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Posts posted by JB300

  1. I lived in Singapore 2005 - 2011 on a tourist visa and was never once questioned traveling by air out or traveling by car to JB for some weekly golf.


    At the risk of getting off topic, you lived 6 years in Singapore on a tourist visa!!! 1) Wow!!! & 2) Why!!!

    But on this occasion I was coming back using the bus around 2:30pm after a night out in JB with just a small backpack & guess I stood out a little (6ft Ang Moh in a bright yellow t-shirt) as I was rushing to the e-gates with just passport in hand.

    I did notice on my way out Malaysian Immigration stuck something in my passport & I thought it might be related to this, but they've done the same on a few trips now & I've never been asked again

    Maybe I'm just shady looking [emoji12]

  2. I find it difficult to grasp the stupidity and hypocrisy of this. People working illegally! These people do not get tourist visas, rather they slide across the border, after, allegedly, paying the cops, and then head to Bangkok and work in the restaurant behind the scenes, or on fishing boats, or wherever. How many farang work illegally in Thailand? Damm few, and the work they do is not something that competes with Thais.

    Has the Thai gov (whoever that is) considered that back to back tourist visa people might in fact be good guys? I mean guys supporting a Thai wife, her children from her first, Thai, marriage, and her family, and 1/2 the village.

    I can arrive in Sing, get 3 months free on arrival. Then, 3 months later head over to Malaysia or Indon for a day, return and get another 3 months. No questions, no fuss. Does Sing know something Thailand does not?

    This has all the hallmarks of a large bureacracy, managing itself, trying to look as if it is doing something, and targetting foreigners is always an easy mark. Great job.

    I doubt you would be able to spend 3 months in Singapore, "turn around" in Malaysia & come back without being quizzed by immigration (you certainly wouldn't be able to do it a 2nd time) you may even find yourself stopped on the Malaysian side if you don't have proof of onward travel.

    I've been stopped coming back from JB & questioned by Singapore immigration (even though I live here, have a long term Employment Pass & was on my way through the e-gates which are only available to long term SG residents) & its usual to be asked for proof of onward travel / right to stay in the country when returning nowadays as they've really tightened up on immigration.

    Back to Thailand, wouldn't it be easier to get a Marriage Visa? Or there's always the option of the Thai Elite card.

    • Like 1
  3. Withe this Elite card, are there any reporting requirements such as the usual 90 day reporting for expats that have retired there? I am over 50 and am fully qualified by any of the financial options to retire to Thailand, but i really dislike constant and redundant paperwork every few months. I might not mind paying for the ease and convenience of a one time purchase of this Elite card


    That would work out at 25,000THB per 90 day report!

    But yes, you still need to do it, though if you're in Bangkok TE can arrange it for you, elsewhere you still need to do it yourself.

  4. I do this many times in Australia and never have a problem even to stay in Thailand up to 2 year at a time.

    The key thing to keep in mind is that the "Rules" (if only there were a clear set of rules detailing things like how long you need to spend outside of the country between tourist visas) are changing & what some people have been doing for many years #might# not be acceptable anymore.

  5. Im 46 2/3rds and considering the situation may apply. I just want to continue doing what I have been doing. A FIFO lifestyle working outside of Thailand exclusively. No time to stay longer than 2 or 3 weeks max. I'm busy working but have no hotel, no itinerary, no confirmed air bookings. Who travels with 10-20k cash THB?? I have a wallet full of cards for any forseable need.

    Just flew back, 3rd time this year, same as always. No questions, no hassle, 30 day stamp and off we go. We shall see.

    Sounds perfect for you, as you'd make full use of the VIP treatment at the airport & the 24 limo transfers.
    I don't think the limo is available in CM. Cutting the queue at immigration would be helpful at times, but hardly worth the great expense. The security line at Swampy is worse.

    Sorry, my bad, I'd assumed you were traveling via Swampy

    IMHO, Still worthwhile getting the card though.



