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Posts posted by JB300

  1. Have just read in the DM that the UK spends £5Billion pa on benefits for Migrants, £30Million of which is Child Benefits for migrants children living overseas & I'll bet that that's not "Frozen"

    JB300, you'll never pass as a child migrant, so don't even go there.

    It's your pubic hairs that give your age away. thumbsup.gif

    Lol, those & the grey chest hairs... A (full body) shave might be in order :P

  2. Have just read in the DM that the UK spends £5Billion pa on benefits for Migrants, £30Million of which is Child Benefits for migrants children living overseas & I'll bet that that's not "Frozen"

  3. OP why limited yourself to Thailand?

    Look for opportunities in Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo etc... Earn a 1st World salary & visit Thailand as often as you like...

    [Yes more expensive to live in than Thailand but more higher paying careers & (certainly in the case of Singapore) much lower tax]

    Finance/IT would be good disciplines to go for, if these don't float your boat then look into Oil & Gas, it's going through a tough patch at the moment but will bounce back & those guys seem to have a great lifestyle plus earn a reasonable amount of money.

  4. Under Thai Tax Laws only income received in Thailand from employment Overseas is taxable.

    Pensions from overseas are not employment related and are not subject to taxation

    Are you sure about that? I thought it was taxable unless you waited until the following year to bring it into the country.

    Not that they'd know/be able to find out but just trying to confirm my understanding.

    • Like 1
  5. 10 years would shorten the interest paid on the loan . I can't see why putting 25% down on the place would be a good idea ? If you can't own the thing you may as well get a mortgage ,if it's possible ?? ... If you're missus plays up just saddle her with the debt [emoji6]

    a bad idea is to think you can get a mortgage in Thailand (and most other countries) with less than 25% down. keep on dreaming! whistling.gif
    It may be a bad idea but it's done throughout the world ! Zero down is everywhere I'm afraid ! In a country that has rules designed for foreigners not to own housing/land and you are sceptical about your teeraks feelings for you , the sensible man would get a mortgage that she couldn't afford ! It's a win win , you get pride of ownership without a large layout and if the relationship goes south you keep the house .
    1 If it's a "House" it would need to be in a Company or Thai Citizen name, good luck getting a mortgage in either case, if you do find one that's "Zero Down" can you please give me 6 numbers for next weeks lottery.

    2 You wouldn't get to "Keep The House" unless you carried on paying the mortgage... Same Same no matter what darling terrak does.

    3 If it's a Condo, no chance of getting "Zero Down" (minimum 10-15%) but again, dark-ling terrak doesn't come into play... Unless you buy it in joint names, then the bank will still come after you for the cash...

  6. Meanwhile, back towards the original topic (apologies as I know this is slightly off the original question asked by the OP)...

    Any recommendations where to stay within the centre of Chiang Mai? Looking to maybe spend a year or 2 there to see what it's like & don't want to have to own/rent a car or a bike.

    Want to be close to the restaurants, shops, bars etc... & either somewhere with a reasonable gym or somewhere close to one.

    Any suggestions of areas with example Condos greatly appreciated...



  7. So which of the other boxes are wrong as it adds up to 650?

    Ahhh... Must be the 1 UKIP Vote [emoji15]

    Edit:Sorry the above was in response to Kurt's post

    #UKRules: that's what I'm claiming but sky still have the Tories at 330, even if the Speaker of the House was excluded, they'd still have a Majority of 11 (He'd be excluded from both sides)

  8. Thanks fella, but I asked a pretty simple question (the answer to which the BBC & Sky don't seem to be able to agree upon).....

    Can anybody give me a simple... 330 or 331 answer ( yes I have a bet on the Tories scoring #more# than a 10 majority) or point me at the official results (Google brings just brings back the rags...)

  9. So it's 11:19pm in Thailand (5:19pm in UK) & the BBC website is showing the Tories as winning 331 (12 majority) & on the TV Sky is showing 330 (10 Majority)....


    Can somebody please tell me the correct "Score"....

  10. From April 30 to this morning the baht has taken a hammering.

    Long overdue and there should be another 10 to 20% to come. The sad part as a saver (my curse to bear as I did not enjoy my money during my productive years. I should have spent it and could now run to the bank and borrow money for almost nothing) I will loose out as the banks here will hammer interest rates. Thailand has finally joined the currency race to the bottom. Its more than just currency racing to the bottom its morale values as well.

