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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. That wasn't an earthquake, that was the result of Anutin saying he wanted to be PM.
  2. Your conclusions Mr goody two shoes, I don't know any men who would beat anybody, let alone a woman.
  3. An interesting article, the HIV word was slipped in there, due to covid the HIV problem in Thailand has slipped under the radar, no doubt new cases have gone down now.
  4. It would be a mistake to make him your enemy, but your wife would know that anyway.
  5. I was reading in Der Spiegel that it is considered a stroke of good luck in Germany to have Omicron taking over from Delta, the illness isn't as severe as Delta and since it is more easily transmissible it should take over completely. Omicron is Covid 19 that has added genetic material from the common cold which our bodies have become used to. It all depends now on climatic conditions, it was first thought that the cold winter in Europe would cause more fatalities through Covid but this now not the case (up to now) due to Omicron, how this will play out in Thailand is anybody's guess.
  6. I'm already happy, sentimentality wont increase it. Causality forms the paths you have walked on, are walking on, will walk on, it is up to consciousness to master what occurs on the way. If you need a chrismassy film, that is causal, if you don't, that is also causal. Sentimentality is a holiday from the shadowy side of life, I am permanently on holiday without it.
  7. What about "The blood thirsty humpbacked vampire in the chip shop"....it's a musical, all done in the best possible taste (RIP Kenny)
  8. woke. woke, woke, PC, PC, PC, Snowflakes everywhere these days, "Hello waitperson, Mz here would like to pay the bill for her non gender children's vegan meal.
  9. Mine has already started apparently, I was wondering why she kept bringing young plants home, she has cornered part of the garden for herself now, all very exotic looking.....the plants, the wife not so much.
  10. sounds like Boris.... so the flip flopping has to come soon.
  11. call me old fashioned but since I only live 15 minuets drive away from immigration I will still go in person. It must be a Godsend to those who live a long way away, so yes well done immigration.
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