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Posts posted by peptidebomber

  1. Why on earth do they keep reinforcing this message they are so popular. I do understand there is some stubborn, bitter and twisted folk that it simply won't sink into, but that 7% are a small minority.

    Any dumby would prefer a peaceful and stable Thailand realigned on a road to democracy than having daily terrorist attacks in the capital killing innocent women and children done with impunity by a government that ignored the majority (yes, yes yingluck was elected!)

    If one would prefer the latter then they are either part of the 7% or grew up in a war zone and know no better.

    Honestly. Do more than 7% prefer terrorism and innocent blood spilt while not holding the terrorists responsible? Me and my family don't and I have never met anyone that does except maybe the 15 people in Khon Kaen that threatened my family and I when we went to hear Ahbisit talk. AGAIN done with impunity.

    I think the PTP rigged the polls to be quite honest. It should read 99%!!!

    You must of been in the Bombers injecting room, drugs are bad Jamie!

    I lived inside one of the protest areas this year and I think your getting confused who the terrorists were, grenades getting thrown at police, the popcorn gunman ring a bell?

    But don't let that ruin your deluded view on the current situation.

    If the army are so good at maintaining order why did they have to illegally take over power before they lifted a finger to stop any violence?

    Yes that is right. The terrorism was terrible. Luckily the PDRC terrorists were captured very efficiently before they could maim any more people and well done on the police for their very one sided work in that matter. It is the terrorists that killed the 23 innocent men, women and children that roamed free to commit crimes on a daily basis that had the majority spoked including my family I must admit. They were targeting innocent people and it could have been you or me or our kids that were murdered.

    Glad you made it through safely, though it seems you prefer the the attacks to peace as well.

    As for the power grab. I might remind some that the most popular PM in the last decade didn't lift a finger to stop the violence initially because his boss, the defense minister yingluck did not order him too. Of course when it got up to over 28 dead and 600 injured he had no choice, but to intervene. Still didn't take power though. He left it in the hands of the government and all involved parties to come to a resolution before more people were murdered. They couldn't thus the terrorism would have continued ergo Prayut restored stability without a single bullet fired.

    I look forward to some hearty debating on the AFL forum regarding the footy as well.

    Thanks for the post my friend and have a nice evening.

    I find it a bit strange that once the PDRC achieved what the wanted, no elections and the army taking control not one act of violence followed. Not one!

    Where are the terrorists now, the only time there were attacks are when it suited a certain side!

    They should teach the US about controlling protesters!

    And I can't stand violence, same as I can't stand oppression.

    Quite frankly I'm more worried about getting into a cab with my family than I was about the chance of injury during the protests. 28 dead over 6 months. Same time probably 5000 dead on the roads, that the army was worried about those 28 seems unlikely.

    Those Bombers did alright tonight, good luck next year!!

    • Like 1
  2. Perhaps if the press reported with a degree of honesty and integrity, this would not be needed.

    I have been amazed at how biased the media are here The people in charge have been bought just the same as in every other business which can influence who gets the power.

    I saw a report by Jonathon Head on the BBc yesterday about the big police bust. What was the focus of his report ?. The seniority and sheer scale of the corruption ?. The cover up by the previous government and all the other police chiefs ?.

    No - he spent over half the report whining that les-majeste stopped him mentioning the royal family. That guy has a real chip on his shoulder.


    Try to read articles that are not produced in Thailand and you might become a little more educated.

  3. Our move is already planned for the beginning of 2015.

    A shame really, since we have a very fast growing and succesful IT-business here. But considering the racist-like and non-caring attitude, we have been facing from the authorities since the very beginning, it is simply not worth it. EVERYTHING is just too difficult and unsecure here. But worst is the racist-like attitude, which I am personally sick of it and which is the reason for our move.

    We built a good business and created local jobs, but we are still treated like "shit" most of the times, we come in contact with the authorities. Just doing a work-permit takes more effort and requires more paper than used on a bloody 5-year rocket-scientist degree. This place is going down the drain and they have only themselves and their ignorance (stupidity) to blame for it. The article is a good example of their complete lack of international outlook and understanding of their own current situation.

    Luckily, there are many countries nearby who are both grateful and happy, to welcome a company like ours. So not long until they can no longer see us as a problem anymore. "Thailand a developed country by 2025...." Good luck with that! They will for sure need it.


    These moves have nothing to do with racist attitudes and non-caring attitudes by the authorities from the beginning. The authorities have been extremely lenient towards long stay foreigners and have turned a blind eye to most of their activities here in the past, but as I have said many times here on Thai visa, the blame falls squarely on those who have and continue to abuse the systems here, therefore having a knock on affect of creating the tightening up of the rules for everyone.

    It is all very simple, those who are able to live or work in Thailand long term by abiding the terms and conditions imposed by the Immigration and trade departments have no problems and will not have any prejudices displayed against them. For those who for one reason or another are unable to hack it here have the choices of moving on if they feel will be more appreciated elsewhere as in your case and there are better opportunities for small company operators in other countries.