    All the more reason to take the measly return we get nowadays & enjoy it all the more [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]

  11. I can't help but think exercise of this duration and freuency is in fact more likely to cause ill health. For one thing it will lower immunity and for another cause repetitive stress injury.

    You are correct that there are risk of injuries, but it's not because of the load of those exercices, it's related to how much time you give your body to be able to handle it.


    Ok. I assumed you were running for 3-4 hours a time, a few times a week. I see now you mean 3-4 hours a week. Yes, there are no implications here.

    I meet one guy who has been running that long (3-4H/day) and that frequently for a long time, but weight was definitely not an issue for him.

    He was preparing for a big challenge, crossing the USA from West to East Coast, running on average 66KM per day.

    Amazing what you can do with your body.

    Obviously, not recommended for everyone. It takes years of practice and preparation to be ready for such challenge.


    I've seen documentaries on "The Marathon Monk" & remember Eddie Izzard (more known for wearing a skirt/heels than for being particularly athletic/fit) running a number of consecutive 26 Mile/42KM marathons (quick Google shows it was 43 over 51 days http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8256589.stm) but to run 66KM is like running 1 1/2 Marathons a day & to be able to keep it going over approx 4,800KM is amazing!!!

  12. no never been stupid with money, wont be buying a lady a house here any time soon, lol, i was told (not officially) that i could not top up my prem bonds or get an ISA as i would be classed as a non-uk resident, any thoughts on this please, i do have a uk address, where mail is sent to, ? do they know where i live ?? Halifax might be suspicious as i send money from my current account to Thailand ??? thanks

    Correct, you cannot add additional funds into an ISA if you're a non-UK resident for tax purposes.

    Whether you choose to ignore this or not is up to you, personally I "Follow the Rules" even though my ISA Provider writes to me every year encouraging me to top-up... Including the disclaimer in the small print that says I can't :|

  13. 25+ trips here over the past 6 1/2 years living in Singapore & still trying to work out why I love coming to Thailand so much, I know it can't be 100% down to the women as I actually prefer Fillipinas...

    Left Singapore at the end of Feb on a "Study Tour of Asia" to see where I do want to relocate too, 6 weeks in Malaysia was a bit dull but 3rd week in Thailand & still have a huge grin on my face :)

    Next stop 2 weeks in the Philippines to see the gf (well it is our 5 year anniversary & she's none too pleased about my plans), then on to Bali for 4 weeks which although another place I love, I know I'll be itching to get back to Thailand.

  14. Snip...

    3. - Go to Thai embassy in Laos or the consulate in Malaysia and apply for a single entry O visa based on intent to get a retirement extension in Thailand, assuming over 50 by that time. Evidence of financial qualification showing of the Thai bank account will be needed. If trying this, post questions here for specific advice on that.


    This is the part that confuses me, how can you evidence money in a Thai bank account before you get the long term visa that enables you to open one?

    Yes I know you used to be able to open accounts on Visa Exempt & maybe some branches will still let you, but assuming you're outside of Thailand with no Thai account (& no income but more than enough in non-Thai accounts to meet the 800k THB ) & looking to go through the retirement process, how do you meet the Financial requirements?

    It is usually always possible to open a Thai bank account somewhere in a bigger city like Pattaya anyway where there are so many branches and so many are foreigner friendly. The OP has stated he is already sorted with a Thai bank account. He would want to bring current proof of his balance (bankbook, etc.) to the Thai embassy or consulate. Not sure if he would need an immigration letter from the bank as we get for bank balances to show Thai immigration in Thailand though.

    No you can't open a Thai bank account outside Thailand.

    As far as timing for people arriving without a Thai bank account, they can arrive, open the account, then transfer the money in. The money seasoning rule for FIRST TIME extensions is two months, not three, so it can be done if rushed.

    For the conversion step in Thailand (or at outside embassies) the money does not need to be seasoned yet ... the seasoning rule applies to the retirement EXTENSION applications.

    So if I've understood correctly, you can get a Non-O for reasons of researching Retirement outside of Thailand without having a Thai bank account, then when you get to Thailand you open an account, seed the funds & convert to an extension of stay based on Retirement once these have been seasoned for 2 months.

  15. Snip...

    3. - Go to Thai embassy in Laos or the consulate in Malaysia and apply for a single entry O visa based on intent to get a retirement extension in Thailand, assuming over 50 by that time. Evidence of financial qualification showing of the Thai bank account will be needed. If trying this, post questions here for specific advice on that.


    This is the part that confuses me, how can you evidence money in a Thai bank account before you get the long term visa that enables you to open one?