  6. Im 46 2/3rds and considering the situation may apply. I just want to continue doing what I have been doing. A FIFO lifestyle working outside of Thailand exclusively. No time to stay longer than 2 or 3 weeks max. I'm busy working but have no hotel, no itinerary, no confirmed air bookings. Who travels with 10-20k cash THB?? I have a wallet full of cards for any forseable need.

    Just flew back, 3rd time this year, same as always. No questions, no hassle, 30 day stamp and off we go. We shall see.

    Sounds perfect for you, as you'd make full use of the VIP treatment at the airport & the 24 limo transfers.

    • Like 1
  7. Thank you! I think that this visa is a very good deal in the end of the day for those who are under 50. It costs b100,000 a year but if I add up all the expenses linked to my ED visa (school fee, extension + re entry permit every 90 days + outside trip to renew the visa every year etc...) the difference is not that great (b30000). And I assume that nobody will ask questions if you hold the 5 year visa....

    You would also get VIP treatment through the airport for which sometimes in swampy I'd happily pay a couple of thousand Bhats for :)

    I really do think this is a great option for people under 50 who can afford it (or where, as you say, it stacks up pretty well against the alternative), my dilemma is I'm 48 1/3rd so am thinking a triple entry tourist visa followed by a 1 year ED visa will get me over the (50) line :)

  8. I am very interested in this visa. Thank you for this information. I am far too young to get the retirement visa and I am looking for a solution to stay in Thailand. I have heard, of course, about the 2m baht elite card but I don't really want to commit for 20 years. That's an eternity.

    Do you know if the holders of this 5 year visa have to report every 90 days if they leave the country frequently? I go outside of Thailand every 5-6 weeks. I remember that I did not have to report to the immigration every 90 days when I had my B visa (I was traveling frequently as well).


    Re-entering Thailand will reset the 90 day timer so you would only need to report if you haven't left the country in 90 days.

    • Like 1
  9. Gels instead of carb drinks and some solids after an hour or so (home made energy bars).

    Would you mind providing more details on the home made energy bars (what's in them, how do you make them) I seem to spend a fortune on them but if I don't have one an hour after training, feel like I'm starving.

    To the OP, it's been said a few times but worth repeating, 600ml of water is no where near enough for the level of exercise you're doing, I take 2 x 750ml bottles of mineral water (Find the Evian sports bottles work well, but I top them up with cheaper stuff) & drink 1 during 45 mins on a treadmill (in an air conditioned gym) & the other in the 20-30 mins cooling down period after, then another 2-3 liters during the day (and this is in Singapore where it's not as humid as Thailand).

    Interesting point about eating both parts of the egg neutralizes the cholesterol impact, any more information on this as I also eat 3-5 eggs a day but at my last annual checkup was told my cholesterol was marginally on the high side so have been making a conscious effort to cut down on eggs / not eat the yokes.

    • Like 1
  10. At the risk of repeating myself (Again) the real risk to the OPs hopes of living in Thailand isn't being caught working illegally but is being denied re-entry by immigration if they're not happy with his story of how he makes a living.

    Obviously having a work permit would remove the need to leave the country & make re-entry easier for when he does.

    Then again, why not just overstay, then he'll have no visa worries/expenses? I know it's illegal but what are the chances of him getting caught & what's the harm in him doing it? (For the avoidance of doubt, I am being sarcastic here).

    • Like 1
  11. If the OP doesn't work for a Thai entity, doesn't get paid in Thailand, doesn't get the money into a Thai bank, how could one say he is working here? He is merely shaking his fists and randomly tapping something on the keyboard, just like drinking water or eating from a plate.

