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Posts posted by peptidebomber

  1. It has been on the downward spiral for years, but the problem with some TVF posters is ---they actually believe it started when the PM took over. and they insist everyday it is his fault---scams, tourists-south problems-infrastructure- killings- He is at the helm now so he is having to carry the can, the same as Yingluck should for most of this mess. He is definitely not the best by a long shot, but the deflections off Yinglucks woes are the only thing that some posters post about.

    ginjag about Prayuth:

    "He is definitely not the best by a long shot"

    Bless the Lord, I never thought I should live to see that day!!wai2.gifwai2.gif

    Because all you lot have been doing is slagging off the PM and any poster that is panning along with things. What I speak is reality from the Shin lot and giving the benefit of the doubt to the PM, does that mean I love him as some of the minority on here suggest ??

    Not recognizing the last 3 years of disaster for Thailand that sticks in my throat is the apologists pro Shin. Elections we all know are out for the time being so why are some just shouting everyday for them as they at this moment in time would solve nothing and even lead to street violence.---Choices for Thailand not many . I have said many times I expected things to get changed more quickly but misunderstood the enormity of the tasks.

    Things should be happening quicker, he has complete control so why aren't they? No messy outdated processes like a democratically elected parliament to pass laws.

    Have they learnt from 2006? Doesn't seem so, putting blind faith in them seems illogical.

    People act like the Shins invented corruption in Thailand, yeah sure they were good at it, and morally deserved to be punished. But the monk, the RTA and their associates should learn about glass houses.

    • Like 2
  2. On forum majority are against the Shins style democracy----the minority are for it.

    There are some that did not like it, but do not like the military.

    There is a minority on TVF that oppose the PM because they intervened and slung out a lousy governing regime.

    Others are going with the rough flow in hope of a better future Military or not.

    I agree, I hope the army does provide a better future, history shows this will not be the case.

    I do not agree with a lot the General has done including the coup. You don't see the US army taking over because Obama can't govern properly.

    I totally dislike the way all opposition voice has been outlawed.

    I think the rules of this forum give you a distorted view on what the majority opinion is.

    Time will tell, I hope I'm wrong, wouldn't be the first time!

    In the US the army takes care of it's defense etc. Here it has to intervene because the Shin run Thai police as was ran off and left the army to do it'e work.

    The opposition was equally quietened during Shin rule.

    Before the PM the overwhelming majority was anti Shin. Time is what Thailand has to have to recover, Minority on TVF do not want that because it will prove them wrong.

    Just because you are anti coup does not make you pro shin.

    I was in total support of the protesters this year, until I gradually realised that they had no plan.

    Reform before election, great slogan but what were the reforms, no one ever said apart from to get rid of the government. It seems their plan all along was to protest until the army intervened.

    The General has had a great chance to effect change, I know it wouldn't be easy or quick but it seems a lot of history repeating and he doesn't seem to be accomplishing much as yet apart from quashing opposition voice.

    Allowing differing views has to be part of the solution.

    • Like 1
  3. Order has been restored in Thailand?

    Tell that to the people in the south!

    Or does he mean order in that the criminals who took over Bangkok earlier this year are now facing charges?

    What a sad state of affairs this country is in!

    A new recruit for the fabie / robespierre gang?

    If this gang you talk about is for people who think clearly, logically and are not brainwashed then I must be a new recruit.

    Better than other people on here who only accept their point of view and can't accept others who make very good points that actually make sense.

    On forum majority are against the Shins style democracy----the minority are for it.

    There are some that did not like it, but do not like the military.

    There is a minority on TVF that oppose the PM because they intervened and slung out a lousy governing regime.

    Others are going with the rough flow in hope of a better future Military or not.

    I agree, I hope the army does provide a better future, history shows this will not be the case.

    I do not agree with a lot the General has done including the coup. You don't see the US army taking over because Obama can't govern properly.

    I totally dislike the way all opposition voice has been outlawed.

    I think the rules of this forum give you a distorted view on what the majority opinion is.