    Yes I know you used to be able to open accounts on Visa Exempt & maybe some branches will still let you, but assuming you're outside of Thailand with no Thai account (& no income but more than enough in non-Thai accounts to meet the 800k THB ) & looking to go through the retirement process, how do you meet the Financial requirements?

  16. Interesting posts....I landed a few days ago and got pulled aside after the counter officer asked if I had visa and I said no. The senior officer asked why I come here a lot and what work do I do and why I not get a visa. My replies were my girlfriend lives here, I like it here, I don't want to get married and I work on a computer, the laptop and internet is my office, trading currency and stuff. She also asked how much cash I had on me and how much in my accounts, I said I was a millionaire in USD and showed her all my cards and Amex gold card and she laughed. I said I never had problems before with coming in and out of Thailand and never overstayed ever for 7 years....she said the law had changed from last year that on 30 day exempts then the person can only stay a maximum of 90 days per year. I totally exceeded that off course since for years I have been coming here, stay 30 days plus extension and then go HK or Tokyo or Singapore for a few weeks then come back and stay another 30 days plus extensions......

    The officer was really nice though and she said ok I let you through this time but next time please get a visa. So now I don't know how easy it is to get tourist visa since my passport is full of stamps. Has anyone been in a similar situation like me and had no issues getting a tourist visa after all these exempt stamps that are only a few weeks apart? Or was I just unlucky with the immigration officer?

    Last year I was seriously thinking about the 15k USD Thai Elite Card....I guess I have to take that option now? Or whatever options do I have if I don't want to get married and 10 years off retirement age? I really like it here!!

    Was it not a little dodgy to tell the officer that you effectively had your office with you so could work from anywhere (including Thailand)!

  17. The offical line is that taxes and bank levies are too high.

    And of course there is the endemic corruption and continuing scandals.

    Banking scandal: 'the rot was widespread, the corruption endemic'

    Last week's banking scandals demolished a convenient myth: that the banking crash was all the fault of a few colourful rogues like Fred the Shred of RBS and Adam Applegarth of Northern Rock. We have been reminded, instead, that the rot was far more widespread. Incompetence, corruption and greed have been endemic in British banking. The RBS/NatWest computer failure illustrated the incompetence. Millions of households and firms now have to clean up the mess caused by accidental missed payments, bounced cheques and cash shortages.

    The Libor scandal demonstrated deeply corrupt practices at the heart of Barclays Capital, our leading investment bank, and at others too. The public cannot understand how a corporate fine – which will be passed on to customers and shareholders – begins to address the problem.


    and dont forget all us travelers that have been swindled by the currency fixing,what about the USA giving some of the record $2.5billion they fined a german bank last week to us poor customers,who have been at the mercy of them -ankers.

    And if you were on the side benefiting from the FX rate fixing (which is just as likely as losing from it), will you be giving it back?

    they fixed it for their benefit not ours.

    I know but some individuals will also have benefitted from them keeping the $, ¥, £, € etc... artificially high/low.

  18. I use a HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) watch on the treadmill when doing "Intensity" training, my routine is...

    1 - 1 lap (250m) Warm up walk (I do warm up before this)

    2 - 1 lap "Run" at 12kph

    3 - Put treadmill on an 8 slope at 7.1kph & sprint (at 12kph) until Heart Rate goes over 170

    4 - Walk (on an 8 slope) at 7.1Kph until heart rate drops below 160

    5 - Repeat 3 & 4 until I've done 3km (plus the 1/5km warmup/"Run")

    6 - Repeat 3 & 4 on the flat (sometimes, if I'm tired, I'll do it on a 1.5-2 slope as it feels easier) for another 3km

    Though I quote figures for the Heart Rate, it's more a case the watch will blink Red when I exceed 170, Blue if I drop below 160 & Green the rest of the time so just need to keep an eye on what color is flashing.

    P.S. Never been able to jog (bores the crap out of me) but used to be/am an avid walker so the "Sprint" & walk method has worked well for me over the years.

  19. The Air does not have enough ports and no slots for a CD - but you can get an external thingie that - natch - costs.....

    Apple do not do anything that they can't soak you for.

    Have you ever seen an Air? It's an ultrabook (thin, light, designed for maximum portability) - no-one buys an ultrabook to sit on a desk with a bunch of USB peripherals plugged in wink.png

    If you are going to tether your notebook to a desk, buy a macbook or a macbook pro, which have more ports. Or, if you really don't need a portable, buy an iMac, Mac Mini or a Mac Pro.

