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Everything posted by khunpa

  1. The man has spoken! Wise words from a great and beloved leader…
  2. Easier for some than others it seems…
  3. I say the guy filming it, is more “strange” than the couple enjoying themselves.
  4. Bring a gun and bullets to an airport!!! How freaking STUPID can someone be???
  5. I hope you trust your wife’s son and you know that he at anytime after her death can get greedy and tell you to leave the house. Hope the house is not paid off already. If me I would do my best to keep the wife alive ????
  6. Meanwhile two immigration officers completely wasted their time coming to my home last week, making sure I actually lived in my house, care for my son and his bedridden Thai-mother with stage-4 cancer . At least I guess we managed to convince them I am not a dangerous Farang-criminal, after us all (including our Neighbors) being interrogated. We will see if I get the visa or not. Good they are finally spending their time on real criminals, although I am sure it is just a matter of agreeing and the “kick-back” fees and we will not hear more about it.
  7. If he can move around Thailand and rent a house, he would also be able to find a way to live here on a legal visa. So extremely stupid to not keep his things in order.
  8. Yes, a lot of people try to cheat the system (with the help of corrupt agents and immigration officers). The problem is also within immigration itself. I recently changed my visa to a child-support visa, due to my Thai-wife having stage 4 cancer and is bedridden. A very time consuming process that also involved a home-visit from immigration. I guess they needed to see that my sons mother was actually sick as we claimed. Luckily I found an agent that helped me and ensured it was all done 100% the correct way. Other agents I approached suggested none-legal ways, which is only possible if corrupt immigration officers are also involved. In some cases agents can be of great help, like in my case. On the other hand, had I gone the illegal way, I could have ended up in big trouble later. Which many risk doing, when they choose the “corruption route”.
  9. Don’t see any problem in them checking visas if they want, although with the right IT system it should be pretty easy to track overstayers. But of course all the current paperwork and “crack-downs” keeps a lot of people busy. Better to have them all “working” than sitting around looking at their phone. Personally I see it like this… I am a foreigner here and they can do as they like. If one day they don’t want me to stay any longer, I will simply just move to another country. BTW… for those who don’t like doing 90 day reporting, why don’t you just get an agent to do it for a very small fee? One big benefit of living in Thailand, is that you can actually pay for most of the stuff you don’t want to spend your time on.
  10. It’s already in his wife’s name… so that happened long ago ;-)
  11. Not easy to avoid lying, when you always need to follow the rules of the “Lose-face concept” and have to do everything possible to avoid personal responsibility. You can steal, lie and cheat others all you want and if you get caught you just have to do the “Sorry Wai”, “Blame others or something else like the car breaks”. If really bad, you become a monk for a few weeks and everything will be okay. ONLY reason the guy said “Sorry” was because of the “Lose-Face” risk. And that must be avoided at all costs. Everybody understands that. Next week he will go to the temple with some flowers and donation-money… And then it will be like it never happened… Have he learnt anything from his actions? No and he never will.
  12. I tried exactly the same! Maybe it was the same bar ????
  13. England showed they had a great offense, but also revealed that their defense is not that impressive. Let’s see what happens when they meet teams that can actually play decent football ????
  14. So many “man-child’s” here. All raised to think they are special, just because they are male. Treated like small kings during their entire childhood. Often end up drinking all day, making some girl pregnant, abandoning her and the kid… and then leaching of their parents… until one day it ends like this…
  15. Hope his wife did not “rat” him out ???? His “deep water” T-shirt fits his new situation perfectly…
  16. Wow! A life really does not have much value here…
  17. He later found out that the policeman was indeed an officer of the Narcotics Suppression Bureau Lampang branch as he had contacted him to let go of the case in return for 100,000 baht payment. Always About Money!
  18. Wow! Some truly strange farangs living here…
  19. Well at least the criminal foreigners here are not to blame for mass-killings. The Thais are well ahead when it comes to that.
  20. Probably here to get the THB 40 mill. investment visa ????
  21. Reading this, I just realized how boring my life is…
  22. No matter how much money they want in these various schemes, the problem will always be the practical side of it. A lot of papers to be signed in Thai language, not to mention all the stamping and waiting at different offices. Of course you can get a so-called Thai-lawyer to assist you, who will charge outrageous fees for it and in many cases can not be trusted at all. How many times have we not seen lawyers and officials cheat and steal with no consequences? Then of course you have the legal side of it, which will be interpreted different based on who deals with it and which location you are at. Here it is very easy to think you did it legally correct and then later find out you actually broke the law and will face problems. Not to forget, they can just change the rules as they go along. Nobody with hard-earned LEGALLY made money and in their right mind would make a huge personal investment in Thailand. It’s just way to risky and you can easily live well here with making such investment. These schemes will however attract those who needs to hide some money and see this as low risk compared to their other options. I am sure there are especially some Chinese, Russians and Indians etc. who could see the benefit of placing some of their cash here.
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