    Time will tell, I hope I'm wrong, wouldn't be the first time!

    • Like 2
  4. Order has been restored in Thailand?

    Tell that to the people in the south!

    Or does he mean order in that the criminals who took over Bangkok earlier this year are now facing charges?

    What a sad state of affairs this country is in!

    A new recruit for the fabie / robespierre gang?

    If this gang you talk about is for people who think clearly, logically and are not brainwashed then I must be a new recruit.

    Better than other people on here who only accept their point of view and can't accept others who make very good points that actually make sense.

  5. >Gen Prayut said he told the foreign leaders that his interim government was carrying out national reform and the process would not take a long time to complete.< Quote

    Cleaned 3 beaches Check

    Moved some streetvendors Check

    Lotteryprices Check (sort of)

    Motosai-taxis Check (sort of)

    Sure those impressive reforms will impress the world-leaders!!coffee1.gif

    Even if it was those 4 issues that the most popular PM in the last decade addressed in 5 months it is still 4 more issues than the PTP addressed in 3 years!

    Of course an agenda biased response sourced from the narrative of the PTP seems to strike down it's victims with instant Alzheimer's Disease with the symptoms being a decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills.

    Here is a few issues to refresh your memory.

    1/ Stopped red shirt terrorist daily attacks without firing a single bullet.

    2/ Removed over 170 000 illegal workers from Thailand. Those registered and returning will have access to medical facilities and be legally recognized in Thailand. Exbetiting an end to human trafficking across the borders (especially near Soi Dao, Chanthaburi were I have a lot of first hand knowledge of)3/ Confiscating illegal weapons in 2 months that equated to 10% of all weapons finds in 14 years.

    4/ Paid the majority of the rice farmers.

    5/ Stood up for the tax payer and the majority by properly investigating the rice scheme and actually finding irregularities in it instead of excuses. Of course you will have excuses for this.

    6/ Brought Thailand back to the #1 rice exporter.

    7/ Cleared the beaches of "tourist hasslers"

    8/ Stopped the red shirt terrorist attacks without firing a single bullet. That one was stated twice due to its importance because your or my children could have been the next victims.

    9/ Rationalizing state enterprise board member bonuses and perks.

    10/ Pension fund reintroduced to benefit a broad spectrum of the population. Not just rice farmers.

    11/ Stopped the red shirt terrorist attacks without firing a single bullet. That one was stated three times. As you can see my children's safety is paramount and singly the most important, precious asset in my life.

    12/ Offering a road map to return democracy to a country that had not seen it for 3 years (yes, yes yingluck was elected)

    13/ Offering reform to a country whose previous regime saw reform as giving amnesty to the PM's brother and 25 000 other corruption cases.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the popcorn gunman who was paid to shoot at people, was he a red terrorist?

    Was the person throwing grenades at police a red terrorist?

    Such a pity the army could not of done the same in 2010.

  6. >Gen Prayut said he told the foreign leaders that his interim government was carrying out national reform and the process would not take a long time to complete.< Quote

    Cleaned 3 beaches Check

    Moved some streetvendors Check

    Lotteryprices Check (sort of)

    Motosai-taxis Check (sort of)

    Sure those impressive reforms will impress the world-leaders!!coffee1.gif

    Even if it was those 4 issues that the most popular PM in the last decade addressed in 5 months it is still 4 more issues than the PTP addressed in 3 years!

    Of course an agenda biased response sourced from the narrative of the PTP seems to strike down it's victims with instant Alzheimer's Disease with the symptoms being a decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills.

    Here is a few issues to refresh your memory.

    1/ Stopped red shirt terrorist daily attacks without firing a single bullet.

    2/ Removed over 170 000 illegal workers from Thailand. Those registered and returning will have access to medical facilities and be legally recognized in Thailand. Exbetiting an end to human trafficking across the borders (especially near Soi Dao, Chanthaburi were I have a lot of first hand knowledge of)3/ Confiscating illegal weapons in 2 months that equated to 10% of all weapons finds in 14 years.