    If he is on a tourist visa and working he is in violation of the law, if he is on a Ed visa and working he is in violation of the law. Do not give information that could get people into trouble all it takes is a call to immigration and the random typing on the keyboard will come to an end.
    So if you're on facebook and chatting to a potential customer in Europe like I do a few times every week I am breaking the law. You know it sounds very silly when you all the time says "he is in violation of the law". This is not normal work in Thailand. It's more like chatting with your friends, only their your customers. And it can't be stopped unless someone cut the internet line.

    I'd like to see that happening to a wealthy foreigner living in Thailand and suddenly he will be reported to immigraton because he had a very important business meeting on his phone.

    Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Again, the OP has made it clear that he wants to live & work from Thailand for 6 months-to-indefinitely, which isn't the same as chatting to a few customers on Facebook, but if this is how you earn you're living (in which case I suspect there's much more involved than just chatting on FB ) then it is illegal, though there's no chance of being caught.

    However, it only takes 1 immigration officer to not be happy with your answer to how you support yourself & you could be refused entry or even blacklisted, nobody is saying this is fair or sensible but since when have immigration/tax laws been either.

    But I do think things are changing & a lot of digital nomads who use "Out-In" Visa runs and/or back-2-back Tourist Visas are going to struggle, so may need to consider getting a work permit via a BOI "Umbrella" type arrangement, an Investment Visa or the Thailand Elite card (assuming they can't go down the Retirement, Marriage or Thai dependent Visa route and they want to stay living in Thailand).

  12. Two things that I don't get when reading this thread.

    1. If you only have $ 500 a month. Why not work so you get more money?

    2. If you are very old so you can't work. Didn't you work when you where younger? So you have a real pension? Or some kind of savings before coming here?

    Please go back and read page 1, I do not have $500 a month and I am not old

    It wasn't a question only aimed at you. There are a lot of people in this thread
    There are numerous reasons why people may not have enough in retirement from not saving enough when they were younger through costly divorces or losing a massive chunk of their pension in the GFC (Global Financial Crises) but it doesn't do them any good to look back & say "If only I'd"...

    But I do agree with your 1st point, hence I'm still working at 48 1/3rd (not that I'm counting) even though I already have the funds to cover most of the budgets here (It is a thread dedicated to low budgets!) because I want lots of contingency.

    I'd rather have a little money left at the end of my life than a lot of life left at the end of my money (assuming age of death was the same, though it's possibly/probably going to be shorter with the 2nd scenario).

  13. If you cant throw 500k a month away out here you a looser!

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Your probably one of those who needs an Embassy letter to renew your Visa.

    You remind me of a Chinese Combination Platter .. Minus the Egg Roll

    Furthermore: Since when do you judge someone based on how much they have in their pocket.

    You're the reason why Thai's think that all Falangs are walking ATM machines.

    Toungue in cheek statement. Thought that was obvious but you took it to heart.

    Bringing to mind a Monty Python sketch where they were all trying to outdo each other on how poor they were as kids. Everyone here is trying to outdo each other on how much they can spend a month. Most is probably a wind up but am sure some are serious. Been there, done that.

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Or the Life of Brian sketch in the Jail...

    BEN: You lucky, lucky bastard.

    BRIAN: What?

    BEN: Proper little jailer's pet, aren't we?

    BRIAN: What do you mean?

    BEN: You must have slipped him a few shekels, eh?

    BRIAN: Slipped him a few shekels? You saw him spit in my face!

    BEN: Ohh! What wouldn't I give to be spat at in the face! I sometimes hang awake at night dreaming of being spat at in the face.

    BRIAN: Well, it's not exactly friendly, is it? They had me in manacles!

    BEN: Manacles! Ooh oooh oh oh. My idea of heaven is to be allowed to be put in manacles... just for a few hours. They must think the sun shines out o' your arse, sonny.

    BRIAN: Oh, lay off me. I've had a hard time!

    BEN: You've had a hard time?! I've been here five years! They only hung me the right way up yesterday! So, don't you come 'rou--

    BRIAN: All right. All right.

    BEN: They must think you're Lord God Almighty.

    BRIAN: What will they do to me?

