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Everything posted by bikerlou47

  1. YES apply now you can do online will take about 5 weeks!
  2. 10 Years ago I renewed for 1 year when my passport was to expire in 8 months..NO PROBLEM. This year a problem they would only give me 8 months. So there was for sure a rule change.
  3. It took me 5 weeks last month
  4. I just renewed my passport following the rules stated on their site. No problem everything done by mail..it took 5 weeks.
  5. Just a quick mention.. The USA has a tax treaty with Thailand..so any taxable income in the states can NOT be taxed in Thailand.
  6. https://xn--42cah7d0cxcvbbb9x.com/ The above site will show you the appreciation of buying Thai gold over the years. I have been quite happy putting 50% in Thai gold. The other 50% stays in the west. Good Luck
  7. I have spent 15 years reading books and examining my life style eating habits. Here are 3 books any one of these will get you on the right track. Trust me it works when you get serious. Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease Robert H. Lustig Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It Gary Taubes The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman Timothy Ferriss
  8. Sounds like you are eating much sugar and carbohydrates...EAT PROTEIN AND FAT! NO SUGAR OF ANY KING AND CARBS MUST BE KEPT VERY LOW! I am 76 and this year I have lost 15kg, Also exercise will NOT help you lose weight!
  9. This invitation makes me sick to my stomach! I have many friends in the Ukraine and I am ashamed that I live here. I have been here for 20 years..I can not just pick up and leave. Shame on the illegal government of Thailand.
  10. I bought a Honda 650 used had it for about 15 years, when I went to sell it I was told the numbers did not match! UGH Just about had to give it away. I got screwed.
  11. I will quickly tell you my story: 18 years ago My girl bought a house she was given all the proper papers, but when I went to the bank to get the ash I was told I had to got on a four hour road trip to go the bank where I opened the account. i explained to the seller that I would not be able to travel for another week or so. His response was "Don't worry about it enjoy the house when you get the money let me know. I love this Thai guy to this date.
  12. Has anyone used renewal by mail? If so did you encounter any problems?
  13. I don't really believe in the after life, but sometimes I wish i could see 4 people who have passed so I could apologize to them..I know I could have made their life happier.
  14. One can check out some of the places Conan has visited by searching for it on YOUTUBE.
  15. Where I live more than half of the ATM's are already gone!
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