    It would be a smart move on your part transferring your business operation abroad believing that the authorities there will give companies like yours an easier time, but I very much doubt that this would have any economical impact on Thailand at all and in any case, companies claiming to be highly successful in Thailand would somehow manage to get through the bureaucracy even if it mean`t hiring an adminstrative officer to do those tasks for them. But of course this depends on how successful these outfits really are and what are their prospects for the future?

    Wow,did you read your post before you hit reply?

    To start with, are you comparing overstayers and people who don't care about laws, to people who run a business, comply and abide by all the laws?

    Can't hack it? What about those who want to live here, have invested money have a family and want to stay? Just get out you don't belong here?

    And no economical impact, my business would lose at least 30 staff, flow on from that would double if we weren't in business, and Im only a medium to small business like millions of others.

    But usual the advice, don't like it leave. Don't dare question or speak up, you have no rights here!

    • Like 2
  4. Officially notified? When will someone stand up and not put up with this dribble?

    I was hoping this was the type of change that most Thais were after, I try not to bash this place or the people, but why doesn't anyone care?

    "When will someone stand up and not put up with this dribble?"

    When will people like you stop posting "dribble"(what?). It's just pure drivel.

    When someone can be detained for months without a official charge when obviously there are plenty of holes in the case. In the same country someone of a different standing can get sentenced to life in prison and be allowed to go home on bail?

    Yeah I think I will keep dribbling, someone should!

    • Like 2
  5. Execellent. For those who complain, no one asked you to start a 'business' in Thailand. Somehow foreigners stil think that Thai need them, think twice. Most Thai having university degrees are very well educated whether it is IT, economics etc and can work at any Multi National. For the small 'businesses' I think it is completely logic government helps to protect Thai interest.

    Thais do need foreigners, middle and low income Thais would hit the hardest from changes like this.

    My 30 thai staff would have to find new employment.

    Thai university degrees are not worth a thing in the real world, my receptionist/cleaner has one!

  6. This should of happened a long time ago. All these farangs taking money off hard working Thais!

    Thailand has long been the country of innovation and self sustainability! Western nations should be grateful to be allowed to business at all in the Kingdom, they try to learn the Thai's business practices, customer service, law enforcement, in which all fields Thais lead the world.


    Are you joking, business practices, customer service, law enforcement, lead the world.

    1: a Thai property company swindled me out of 2m baht, and 2 law firms took over 300,000 from me and did a runner.

    On 3 occasions I took products back within the warranty period and they smiled at me and said cannot help you. No warranty.

    Yes shaurene, I was joking, thought it was rather obvious.

    • Like 1
  7. There is NO NEED to come out with any comment about any opposition during the visit. PM. Just come and carry out what you have to do relating to drought matters, nothing more.

    There needs to be better spokespersons for the PM. worry for what ?? you create more problems with these requests. If anyone wants to hold a banner up let them, they will be always these people no matter.

    Hot heads and violent disruptors from the old regime ok then act.

    WHY ON EARTH show a picture of the reds ????? WHY any picture of yellows pinks blues would have been appropriate.

    This sort of dung stirring photos should not be plastered on topics. This is old Shin stuff that has not this sort of rabid following as before, the money dried up so did the following---well a big % anyway.

    Ginjag, we know you support the minority of all people in Thailand and the world, but please show some common sense in your comments, or maybe you are a Thai high ranked officer who is just posting with a fake account.

    Majority. Thailand and world.---- Minority at the last election for PTP. Your common sense is low if you support PTP/Shins. much higher if you give the PM chance to sort out the DUNG from Yingluck and company. Your post being personal does you no favours , but it expected from the clan.

    Majority of Thailand and the world support a unelected General taking over the country by force? You really are a comedian!

    And no I don't support the shins or PTP, but the way you blindly support the unelected General and try to group everyone who criticise him into some type of clan is rather sad.

    Your over excited to react. The other poster said "I support the minority and the world" You replied wrongly, so you are the comedian--red it again.

    I know the world majority is against the intervention/PM at the minute. So read again-OK. The clan is rather SAD by not recognizing any improvements--and being in denial re PTP/Shins.

    I do not blindly support, I am merely going along with it for the time being.--stop the hate, you will feel better and renew your spectacles.

    Fair enough, I misread, but 'red it again' is that being a comedian or do you need spectacles?

    Improvements you talk about, I seemed to have missed those other than promises but no action.

    Do you really think the General has done a perfect job and is above criticism?

    For the umpteenth time, Your last sentence is NO

    Second to last sentence, You have maybe missed any good through your own focus on slagging the PM. Compare time, we have to do, so we can improve. So every time I have to ask this.

    How much action was there from PTP over 3 years to put the Thai people on the straight and narrow ??

    Wasted 3 years, was elected, and threw it away with neglect.