    4/ Paid the majority of the rice farmers.

    5/ Stood up for the tax payer and the majority by properly investigating the rice scheme and actually finding irregularities in it instead of excuses. Of course you will have excuses for this.

    6/ Brought Thailand back to the #1 rice exporter.

    7/ Cleared the beaches of "tourist hasslers"

    8/ Stopped the red shirt terrorist attacks without firing a single bullet. That one was stated twice due to its importance because your or my children could have been the next victims.

    9/ Rationalizing state enterprise board member bonuses and perks.

    10/ Pension fund reintroduced to benefit a broad spectrum of the population. Not just rice farmers.

    11/ Stopped the red shirt terrorist attacks without firing a single bullet. That one was stated three times. As you can see my children's safety is paramount and singly the most important, precious asset in my life.

    12/ Offering a road map to return democracy to a country that had not seen it for 3 years (yes, yes yingluck was elected)

    13/ Offering reform to a country whose previous regime saw reform as giving amnesty to the PM's brother and 25 000 other corruption cases.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the popcorn gunman who was paid to shoot at people, was he a red terrorist?

    Was the person throwing grenades at police a red terrorist?

    Such a pity the army could not of done the same in 2010.

  7. Time for the Myanmar guys to book their tickets home!!

    It is becoming more and more obvious by the day, that the RTP and the prosecutors don't have a case!!

    80% complete?? My backside!!bah.gif

    I would be more worried that they may be booking tickets to the crematorium if this carries on, and they meet an " unfortunate accident" in the next few weeks

    I have seen a few posters predict this but what would that achieve. Do you think if they met an unfortunate accident this would somehow go away? Everyone would suddenly think it's all over?

  8. Thailand is wrongly sold as paradise where it's totally safe to do anything you want, but that is not true.

    It is? Who by?
    I agree SoiBiker, where is this promotional piece that's it's okay to do whatever you like in Thailand?

    I would really like to be able to buy a beer from 711 at 4.55pm after work but I can't. 555

    Jesus, you guys are thick. Sold as in it's a SAFE country.

    It is safe if you use common sense.

    But I like the idea, I can see the tourism slogans now ''Come to paradise in Thailand, it's safe except for our muggers and rapists' 555555

    Is that how you want TAT to try to sell Thailand.

    But we're thick 555

  9. People are commenting like these acts only happen in Thailand.

    Sure I'm a male, but I feel safer in BKK than I do in most other western cities I've visited.

    People are commenting probably because this is a forum about Thailand. Stroll on!

    And careful of that illusion that all appears safe here... newbies often tend to make that mistake and get complacent. If visitors would read the Thai tabloids, they probably wouldn't go out again.

    I get that it's a forum about Thailand, I have lived here a while that's why I read and comment.

    My point was people seem to making out likes it's a epidemic and a crime wave is going on, and another excuse for posters to lay crap on Thailand.

    I agree newbies get complacent but again, newbies to London, NY and Sydney would fall for that trap and get themselves in trouble.

    Unfortunately common sense is not that common.

    • Like 1
  10. Does no photos of people breaking the law include people who umm let's say, declared themselves PM??

    Oh wait, that's not a crime anymore lol

    And the quote ' when the media report, people ask why the government isn't taking action'

    Yes General, where is the action, you don't want the media to do their job as it shows your total incompetence!

    I'll start off by saying that you are entitled to your opinion but like many others on here why does it have to be negative and one sided.

    Are you are citizen of Thailand? Doubt it. Do you live in Thailand? Doubt it but if you are by chance an ex-pat, what are you on about? Last I heard was that 93% of Thais were happy with what he is doing. If you are a guest in this country, then act as one. If you came to my home and started bagging someone then you would be asked to leave and not come back.

