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Everything posted by khunpa

  1. After turning 50 the girls started calling me “Good heart Man” instead of “Handsum Man”, like they did before. That really pisses me off!
  2. Only one: The often broke “wanna-be Thai” foreigners, who believes speaking Thai and their “cultural-awareness” will expand their chances to live here long-term. Only when they in the airport, returning home, do they realize that MONEY is Number 1 here and nothing else matters.
  3. Foreign investment will always be deterred when corruption is part of daily life, accounting is in Thai and does not follow international standards, you can’t own 100% of your investment and will have trouble sending any profits out of the country. “Unstable political situation”…. It’s always been unstable. Nothing new and not the main reason why foreigners do not invest here.
  4. What I see is just the same old record playing… Right now a lot of Thais are disappointed, a few will protest until they get hungry and go home or thrown to jail. Same, Same as always. Life goes on and things are quickly forgotten. We then wait another 4-5 years and it all repeats itself. I have come to Thailand since 1997 and I don’t know how many times I have thought “NOW there will be BIG trouble!”. Never happens as it would require consistency from all (and real balls) to beat and take down the system. So just enjoy the weather and go for a swim. Don’t worry, you are just as safe here as in any country.
  5. They could care less…
  6. Well, just as expected. Back to figuring out what I should order on Grab… maybe a “Pita Sandwich”… Good luck, Thailand! Did anyone really believe they would just let him take the power?
  7. Complete waste of time! When has a small rally ever changed anything in Thailand? We all knew that the election was just for show. Now let the “old boys” get back to ruling.
  8. No surprise and I am even pretty sure nothing will happen, besides a few small gatherings and demonstrations. Then back to the old ways and leaders. Thailand will NEVER change until the majority of Thai people show they have truly had enough. Which they are way to controlled, comfortable and lazy to do.
  9. Do what YOU want… It’s your life and your money. Just don’t expect any long-term relationships with a woman you are supporting to be cheap. Not anywhere in the world. Next it’s not her kid needing medicine. You will also have to pay for school, her to start a business (which she most likely abandons after 2 months), her sick parents etc. The list is never ending!! Although happily married for 10 years to a Thai-woman (who recently passed away), I would personally not repeat. Had it only been a life with her, then I would say go for it. But it’s not and you better have the money ready to “take care” and be the “good heart” farang. Especially when she has parents and kids. Good luck. You will need it ????
  10. LOL! Always a trillion people to do the work 1 or 2 people could do. Why not spend the resources on traffic control instead and save a lot of lives?
  11. LUXURY, compared to when I was young and we only got to eat sand… after walking the 138 km to school each day…
  12. This is based on a so-called “Thai” calculation and logic, where 300.000 is A LOT and 20.000 is much less. Just leave it at that. No need to think more about it ????
  13. The fact that so many officials are involved in this corruption case, might also mean that nothing really will happen. You only need a few News cases of farangs with e.g. children here, who suddenly are deported because they “believed” what the corrupt officials told them. Would be bad media for Thailand and might stop any further actions taken. After all nothing is worse here than “losing face”…
  14. I can and have paid to stay legally, But also used and hired agent to help me when I got my Thai-child visa… Why? Well because my wife was bedridden and terminally ill and I also had to take care of our son. Dealing with immigration was not really my priority and the agents was a huge help for me/us as a family. So there are situations were agents are a blessing and everything is still done 100% legal.
  15. This is Thailand in a nutshell… CORRUPT Immigration officers (Thais) COPRUPT Agents (also Thais) Both have created a fake and unlawful system for personal gain. They might even have convinced many foreigners, it was all legal. But who will end up getting “burnt” in the end? Of course, the foreigners who came across this bunch of corrupt Thais. They will briefly suffer and feel the pain, until the system “resets” in a new corrupt way. The true problem here is not the foreigners! It’s the forever corrupt Thais, who makes it all possible! Welcome to Thailand!
  16. I would guess, it is more likely they will go after those westerner’s, who have used an agent to avoid putting money in their accounts. Much easier cases/success-stories and photo-opportunities. The Chinese Mafia on the other hand are much bigger players and has more to “offer”.
  17. Six months ago I had to make a Thai-child visa and reached out to some different agents to help with it, as I was busy taking care of my bedridden wife. One agent wanted me to get the visa through another province and even offered the option to do some kind of deposit on my behalf, to show money in my account. Happy I declined and went with an agent that I know did it the correct way and with MY own money in the account. Also had a home-visit from immigration police who confirmed it was done 100% correct. I can’t imagine how worried I would be, if I had gone with the other option and read this article. Don’t get tempted by these scam agents offering the easy no-deposit way! It will catch up with you at some point.
  18. - Just bought a house - Often argues with wife “Suicide”… Hmm
  19. Doesn’t seem to be a problem in Thailand ????
  20. I would actually prefer to marry an “Isaan” uneducated woman, than a Hi-So well-educated Thai woman with loads of connections… I am sure the last could do much more damage, if she wanted to steal from you. But of course if you are just plain stupid, like the guy in the article, it’s irrelevant…
  21. What the hell is wrong with the guys who keeps doing this? IF the woman wants a house, then make the 10-year loan down-payment for her. At least she will stick around for the next 10 years and you will minimize your losses. Paying 100% is just plain STUPID!
  22. Can’t wait until they legalize sex toys. Will be the first to order one of these dolls and have it delivered by Grab.
  23. So the guy likes to bang a doll… Good for him, as long as he enjoys that! I say let the man be free to buy and hump all the dolls he wants.
  24. Well, still people (Including myself) prefer a bit of “chaos” and less expensive destination, over a sterile place like eg. Singapore.
  25. Well who cares about a bit of Covid, when there is an opportunity to make some easy money… ????
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