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Posts posted by MMarlow

  1. "Although the defendant has committed the offence multiple times, [the court has decided] to grant the defendant a chance to change his behaviour into a good citizen, and to return to his profession to provide for his family," the verdict concluded.

    Return to his profession - as an unregistered taxi driver? That will show him, he now has to find unsuspecting tourists outside of Suvarnabhumi.

    He is not an illegal taxi driver, he was simply unregistered to operate officially from the airport, from where he has now been banned for 5 years.

    • Like 1
  2. So obviously aimed at getting the people who opened accounts for third parties to close them out of fear. It is probably not so easy to know which accounts have been opened for illegal purposes and which have been opened legitimately unless you are going to investigate microscopically. Given the huge number of accounts I am sure AMLO does not have the resources. There is also a terrible propensity to allow banks to operate without responsibility here.

    Unless AMLO comes across criminals and the accounts exposed as a result then I would expect most accounts will go undetected. So not such a stupid statement in my opinion but quite a legitimate way to stir the pot. Next legislation to pug the banks to responsibility checks for their business especially lending on fraudulently acquired property.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    "There is also a terrible propensity to allow banks to operate without responsibility here."

    What are you referring to, can you give an example of this "terrible propensity"?

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I never realised that a mother can abduct her own daughters.

    why don't the girls just call their father?

    why don't they use the secret emergency phone they have in a hidden compartment of their backpack?

    Why don't you stop being a clown? This is serious for the family and all you can do is post moron-style.

  4. Are the bankers here too stupid to identify, or too much benefiting from these fraud bank accounts?

    No, they clearly have co-operated with AMLO as the accounts have been identified, as per the report. As for your allegation that the banks are benefiting some way you have to bear in mind that when a Thai opens a savings account they will not be asked if the account is to be used to receive the proceeds of foreign scammers frauds so how can the banks benefit?

  5. Did I read this correctly . . . ? They are not arresting or charging the owners of these bank accounts (that have been laundering money) but are simply warning them to take the money out and close the accounts????

    It didn't say that they will not be charged, they have been told to close the accounts. They may well be arrested when they try to close the accounts. It is very likely that the accounts will not contain any money as the fraudsters withdraw all funds as soon as the account is credited, there is no reason for the funds to remain in the accounts of the hired account openers.

    After this report, which will in part be designed to disrupt the fraudsters operations, it is actually very unlikely that the accounts will be closed by the account holders as they will be be very wary of going anywhere near the banks or using the accounts for obvious reasons.

  6. Only 2? What's the point of posting. I can't walk down Sukumvit for half a mile without being exposed to at least a half dozen, in varying degrees of clumsiness. I won't bother listing them here, I'm sure everybody on this board knows about them.

    Go on, if you really do have 6 people every half mile trying to scam you, give just one example, not everybody knows about them.

  7. one of the females at the party was caught with the drug Erimin 5 which is a prohibited substance in Thailand.

    So all the other party people where tested for a legal drug ?

    I thought all drugs are illegal in Thailand.

    "I thought all drugs are illegal in Thailand." Why would you think that, relatively few are? Ever noticed those shops all over the place called pharmacies?

  8. What exactly was their crime?

    If it wasn't for the guns, I don't see much wrong. The article mentions Erimin 5, which was a pharmaceutical drug (a benzodiazapene): Nimetazepam. One of the pictures show what look like a little bit of cannabis in plastic. If there were much more illegal drugs like cocaine then they would have been mentioned and photographed.

    The lousiness of the reporting must be mentioned:

    So what were the other drugs? If you're going to say that there were other drugs, then at least state what they were.

    The writer has a problem with distinguishing between plural form of a word and ownership. e.g. "party's" should be "parties". "ladyboy's" should be "ladyboys".

    There should have been pictures of the girls too. Don't they know that readers like to see pictures of girls?

    "What exactly was their crime?" Possibly it centred on possession of guns and illegal drugs?

    "The lousiness of the reporting must be mentioned:" No, it absolutely must not; pedanticism is worth a mention though.

  9. So where are all the women in the photo, looks like it was a gay sex party or did they just arrest the guys

    Nope. "....15 men and 7 women, who all later failed drug tests, were arrested..."

    I too, was a little concerned about the disparity of female party goers vis a vis males, but then it's a little unclear as to how the BIB attributed sexuality to the ladyboys. whistling.gif

    The LB arrests were a different case.

  10. Yet another senseless violent crime on Phuket.

    Must have been drugged up local youths, as robbery doesn't appear to be the motive.

    I hope they apprehend them quickly, and get them off the streets, for the public's safety.

    You assume

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Sure, it's speculation.

    Happy to hear your thoughts on the incident, using the information supplied.

    Using the information supplied, ie none, you came up with drugs as the cause, how did you manage that and how could any rational person come up with any explanation for the attack without knowing anything about it?

    • Like 1
  11. ?....and how did the officers 'sieze the exploded tank'?

    Was it oxygen or acetylene? The colour of the cylinder is not indicated.

    Don't be trying to sound so sharp when you ain't got a clue. Acetylene tank with 200psi is not likely to blow a big hole into the adjacent shop.

    Tech people (whether boys or men!) would know that acetylene cannot be compressed, thus 200 psi is something of a technical error.

    Acetylene is dissolved in acetone inside the cylinder, some pressure being applied to dissolve the gas. A couple of hundered litres of blazing acetone would be a tad messy though.

    In TH people generally seem to use a cast iron pressure vessel with water and calcium carbide to generate acetylene, so it is unlikely that the accident involved an acetylene tank.

    It's also unlikely to be acetylene because the report said it was oxygen.

    • Like 1
  12. ?....and how did the officers 'sieze the exploded tank'?

    Was it oxygen or acetylene? The colour of the cylinder is not indicated.

    By using their hands to hold it whilst moving it to their vehicle, perhaps? The report says it was oxygen, I think that means that it was oxygen. Why should you think it was acetylene?

    • Like 1
  13. What I would like to know is this.


    Those machines on stage are full of balls, do the balls have numbers printed on the outside, or do they have to be opened to reveal a number inside?

    What is to stop, say, all the balls in each machine having predetermined known numbers in them?

    The balls do have predetermined numbers, they are all numbered 0-9 in each machine.

  14. I WAS THERE. omg. i was sitting having a sheesha as i saw some... large and overweight guy leading the children by hand. i was disgusted how a 6-7 yearold was selling flowers at 1 am. there are 2 flower kids (about 12-14yr) i recongnize and often buy from them. but the new kids are even younger. and someone shaved the little girls head to "create" sympathy. bastard.

    "i was disgusted...i recongnize and often buy from them." Hardly the actions of someone who was disgusted, to contribute to the sad situation and encourage the practice by making yourself a customer. If nobody ever bought from them they would soon disappear.

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