    It was a bloodless coup, the killings of political opponents has stopped, as has the bickering and stalemate between the elected clowns of both persuasions. Obviously you have forgotten about the failures of the previous government and the lies they told, their attempted passing of the amnesty bill through parliament at 1.30am, which if successful, would have cleared all convicted criminals including your idol. Competent? Also, show me the statute that says the General has committed a crime by taking the position of PM. Did you know or have you conveniently forgotten that he had to have the King's sanction to take this position.

    Are you a member of the government, do you know what is going on behind the scenes? Doubt it. Please tell me what your standing and position in society is so that we can possibly make a statement as to your competency to take part in this Forum.

    Before anyone starts calling out colours, I have not suggested any and I am not aligned either way. I am just sick and tired of people being bagged by ill informed bogans who can only assume or speculate on other peoples' skills and attributes. I hardly think the man is incompetent considering his prior position.. There are some aspects that he may have been able to do better but I am not qualified to make such a call as you have.

    There may be a few statements in the media that have been attributed to him, and the wording leaves a little to be desired but then we have to be cautious as to whether or not it is a direct quote or the possibility of a misinterpretation, which is quite prevalent in Thailand.

    Maybe he does not want to give the convicted criminal a chance of being glorified by his supporters and allow them to continue with their motivations for having him return, that is, unless he is prepared to do the time but alas, I doubt very much if he would oblige.

    If the PM's speech meant the non photographing of all criminals, not just Thaksin, then yes, I would agree. I am only interested in them being detained and if guilty, convicted, not what they look like unless police cannot locate them and need the help of the public. Also,I really do not think that photographs showing a convicted criminal living the high life and where he travels to is news worthy. I think that this aspect is a total slap in the face to all Thais.

    Thanks for your reply to my post, you make some valid points and I like how you make them without getting personal (besides the bogan comment but I have been called worse).

    First of all, I do live in Thailand, have for many years, I have a Thai wife and son and I pay a shipload of tax per year. So I believe I have the right to comment as I do call this place my home, others may think I have no right to comment and that is their opinion. As to my position in society, not really sure how to answer, I have a good job pay my taxes don’t do anything illegal but please explain how that matters?

    93% support? We might have to disagree on how accurate those figures are.

    I completely agree on the previous government, total failure bordering on criminal, and if the General wanted to make a statement he would cancel someone's passport, issue arrest warrant and extradite him, why hasn’t this happened?

    When someone makes a negative comment about the current regime, why do people reply with how bad the last government was, so because the last one was really really bad, now its okay to accept just really bad!

    Regarding the taking of power by force, if it wasn’t a crime why did he have to grant himself amnesty. I will not comment about what type of approval he may or may not have received.

    But back to the main point, I believe he is and has shown he is incompetent, nothing has been achieved and stifling free speech and eradicating all opposition voice is scary.

    If you would like to offer some evidence of the changes he has made that proves he is competent then please do as I actually wish this man does succeed. The country needs him to, but things aren’t looking good so far.

    • Like 2
  11. Getting worse by the minute!!

    Just got this from news on my phone:

    Prime Minister Prayuth: Security authorities are finding out measures to calm down problematic opponents and maintain order to facilitate national solutions

    Wonder if Thaivisa posters are considered "problematic opponents??whistling.gif

    Anyhow, scary stuff......................

    This is not necessarily a bad thing, calming down opponents and maintaining order is to be commended.

    Stifling free speech and eradicating opposition is what would be worrying.

  12. "If someone is facing lawsuits, the media should avoid reporting anything about him because when they do, questions arise as to why the government would not take action against him."

    The media should not be focusing in a fugitive anymore. But back to what Mr PM has said, we are indeed very curious to know why the government would not take action against the fugitive.

    That's a great point, if the General really wanted to stop corruption he would try and get him extradited as he is a fugitive.

    It would be seen as a great move by the majority of the nation.

    Is corruption, and fixing the country his real objective?

    If the Thaksin Regime was so corrupt and criminal why has no one been brought to justice for these crimes (if they really wanted him here in jail he would be)!

    I wish the General would do something drastic to solve these problems, but history shows (and his assets) that things won't change under military control.

    They have always been a part of the corruption problem.

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