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Posts posted by soalbundy

  1. 1 minute ago, The Renegade said:

    Loss of UK cash is the least of the EU's worries.


    The Italians have now blacked all ports to migrant ships.


    Merkel may well be picking up her P45 next week.


    The EC is trying to gain support to sanction Poland.


    And the next EU budget negotiations are about to start in earnest, which have already been shot down by 8 EU Members lead by Holland.


    EU in chaos right enough.

    true enough but benign compared to the UK, with Trump the anti-Christ at the trade helm we may start seeing the end of times ?

    • Like 1
  2. 14 hours ago, billd766 said:


    Don't tell us, tell your MP assuming that you have the right to vote in the UK


    They can effect change far more easily than we can.


    I wrote to my MP last week asking about Brexit.


    Where do you stand politically on the Brexit question and where do you stand personally?


    Her response was


    As a politician, I am lucky that my personal and political positions are one and the same. I believe that as an MP I should follow my constituents vote. As they voted to leave the European Union, I am duty bound to follow this, even if I myself voted remain. With current amendments likely to undermine the Government’s ability to negotiate the best deal, I will not be supporting them.


    Her constituency voted to leave.

    So even she is despairing of the mess

  3. 14 hours ago, transam said:

    Hence Brexit.....You seem to be learning.....5170.gif.cddf45ab8c2ece87e0b65cae0ee6feb2.gif

    doesn't say a lot for the Brits though does it. About 20 years ago a German comedian and social critic, Gerhard Polt was making ironic comedy sketches about Polish workers in Germany, whereas the German electrician needs a 20 minuet coffee break before he really gets going the Polish electrician merely plugs himself into the mains and gives himself a 240 volt shock before he starts work and after 2 hours has done more work than the German has all day.

  4. 12 hours ago, nontabury said:

    And those same people are remainers.




    No, they are above remain or leave they win either way, the super rich are an interconnected, international, no borders family who, as in both world wars, bet on both sides, they always win, as J.F.Kennedy found out, the mafia, CIA, and the industrial military complex are an unbeatable opposition.

  5. 13 hours ago, nauseus said:

    Must be true then.

    well they named names including the royal families of Europe, bank of England, the Fed, Ford motor company, Dutch Shell, J.P. Morgan, among scores of others, some interesting things, throughout ww2 J.P. Morgan was able to operate freely in Paris, America bank rolled the Nazi party and supplied the money for the Autobahns, after ww2 Ford sued the American government for bombing its tank producing factories in Germany and won. The super rich, all one big happy family.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    You really should read up on our own political system. This is what gets me; people spout about all sorts of issues but don't know the basics.


    You may wish MPs were there just to represent the majority view of their constituents. They are not.

    Reminds me of a line from one of Gilbert and Sullivan's songs :-

    'He always voted for his party's call

    and never thought of thinking for himself at all

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, aright said:

    I agree because Abortion and Hanging are Conscience votes. Any non conscience votes should be cast on the basis of the majority of the will of his constituency. If he doesn't serve the needs of his constituency what value is he ?

    As for they know more, are more intelligent, and better able to make decisions on the basis of his accumulated knowledge. Where is the evidence for that in todays world?   

    None at all but they do have a vast array of experts at hand including an experienced civil service, they can of course ignore them as Trump, the leader of our special relationship, frequently does.

  8. 1 minute ago, nauseus said:

    What a creative mind! Her decision my toot.


    If Thatcher had been in power in 1992 she would have signed us OUT! She saw the light and got kicked out herself soon after by the Tory Europhile lackeys. Major signed even more of the UK away in Masstricht and Brown poison-penned again in Lisbon. Both treaties were serious enough each, constitutionally, to warrant national referenda and consent. The very result of the 2016 referendum shows how badly one was needed. 



    Those behind the scenes who really hold power probably told them what to do, rather like now, they let the reins slip for a minuet and now the chaos has to be stopped one way or another. 

  9. 24 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

    No need for apologies.


    It was a joke. So I will do you the courtesy of answering your points.


    Most likely true.


    This might be true for a minority, but I am  not having a significant number. To balance that out. How many voted remain due to Project Fear ? How about actual figures ?


    Again. How about actual figures ? Significant minority means nothing. There are idiots everywhere, even on the remain side. Just look at the many postings on here ??


    Correct ??

    There isn't even a bedsted let alone a bed of nails. It's an Ikea bed, the packet has been ordered but all that has arrived are the assembly instructions and nobody really understands them.?

  10. 2 hours ago, nontabury said:

    We are now unfortunately in the E.U. Along with an unacceptable high number of low paying poor quality jobs. One of the main reasons for this,is the surge of unrestricted labour, due to the E.U. Imposed free movement of workers and their dependents. Hopefully when we take our country back, there will be rules put in place to only allow those with the necessary and required skills to obtain a work visa, disregarding their nationality.

    many countries in the Eu have a high proportion of high quality jobs and would rather leave the low tech work to migrants. Lots of Turks etc on the production lines in car factories in Germany where very high wages are paid, rubbish bin collection, street cleaning, farm work etc are not jobs Germans aspire to, may be different in GB of course.

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 minute ago, The Renegade said:



    There was no Referendum on the Poll Tax either. Another stupid comparison.


    So YOU had a vote at EU level. So you are actually a Eurocrat, is that what you are saying ?


    Have you now been outed as a EUROtroll ?



    Is that all you've got ?

    I'm a troll foll de roll

    I'm a troll foll de roll

    and I'll eat you for my supper

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

    Why is there a problem now.


    House of Lords, mostly remainers.


    The invented term '' Soft Brexit ''


    The EU, trying to keep the UK under the thumb of Brussels and the ECJ and to keep the UK's money flowing to Brussels.


    The process is a mess because the EU should have been told right from the start, '' The UK leaves the EU on the 29 March 2019 and WTO rules apply immediately ''


    ( You cannot have half a divorce )


    Now we can start negotiating.



    but we come back to reality, they weren't told that were they. They weren't told that because the intricacies of governing a country include not only parliament but capital, industry, the civil service and the establishment, not to mention almost half the electorate who were against it, there is no overwhelming support for Brexit although I have no doubt May will do her best to achieve it if only because her political future depends on it, there is no ideology or logic at play here, May has always been a remainer, now it's all about me as far as she is concerned. 

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