

    would never have ran away from his beloved country if he was innocent

    A true leader would never have paid the poor to hijack the city for 2 months and ordered it to be burned down in the name of 'a peaceful democracy' that was plastered all over sharpened bamboo poles that did nothing but provoke fear and discust into those of us that endured it from basecamp.

    A true leader would never push his little sister in to manipulate his agendas.

    One has to ask if the true reason Yingluck cries is really sympathy for the people or guilt in knowing what the true nature of the beast that caused the events were.

    Ofcourse ignorance is bliss to those that cannot comprehend anything but their own selfish desires.

    My heart goes out to those people that have suffered so much at the hands of such selfish desires.

  12. I think we are all ready for floods - but they never seem to happen here in Bangkok - just the daily 'The end is nigh' posts on the forums and papers - yet all is dry and the city has evacuated - god knows why they evacuate bangkok just because it might flood a meter of water - wouldnt staying home looking after your belongings make more sense? its not like its a lava flow or anything... something smells like Taksinomics...


    look at the state of that Thai Airways Aircraft!!

    I was an aircraft engineer 10 years ago - and ive worked on better aircraft coming from India or Columbia

    Thats absolutely awful -im appauled.

    Supposedly thai airways is the numero uno flight company of Thailand and Asia - oh lets blame it on the floods, i dnt think so...

  14. This whole thing is just a joke

    everything they have warned so far never happens

    and everything that does happen is manufactured - infact i wouldnt be suprised if this whole thing was man made

    Nothing like a good old natural disaster, so we can borrow aid money, shut down everything and blame it on the gods.

    Then will come the hero with a 400billion baht idea on how we can avoid it happening in the future

    oh wait - someone already came up with that idea before it even started

    who was that i wonder?

    its all about making money - and now they have distracted the public enough so they can withdraw their ipads and credit cards for farmers and rice pledging.

    genius! but evil.///

  15. we call it stupidity - the Thais call it THAINESS

    Loss of face is so much more valuable to them than loss of life

    And it truly shows how much they really think of foreigners - they dont want us to help them because they are superior in all ways, why else would they all want to live here in our beautiful land and chase our beautiful women.

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