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Posts posted by MMarlow

  1. This is big news - Top Thai headline

    Very far from it, it's buried with many other news items, unless you think that appearing unceremoniously on a list of many other reports on a not particularly significant forum makes it a "Top Thai headline"

  2. Notice how they are soft pedaling "the bank." Not naming. Who was the EVP in charge? In a money laundering center like Bangkok, it is astonishing that there is never a major bank bust, but rather the anonymous bank is "being asked" to explain. Preposterous. Then Thais wonder why they are dropped on global watch lists. How can the Thai public change their culture of corruption, coverup, selective application of law and order, if there is never a big company or bank bust? Everyone knows the Thai banks are in on it.

    Preposterous indeed.

    "Everyone knows the Thai banks are in on it." ... Although you may be privy to information not in the public domain, certainly everyone does not know that "the Thai banks are in on it", whatever "it" is, or is that just another of your ridiculous, unjustified generalisations?

    "In a money laundering center like Bangkok, it is astonishing that there is never a major bank bust,..." Maybe local Thai banks are not knowingly involved in whatever it is you are suggesting they are involved in and if you do know that they are involved let's have the name of the bank you're thinking of, without the soft pedalling you're accusing others of doing, and exactly what they are involved in.

    • Like 2
  3. Two years later and the gear that the cops could not find the first time they raided was still there, just. You got to give someone points for stupidity.

    Yes, and you get all the points. If you use the part of your brain that enables reading you will see quite clearly that there was no gambling equipment there at the time of the first raid.

  4. Why would a taxi driver follow Thai "rules?" This sentence is especially interesting -

    The military junta has assigned the armed forces to help put many issues in order including public transport. - Note, "the military junta has assigned the armed forces......"

    Thais are a real laugher. More fun than ever before. They are now exposed as real buffoons. Just look at the photo above and read this story only. All you need to know.

    Your post and the vast majority of your previous ones go a long way to confirm that the real buffoons are not part of the military.

  5. Why not get quotes from the other professional movers and see how they compare? Bear in mind that you will be paying for professionals to pack and unpack and put your possessions where want them in the new place, with insurance in the (unlikely) case of damage. Most professional movers also have a minimum charge so if you have only a few items it may nor be cost effective.

    I have used JVK and they are worth every penny.

  6. Krungsri told me any amount, same day.

    Do you need to have an account there? Are you in a big city??

    I went in to pay for my girlfriend's visa. Not a customer, but I said what about $5000, and they said, no problem, they had that much every day.

    notice is definitely required, e.g. when you want 50,000 EURos and the amount in €500 denominations.

    It's academic in this case, I know, but 500 Euro denominated notes will not be issued unless you have a very good reason for wanting them and even then it's unlikely that they would be issued.

  7. Life insurance is as you understand it, a predetermined amount is paid out in the event of your death, covering you either for a specific number of years (Term Insurance) or for the whole of your life (the more expensive Whole Life Insurance). It does not have any element of investment so offers no return except in the case of your death (if that is within the term of the policy in the case of Term Insurance).

    Policies offering a potential investment return are Life Assurance policies in which part of your (more expensive) premiums are used to (hopefully) provide an enhanced value to the policy (sum assured) paid out either on your death or at the end of the pre-determined term of the policy. This additional value depends entirely on the efficiency of the investment element and will never be guaranteed. Any indication of annual returns, such as the 8% quoted to you, is always based on past performance of the investment managers and past performance is no guarantee of future returns. There is always a risk that the investment element will not produce any returns at all and that any payout will be limited to the original sum assured.

    If the person selling the policy to you does not, or cannot, explain that to you, you should not be giving them your money (from which they will earn a substantial commission). As a previous poster said, if you want to take out any kind of life policies and you do not understand how they work you need to be taking advice from one or more established, English speaking, advisors who are not tied to any particular insurance company and compare what they offer you.

    • Like 2
  8. Oh "bloody hell" PUNISH (jail) THE OFFENDERS --- see corruption diminish right before your very eyes. Like the adages:

    - If there is no punishment there is no crime

    - When the pain outweighs the pleasure they you/they'll change.

    STOP talkin shit. ACT ACT ACT damn... sorry a bit riling and I have not even read past the headline yet. lol my bad. 15_8_218.gif15_8_218.gif000203E0.gif


    To quote you, STOP talkin shit..."If there is no punishment there is no crime", never heard that adage before, what does it mean? I would have thought the opposite was more likely.

  9. I see in koh samui all taxis park round the corner and they are in a cue system then they get a call on the radio and drown outside the hotel to pick them up. Normally then price is agreed over the radio before the taxi arrives. Process takes about 2 minutes

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    "...they get a call on the radio and drown outside the hotel..."

    Sounds like a good idea.

  10. "We want to stress that the rumour among immigrants that police and troops are using violence against the immigrants is completely untrue,"
    .......... and resorted to a disproportionate action. The police do not condone this action."

    Soooo, - does that mean they approved of this volunter's action?

    Maybe that's the reason there is no finger pointing? goof.gif

    Maybe you should look up "condone" in a dictionary and you'd be able to answer your own question.

    • Like 1
  11. PATTAYA: -- Acting on an arrest warrant from 2013, officers from the Police Region 2 Child and Women Protection Unit arrested a 42 year old Russian on Monday Night, who has been tracked by the unit for 3 years following allegations he had sexually assaulted boys under the age of 15 on numerous occasions.

    Allowed free rein for three years??

    How many other innocents have suffered at the hands of this character whilst the police farce force stood aside?

    What the hell is wrong with the police farce force in Pattaya?

    You need to read the report properly and try to understand what it reported in full.

  12. Shouldn't the dear FDA doctor go back to medical school ? Hasn't it been conclusively proven that ulcers are caused by bacteria in the gut, and the acid in your stomach is far more concentrated than acetic acid (vinegar) anyway ?

    Not necessarily, there are other causes of ulcers in addition to bacteria.

  13. so, the headlines reads "machete-welding", but then says "knife wounds", and the cops are trying to figure out what happened. Does ANYONE have any actual FACTS???

    "...a machete, known locally as a “sparta knife”."

    ..hence knife wounds. Not difficult to understand really if you possess the ability to read.

    • Like 2
  14. A missing hard drive with CCTV? People keeping silent? Driving for 10 hours in the wrong lane? What happened to harder crime scene evidence - it is impossible for any-one to walk into a room and leave some evidence of their own DNA behind and that is fact. Perhaps its time to re-visit the DNA trail,

    "...it is impossible for any-one to walk into a room and leave some evidence of their own DNA behind and that is fact."

    Why should the DNA trail be revisited? If what you say is fact (which clearly it isn't) there would be no DNA there. It is possible that someone being in a room could leave DNA evidence of their being there.

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