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Posts posted by whimsy

  1. Experience in Australia is that about 1.5Mb or better is needed. So most places on ADSL should be OK. Netflix will buffer and reduce quality to try to compensate for low speeds. Get a free 1 month trial and try it.

    Depending on take up, the arrival of Netflix may impact overall net speeds for all. It had ISPs in Austrlalia scrambling to improve their bandwidth following Netflix turn on there. 'the Netflix effect' they termed it.

  2. 7 or 8 years ago I did track down a guy who made and installed neon signs. His factory was in a townhouse in the Nong Hoi area. Lost the details now. In the end I decided against it, mainly because of cost. The transformer and flashing mechanism cost over 20K baht, uses quite a lot of high voltage electricity is noisy and generates heat. A sign using LEDs has none of these problems. I have seen a number of LED sign shops around town.

  3. Motorola phones? Do you live in 1800 something?

    The Motorola E and G have been some of the best value low and mid range android phones (respectively) in the world for the last 3 years. Perhaps the OP is a bit more up to date than you think.

    Motorola withdrew from the Thai market a few years ago, shortly before the phones division was sold to Google and also before the award winning Motorola G and X were launched. The Motorola brand is now owned by Lenovo.

  4. So what exactly is changing on January 1st in terms of ASEAN? I thought one of the aspects was freedom of movement between member countries without the need for work permits etc. for ASEAN citizens.

    No it only applies to 'Skilled Labour' in certain professions. Even then, there are various controls which mitigate against this. It is estimated that between 0.3 and 1.4% of the workforce would be covered by the current mobility agreements once the qualification recognition frameworks are finalized.



    Labour mobility for skilled workers is another issue.

    Between 2005 and 2012, Asean countries signed mutual recognition arrangements (MRAs) in six sectors - engineering, nursing, architecture, medicine, dentistry and tourism - as well as framework arrangements on MRAs in surveying and accounting to help facilitate cross-border labour mobility. These agreements allow each member country to recognise education and experience, licences and certificates granted in another country.
    But implementation in this area has been slow because in practice, existing national legislation and regulations run counter to regional commitments to labour mobility and discourage cross-border movements by professionals.

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