    If you think the PM has not improved anything and not acted on anything and you expect 6 months is enough to clean the dung up--stay in your sorry frame of mind.

    I am going along the bumpy road for the time being without shouting my head off about beaches and jet ski's.

    Stop going on about the past, what about the last coups and appointed governments, what did they achieve?

    I think the same as most educated people. PTP where disgraceful, corrupt and selfish, but they were also elected, and so like all democratically elected governments they had to get laws through parliament. Not easy in most countries.

    I'm sure Obama wishes he had the power to enact legislation as the General does.

    Which is the point, comparing progress to the last few years is like apples and oranges.

    He has the power to make dramatic changes quickly, no one to oppose, c'mon General do something!

    You can give him time ginjag, I do hope he succeeds, but I think he is running out of time quickly.

  8. How did I know all this bullcrap was going to come out today to counteract the news on the release of a book naming Thailand as probably the world's most dangerous destination for tourists.

    The real startling fact here is that 30% think it IS DANGEROUS!!

    So stop crowing on about the 70%.... those lot were not asked about all the other dangers lurking other than the stupid martial law.

    Truth is.... 30% is bloody bad. Had you asked about all the combined dangers it would have been more like 80% perturbed, the other 20% would have been far too pissed to care about their p[personal safety.

    Thailand is not a place I will allow my kids from the UK to come and visit..... not now. I will fly there to see them instead.

    I no longer trust this place. It is full of ruthless people, stupid people and people who do idiotically dangerous things for kicks.

    I understand people are concerned about martial law, but I think you're a not really reading the article.

    30% don't think it's dangerous, it was just a factor in deciding to come. It is no more dangerous than this time last year, if not safer and I still recommend to my family and friends that it safe to visit.

    But I do agree that it has had a huge affect on tourism, crap surveys won't fix it, they need to find a solution to the problem but that ain't going to happen anytime soon.

  9. There is NO NEED to come out with any comment about any opposition during the visit. PM. Just come and carry out what you have to do relating to drought matters, nothing more.

    There needs to be better spokespersons for the PM. worry for what ?? you create more problems with these requests. If anyone wants to hold a banner up let them, they will be always these people no matter.

    Hot heads and violent disruptors from the old regime ok then act.

    WHY ON EARTH show a picture of the reds ????? WHY any picture of yellows pinks blues would have been appropriate.

    This sort of dung stirring photos should not be plastered on topics. This is old Shin stuff that has not this sort of rabid following as before, the money dried up so did the following---well a big % anyway.

    Ginjag, we know you support the minority of all people in Thailand and the world, but please show some common sense in your comments, or maybe you are a Thai high ranked officer who is just posting with a fake account.

    Majority. Thailand and world.---- Minority at the last election for PTP. Your common sense is low if you support PTP/Shins. much higher if you give the PM chance to sort out the DUNG from Yingluck and company. Your post being personal does you no favours , but it expected from the clan.

    Majority of Thailand and the world support a unelected General taking over the country by force? You really are a comedian!

    And no I don't support the shins or PTP, but the way you blindly support the unelected General and try to group everyone who criticise him into some type of clan is rather sad.

    Your over excited to react. The other poster said "I support the minority and the world" You replied wrongly, so you are the comedian--red it again.

    I know the world majority is against the intervention/PM at the minute. So read again-OK. The clan is rather SAD by not recognizing any improvements--and being in denial re PTP/Shins.

    I do not blindly support, I am merely going along with it for the time being.--stop the hate, you will feel better and renew your spectacles.

    Fair enough, I misread, but 'red it again' is that being a comedian or do you need spectacles?

    Improvements you talk about, I seemed to have missed those other than promises but no action.

    Do you really think the General has done a perfect job and is above criticism?

  10. There is NO NEED to come out with any comment about any opposition during the visit. PM. Just come and carry out what you have to do relating to drought matters, nothing more.

    There needs to be better spokespersons for the PM. worry for what ?? you create more problems with these requests. If anyone wants to hold a banner up let them, they will be always these people no matter.

    Hot heads and violent disruptors from the old regime ok then act.

    WHY ON EARTH show a picture of the reds ????? WHY any picture of yellows pinks blues would have been appropriate.

    This sort of dung stirring photos should not be plastered on topics. This is old Shin stuff that has not this sort of rabid following as before, the money dried up so did the following---well a big % anyway.

    Ginjag, we know you support the minority of all people in Thailand and the world, but please show some common sense in your comments, or maybe you are a Thai high ranked officer who is just posting with a fake account.

    Majority. Thailand and world.---- Minority at the last election for PTP. Your common sense is low if you support PTP/Shins. much higher if you give the PM chance to sort out the DUNG from Yingluck and company. Your post being personal does you no favours , but it expected from the clan.

    Majority of Thailand and the world support a unelected General taking over the country by force? You really are a comedian!

    And no I don't support the shins or PTP, but the way you blindly support the unelected General and try to group everyone who criticise him into some type of clan is rather sad.

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