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Posts posted by peptidebomber

  1. But what happens if you consumed that spliff while in the UK, as it stays in your system along time, it is illegal to posses it in the UK, but you can not be charged if you have already taken it, or maybe a passive smoker who had a caution, how would you stand then.

    Guilty. It doesn't matter where you smoked it, if you test positive you will have a problem. Same in most Asian countries and even more so in stricter places like UAE and the other Gulf states.

    Did you read the article?

    In cases where a person tests positive for drug use, but it can be proven that the drug was consumed in a jurisdiction where that consumption is legal, such as Amsterdam, the act is not considered a criminal offence, Mr Winyat said.

  2. I like it, since moving here my work ethic has disappeared, turn up late hungover, leave early. Don't do much in between. My staff love me as I never get on their backs about anything, only have one Thai boss who is never about. Somehow we still make a profit so head office don't bother us. Expat wage so most nights are a blast, probably taking a few years off the end of my life but who cares.

    This country rocks!!

    exactly what i am talking about...lack of passion....but each to their own

    Na, just a realist. I tried to change things but was wasting my time. You can't fix stupid.

    Will move on soon and get back to a more motivating job in a more developed country.

    But it's bloody fun at the moment!

  3. I like it, since moving here my work ethic has disappeared, turn up late hungover, leave early. Don't do much in between. My staff love me as I never get on their backs about anything, only have one Thai boss who is never about. Somehow we still make a profit so head office don't bother us. Expat wage so most nights are a blast, probably taking a few years off the end of my life but who cares.

    This country rocks!!

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  4. Been here nearly 5 years, I get taxi to and from work every day. I reckon only 4-5 times I have had to ask them to turn on meter. The only issue I ever have is them driving to fast on tollway's, scares the crap out of me with no seatbelt.

    Gee some people whinge, the price and attitude of cabs in my home city Melbourne is a hundred times worse.

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  5. The junta should use it as a road safety campaign and buy the safest ones. I know Bkk buses don't cause many fatalities but it would be a good positive message. Busses in Thailand are death traps.

    It's my main concern about living in Thailand something that shouldn't be accepted as not our (foreigners) problem.

    The biggest killer of young men in Thailand is road accidents not protests or terrorists.

    Kill two birds with one stone, fix the corruption in the order process and use it also as a crackdown on busses and all <deleted> road rules.

    Thirty people dead a day and it's not even a issue that has been raised.

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