    Get the right tool for the job, as they say wink.png

    All that said, what USB peripherals would you actually want to use with it?

    It has a keyboard and mouse built right in, and if they aren't enough, go get bluetooth ones that are actually convenient to pack-up and unpack as you move. Buy a printer/scanner that supports Airprint and the only thing it ever needs to be connected to is power. For gaming, again just use bluetooth controllers. Maybe you want to use an external DAC? Well, here's the good news - all Apple's have awesome sound quality, so go ahead and sell it - or buy an AVR that supports Airplay and send the raw digital audio stream from your PC to it over wifi.

    What are we down to now? Flash drives? Just plug it in to the supplied USB port smile.png

    Or use a WIFI enabled one... http://www.sandisk.co.uk/products/wireless/flash-drive/


  20. The offical line is that taxes and bank levies are too high.

    And of course there is the endemic corruption and continuing scandals.

    Banking scandal: 'the rot was widespread, the corruption endemic'

    Last week's banking scandals demolished a convenient myth: that the banking crash was all the fault of a few colourful rogues like Fred the Shred of RBS and Adam Applegarth of Northern Rock. We have been reminded, instead, that the rot was far more widespread. Incompetence, corruption and greed have been endemic in British banking. The RBS/NatWest computer failure illustrated the incompetence. Millions of households and firms now have to clean up the mess caused by accidental missed payments, bounced cheques and cash shortages.

    The Libor scandal demonstrated deeply corrupt practices at the heart of Barclays Capital, our leading investment bank, and at others too. The public cannot understand how a corporate fine – which will be passed on to customers and shareholders – begins to address the problem.


    and dont forget all us travelers that have been swindled by the currency fixing,what about the USA giving some of the record $2.5billion they fined a german bank last week to us poor customers,who have been at the mercy of them -ankers.

    And if you were on the side benefiting from the FX rate fixing (which is just as likely as losing from it), will you be giving it back?

    • Like 1
  21. As for Ben, it's a normal nickname in Thai, why you are offended ?

    my girlfriend's name is Benjamaporn, every body calls her Ben, it's also a boy name

    as for Fa, again, why are you upset ? her official name will be Daphne and everybody will call her Fa, very easy to pronounce here, and Thai people like one

    syllabe name ; many nicknames are choosen when the baby is born ; Lek, dam, daeng

    Please....reread my comment.
    So the nickname they chose for your son was Kabul? That is a strange nn!
    • Like 2
  22. No man should ever beat a woman. There are however two sides to every story. Is this girl screwing around or not doing her share around the house ? Is she also abusive ? Make sure you got the real facts and not just her stories before you start helping.

    Even if she is doing things like that no justification to slap her around, just throw her out, divorce her and send her back to Thailand if that's the case.

    look at the facts as know, not even related to accusations of abuse

    He has cameras linked to his phone so he can see who is coming and going to his house

    along with GPS linked to her phone so he knows where she is at all times.

    to find a note saying,"he had gone to Pattya, this is the third time

    This stays to me he is one sick puppy

    The facts we know are NONE.

    We have a story from the OP, who is retelling a story from someone else.

    What has the OP seen for himself ....... I'm guessing nothing.

    Even the GPS & camera story sounds wrong, ever tried to setup a remote webcam ......... it's hard, and it's expensive.

    Setting up more than one from a home, as claimed here, not likely.

    The guy in question owns a business so it's not inconceivable that he has a similar set-up for that which #could# be extended (on the company £) to his home...

    Absolute pure speculation obviously & that's the point, but the "He has cameras linked to his phone so he can see who is coming and going to his house" sets a somewhat different tone than "He has CCTV cameras at home that he can access over the Internet".

  23. Its the return flight. The flight i took departs at 10:00 to UTP . The flight back is in the evening, the one above. The screenshot above says Cessna light aircraft single turboprop which if correct is not the Premier bizjet or the ATR72 but most probably the Cessna Caravan 12 seater however Kan Air only have one Cessna Caravan which flys out of Chiang Mai pretty much all day long. They may have got a second one? They may got hold of another operators aircraft on a short lease? Or the info on the screenshot is wrong?

    One thing is certain operating a 6 seater bizjet at 990 baht a ticket is always going to loose money so they cant do it for long. Kan Air says its generates interest and helps promote the airline and route which is true though.

    Google. HS-GAB. With google images to see the Cessna Caravan.

    Thanks, it looks like they've replaced the Bizjet with a Cessna...


    Shame as, like you, I'd have taken it for the experience on my return to DMK

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