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Everything posted by khunpa

  1. Why not just keep it simple and ban all political parties? Wouldn’t change anything. Ohh…I forgot. It’s supposed to look like a democracy.
  2. The most disturbing part of this is the terrible racist way of reporting this news story. A Thai-man and his wife are portrayed as totally innocent victims to violent aggressive foreigners…. while the video tells a totally different story. But of course a story saying an aggressive Thai-man got beat up in a 1-1 fight, does not attract much attention or clicks.
  3. Watch the video and look at what really happened. This was a one on one fight, in which the Thai guy wanted to fight. After the Thai guy was knocked down first time, the French guy actually tried to leave but was attacked by the Thai guy. I do not support violence or fighting at all, but if you want to fight and lose, you cannot blame the other part. Bad luck he fell as he did, but he could have walked away at any time before that.
  4. If you watch the videos, you will see that the Thai guy was in no way attacked, but wanted the fight. This was NOT an assault and the French guy walked away as soon as he had knocked-out the Thai guy. Had the French guy lost, he would likely have had 10 Thai guys kicking him after being knocked-out. The Thai guy could have walked away at any time and his wife’s story is clearly complete BS.
  5. Well definitely not an attack, but a normal street-fight that ended bad.
  6. Seems strange that the two guys would drive after a random Thai couple and hit the guy without reason. That would be a bit crazy and if so, why did they not also attack the wife or others? That’s after all what crazy people do. Something is not right in the story. But no matter what the two guy are idiots and in for a lot of trouble. Hope the victim survives.
  7. History has already proven that nobody honest and not corrupt, will ever gain power here. That is just not Thai-style at all. Just imagine the confusion if they got rid of corruption. So many rich criminals would “lose face”. Can’t have that! People would be honest, police would be doing their jobs and accountants would have to submit the actual figures. Would be a nightmare for us all.
  8. I don’t miss Thaksin, but I really miss Yingluck who just looks much hotter than Prayut and her dad. Since their work-results are equally useless, please come back Yingluck!
  9. That is a 10/10 pointing picture. And great they framed the picture so it was 100% clear what to focus on. Fantastic reporting and pointing! I was very confused by the first picture, as nobody was pointing.
  10. Exactly! Live here long enough and you get immune to any official crack-down statements. Just smile and go on with your day like all the Thais do. Think too much about statements like this and you will go insane.
  11. There are lots of jobs around and anyone willing to work hard can do very well for themselves. It’s all a matter of mindset and not letting other lazy family members leach you for all you work hard for. Which is what happens in many families here. I have an retired guy (handyman) always working for me on various projects around my house. Was so hard to find someone, but this guy said yes and has since done loads of well-paid work for me. E.g. he ended up building me a nice pool and hired others to help him. A very smart guy who has made way more money the past years, helping me out, than many young educated Thais I know. Some Thais are simply just way to lazy and would rather sit drinking and eating, than work to improve their situation.
  12. Yes, that is possible and could explain why the guy came back. But Thai people do not like losing money and someone has to pay for the missing returns.
  13. I invested in ETH when it was at USD3200. I hope they arrest Vitalik Buterin if he ever turns up here…
  14. Might also look a bit at getting rid of corruption, while they are at it.
  15. Thailand needs to rethink their entire police force instead. The guy was a know drug addict for years, even when on duty. The police covered up all his wrongdoings! Things like this happen when you have a deeply corrupt police force and people can just buy their way to a position.
  16. Will never understand men who become crazy like this when they drink. Alcohol makes me extremely loving, kind and generous, which is why I very seldom go out drinking. I simply can’t afford it and the bar-girls just love me too much when I am drunk ???? Also my arm hurts the day after from ringing the bell and throwing ping pong balls around.
  17. I am sure being a drug user and owning a gun is not much of a problem here. Just don’t overstay your visa and you will be okay.
  18. I am sure he had some sick twisted motive to kill the children. Nothing more dangerous than a drugged up Thai man-child with a lost face…
  19. An American shouting… who would have thought?
  20. When I lived in Bangkok years ago I was once confronted by a VERY drunk policeman, while refilling my bike at a gas station. The guy wanted me to give him THB 500 and got pretty <deleted> off when I refused. Him shouting at me, pushing me and wearing a gun was pretty scary, But luckily he claimed a bit down, when I offered him a cigaret. Once he was done smoking he drove off on his bike… back to fighting crime, I guess. The whole thing was super surreal. Bystanders were mostly smiling and really did not know what to do, which was understandable in the situation. In most other countries I am sure someone would have called the police who would have gotten this guy of the streets and out of the police force. Here nobody really wanted to get involved, including myself… as doing the right thing can easily get you in trouble in Thailand. And that is exactly my point… The guy behind this massacre was known to be dangerous, but nobody does anything because corruption is so widespread here and it’s common practice to just avoid conflicts… especially when police officers or other people of power are involved. Thats why stuff like this will happen again and again here…
  21. Of course not. He was a former police officer. They don’t go to jail that easily.
  22. For sure “Loss of face” must have been involved somehow.
  23. A shame he got the chance to kill himself. Would have deserved some good beatings in prison.
  24. The problem here is that you basically have 2 options: 1. A private hospital, that will give you good care, but over-bill you until you are broke or your insurance says stop. 2. A government hospital with horrible facilities and care. You are as good as dead, if you are seriously ill and end up in one. Add to that is the difficulty of getting an affordable insurance once you reach a certain age. Unless you have a bucket load of money Thailand is a crappy place to get old and sick.
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