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Phil Water

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Posts posted by Phil Water

  1. Wow, 9 people killed in Canada do not get as much attention as 2 killed in the US.

    While this is remarkable. It is also remarkable that the Canadian murder rate per capita is approximately 1/10 of the murder rate in the United States. That one is hard to put a finger on.

  2. A strange footnote to this whole rice situation, is that large bags; 8 and 15 kg bags of Thai AAA Scented Jasmin Rice currently sold in Canada in grocery stores are sold at below the price that a farmer in Isaan gets for the same quantities of cleanded rice. Is this some explanation for "missing rice". Maybe I am mistaken, but this was calculated after recently visiting a farang rice farming friend near Korat. Currently an 8 kg bag of this rice is just under 10 USD in Canada at my local grocery store. Maybe someone else who knows rice prices can confirm.

  3. Now wouldn't the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJL if some international court grabbed a US citizen and tried to prosecute him? We're not into that European-lose-your-sovereignty-to-a-group shit.

    "Ring, ring ring." "Hello USA, this is the UN." "Oh really? Get lost."

    Why would that be? It can't be because American consider themselves above international law, is it?

    What is international law, and where does it get any authority over a sovereign nation?

    The concept of international law resides in the minds of the brainwashed.

    Hey if you are going to be quoting Putin, you should be using a reference or citation. :)

  4. What a moron..........

    Nepotism is never good for companies.

    She proved by her actions that she is not capable of being the vice president of this airline and she only got the job by being the daughter of the airline Chairman.

    Hope the law gets tough on her.

    Perhaps a little too quick in reacting? The Washington Post story paints a different picture. Without knowing the details of the discussion between this board member and the Purser we can't determine if this was an object lesson to flight crews or an over the top response. Given that the crew member ejected was the Purser, not the hostess, I suspect it was more about following procedures than about whether she wanted nuts or not.

    Airlines exist because of profits from up the front of the plane and this was her direct area of responsibility. Without knowing more it is not possible to say whether tou or I would have reacted the same way.

    You are kidding right? Sorry if I offend you but none of this nonsense about management of procedures holds one gram of weight unless this was some empty test flight without anyone on board at all who was not an employee of the airline. The fact is that this was a commercial flight; and in this day and age someone should be going "Fred Flinstone" all over her A$$ including the FAA and state police. She will probably get a slap on the wrist because of her prominence, but she should have the full book thrown at her as a deterrence in affecting aircraft safety. The airline will be fined millions of dollars to cover costs, but I truly hope that this narcissistic freak spends at least some time in jail.

  5. I have done quite a few trips in the Dreamliner and have to say after all the hype I was totalled underwhelmed.

    Boeing hyped this aircraft because it is their first foray in to a territory dominated by Airbus.

    They derided the fly by wire and composite technology and got left behind with variants of the 737 and 747 which were designed in the 1960's.

    They got left behind and in trying to catch up made loads of mistakes not least in the electrics.

    What territory dominated by airbus? The 787 is not even in the same sales category as the A-380, if that is what you mean. It is a twin engine wide body single deck. It's closest competitors are it's own 777 and Airbus A-330.

    747 is currently a 1960's design but the current and soon 4th generation B-737 share absolutely zero design characteristics of Version 1 and 2 B-737. The current version 2 B-737 800 & 900 were some of the first widely successful "Fly By Wire" airliners including B-777.

    The Planned 747-X will be the only Boeing to come close to comparing to A-380 but even it will be a long way off of competing directly. They will compare more directly to the doomed Airbus A-340 who's fuel and maintenance costs were so high that construction was prematurely halted after a few short years due to almost no new orders. Plans for the first all new 747 since inception include the wing material and design, as well as many other features of the twin engine, much smaller B-787 Dreamliner. Much of these design features are also in the newest rebuild of the B-737 (V-4) to debut in 2018 ish.

  6. For those who have not endured a flight in a Dreamliner it has hard seats.

    I recently had the most uncomfortable journey in one from Ghuangzhou China to Bangkok. It was as bad as a similar trip,I endured from Mumbai to BKK on a 737. I am a regular sized bloke but the seat configuration and hardness made the three hour trip excruciating.

    Give me an Airbus any day. I am not a. Thai Airways fan but I love their comfy roomy Airbus's on internal flights.

    Boeing and airbus do not manufacture or market any of the seats in their planes. Seats and other interior features including entertainment systems are purchased 3rd party from one of nearly 200 different suppliers when a plane is ordered. These choices are entirely up to the individual airline.

  7. Thailand seems well ahead of most the rest of the world in it's use of gas instead of coal for power generation. I hope that they are not forced to take a step back. I have heard of many coal fired plat proposals in Thailand recently. Lets hope that they can find a way to settle claim disputes with Cambodia before it comes to this.

    Compared with coal, natural gas produces half the carbon dioxide, less than a third of the nitrogen oxide and just one per cent of the sulphur dioxide, with virtually no particulates.

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  8. They thing that gets me with the reporting of this entire incident is that everything is based on DNA, ie, people being released because their DNA doesn't match.

    Where have the police got their samples of DNA from? Only the semen? For me, that is an irresponsible assumption that whoever had sex with the girl is automatically the murderer. That is not too clever as it appears nobody knows the events of that night. I have not heard that the DNA from the semen has been matched with any other samples from the crime scene.

    The other thing I am baffled with is voluntary statements from the other foreigners that were with the victims that night, or rather the lack of them. In confliction with the previous highlighted text above, someone knows more about this than has been told.

    IMHO of course.

    I must have read over 1000 posts on forum's since this story first broke with all sorts of theories, advice and criticism of and for the investigation. This post has to be one of the top three or four in my opinion.

    Answers I'd like to know include why was Scott Macanna and these others who were with the deceased allowed to leave Thailand so quickly?

    Also what of the Asian men caught on CCTV wearing the victims shorts while another was in his underwear?

    There is also some pretty outlandish statements being made by posters on the first page of "Britons' murder: Police claim Koh Tao investigation hindered by media", that I will not even address. If there is any truth to these... gawd I hope not....

  9. Wow. I am surprised at these complaints. Compared to both national carriers in Canada, Thai Airways to me is top Notch. Both Air Canada and West Jet started last week charging $25 dollars for the first checked bag on all economy class tickets.... and the food on those airlines is absolutely disgusting compared to Thai Airways. Sure the price is higher than Asian based discount airlines, but for a Star Alliance member, nothing beats them for my dollar compared to their North American counterparts.

  10. I read somewhere recently that AirAsia orders for new aircraft for delivery and options on orders in the next 5 years, at nearly 500 were the most of any carrier of their size in the world by far.  In fact they are now Airbus' biggest customer.


    In the same article, an industry analyst said they didn't know where Fernandes was planning to utilize such a bullish amount of new aircraft.  The analyst had high regard for AirAsia forward confidence and used it as proof of the future growth of air travel in the region.

  11. WTH !! Is he daft??? US arms and training has already made it's way to ISIS troops. The U.S. does not have a handle enough on the situation to provide arms to a so called moderate wing. Time for the U.S. to moderate it's support for Syrian anti-govt forces in favour of getting a handle on ISIS in Northern Iraq.

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