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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Do you think they are clueless ? You can have a bank account in England and get your pension paid there but how do you get your money, ATM here, Transferwise, etc. The tax office can and do have access to your bank account, they can see all payments made and where they are going, where do you apply for a new passport? if you don't fly back and get it done here they know, even if applying back in England they can still see all the visas in your old passport. If you have an address in England then you are liable for council tax. They have so many ways of getting to you if they want to. When I applied for my German pension, attached to the form from my German pension provider was all the payments I had made to the UK pension, the world is a village.
  2. but next year they will deduct NHS payments from pensioners
  3. That is against regulations, when I left the UK for Germany some 50 years ago I was told I had to deregister from the GP list which I did, I still have my National health card and number but I should imagine that a quick look in the computer would show it to be invalid. Don't make the mistake of thinking that the authorities in the UK are idiots, they know where you are. An acquaintance of mine registered with his brother in England before coming to Thailand, while here he got greedy and tried to apply for a winter heating allowance, he got a letter to his brothers address saying he didn't qualify as he was living in Thailand.
  4. I'm not certain about this but I've heard that this only concerns the pension pot, monthly payments to you are deductible which is why a person entering retirement can't just ignore his debts and say I'm not paying.
  5. I had a friend who through an allergic reaction to an injection at the dentist in the UK (on holiday from Thailand to see relatives) went into a 2 week coma, he had to have rehab afterwards, cost was over 100K in pounds, he was given the bill but told if he satisfied the NHS requirements he wouldn't have to pay so he rented a flat for 6 months had to show that he had paid council tax and all his utility bills etc after which he was let off paying. I would think that by not paying they would have you by the short and curlys if you are getting a pension, they could, through a court order, make monthly deductions.
  6. No you are not, not only will you be charged but it will be 50% on top. You can get excellent drugs for TB in Thailand my wife had a very resistent strain treated in the end with medicine from the West but it was hellish expensive stuff luckily we had insurance and the hospital arranged to be paid direct from the insurance so that we wouldn't be burdened with up front payments.
  7. Actually it is more about Western currencies falling except the dollar which is strengthening, if you follow the dollar index spot on Bloomberg you will see that a rise in the dollar will cause a rise in the Baht and a fall in the Euro, at the moment it is quite dramatic, dollar index +0.5% Euro-dollar -0.7% Manager magazine shows Euro-Baht -0.35%
  8. Quite amazing considering the new surge in covid in the West as well as the inflation. Austria has instigated a new lock down and Germany wont be far behind, in Holland the police had to use firearms in the face of a violent demonstration of anti-Vachers, in the UK it is 'hoped' that a normal Christmas can take place but anything is on the cards as they have the highest covid infections in Europe, doesn't look like a stabile situation to consider holidays in Asia.
  9. he's got to show that he is still relevant, he isn't, he's just pathetic and he isn't convincing anybody, maybe he hasn't heard about the covid flair up and inflation in the West, they have their own problems just staying where they are.
  10. Pragmatism rules, mellowed by noble sentiments, COP26 comes to mind.
  11. Nevertheless, things change without interference or drama. Things change when they have to, communism in Russia was defeated without a war, time killed it. Vietnam and Afghanistan showed that interference is futile, counterproductive even, things will change there all in good time and so it will be with Thailand.
  12. I don't know, I do know of one who shouldn't be here by law but has successfully used an agent for many years. I don't understand why one would use an agent, the procedures are quite straight forward, the most time that I have spent in the IO for an extension was three hours but last week only one hour was sufficient.
  13. The erections seen through their trousers gave them away obviously.
  14. noble sentiments leads one to the block without ever knowing if your sacrifice will succeed or was in vain. There are many brave people in Thailand willing to sacrifice life and/or liberty for a just cause but it should be noted that no tyrant, political system or situation lasts forever, action through inaction generally works quite well, change will always happen all by itself although some gallant souls feel called upon to be a catalyst even though the chemical mixture was brewing quiet nicely alone, speed isn't a quality of nature.
  15. If they were 'legal' they could have gotten their visas themselves surely.
  16. Brave but foolish, Thailand doesn't do truth, what with all the demonstrations now Thailand has enough martyrs, throwing himself into the fray for self interest wont benefit anybody least of all himself. These truths were already known by those in charge but nobody was foolish enough to speak them out loud just in case a miracle happened and tourists came. When you have been walking on Teflon for so long it is difficult to get used to any other surface.
  17. A Dugong suicide is different, still tragic of course but different.
  18. Sounds a bit more complicated than 4 years ago when I last renewed mine in Surin, e-learning? whatever next. We just watched a boring film, no appointment, did the colour blind and brake test and that was it. I shall see next year.
  19. You can't rebuild a system immediately because the teachers have also been taught 'the Thai way' one would have to start with a new influx of teacher training college students. The system is nothing without the people using it, a new system with the old guard is next to useless. This may have come about because of the demonstrations concerning 'you know who', the geriatrics in parliament consider that the status quo must be maintained.
  20. Isn't their system somewhat different? You pay into their bank account from your home country's bank and then receive your money from a Thai bank to your Thai bank account, it is a transparent system.
  21. Like a group of cats talking about their 'operation'
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