    BEN: Oh, you'll probably get away with crucifixion.

    BRIAN: Crucifixion?!

    BEN: Yeah, first offence.

    BRIAN: Get away with crucifixion?! It's--

    BEN: Best thing the Romans ever did for us.

    BRIAN: What?!

    BEN: Oh, yeah. If we didn't have crucifixion, this country would be in a right bloody mess.

    BRIAN: Guards!

    BEN: Nail him up, I say!

    • Like 2
  14. What the devil this? They lured students...when the students complained...their passports were confiscated.

    Then the Thai government stepped in and the passports were returned...but....

    Makes Singapore look as bad as they should look...

    How about... Students caught working illegally, Students claimed they were duped (nb doesn't make it any less illegal), Students passports held whilst the matter was investigated, Thailand confirms students were in fact duped & the people responsible would be punished, Singapore returns passports.

    What's wrong with that (apart from the missing being thrown in jail step that could happen in other countries).

  15. 7sWKnmx.jpg

    Here's my vision of a basic 'cost of living' budget that, IMO, should be more than acceptable for most single folks in Thailand. It should be comfortable, if not extravagant. It doesn't take into account any discretionary spending (beer, companionship, etc.)...but you won't die living on this budget. (The amount shown for health insurance is undoubtedly not the cheapest option available, ymmv)

    Edit: "Gas & Water" should be "Electric & Water"

    Good budget, but do you not have housing, travel or visa expenses?

    Fwiw I spend 200,000-400,000THB per month living in Singapore & am hoping that when I retire to Thailand (within the next 2 years) I'll be able to live reasonably comfortably on around 80,000THB. Per month.

    • Like 2
  16. It's clear that the OP "Would like to return to Thailand with the option of staying 6 months to indefinitely and work from Thailand" (his words) for which, if he wishes to be 100% legal, he needs a work permit (Black & White, no shades of grey) so discussions about Business men answering the odd phone call/email would be irrelevant here.

    Yes he probably would never get caught using Back-2-Back Tourist/Education Visas But I get the impression that the OP is someways of hitting 50 so how long would these last (ED 3 years max) and it only takes one Immigration official to #Suspect# (no proof required) that he's working in Thailand for it all to be over.

    I've read that there is scope via a BOI/Umbrella company to get legal, this comes with a 20-25% "Tax" burden, but that's the price you need to pay if you want to be legal in these circumstances & should be able to offset it against Tax payable in your own country (assuming tax is being paid).

  17. Anything is better than going back to the UK. Good luck mate but you will be ok.

    Sent from my GT-I9305 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    No offense but I'd rather be struggling for money in the UK where it seems to be defined as not having enough money for Ciggies & Sky TV than I would in Thailand where's it's a case of not having enough to eat.

    I know I'm going to get shot down for this, but I'll say it anyway... If you can't afford to retire in the UK, you can't afford to retire in Thailand.

    That doesn't mean your retirement monies won't take you further in Thailand or you won't be happier living there, but IMHO (& if I didn't think so I wouldn't still be working & saving) retiring in Thailand will not magically make any money short falls disappear, but if anything will (eventually) accentuate them all the more.

  18. Another simple reason is, visa runs are a big industry in Thailand. They turn over millions of baht, everyday, and employ, either directly, or indirectly, thousands of Thai people.

    If they were to change the visa laws and just have "tourists" keep attending their local Immigration Office for extensions, many Thai's would be out of work - obviously, most of the visa run companies would go broke.

    By creating visa runs, the Thai Governmnet still gets your money (cost of the visa at a nearby Thai Embassy and/or 800 baht airport exit tax for those that fly for 30 days) plus they create a lot of employment.

    Thailand's visa laws are outdated and need reviewing, but with all the money and employment visa runs generate, why would they change the laws?

    Some things in Thailand are not about common sense, but simply about money.

    Think you hit the nail on the head with the outdated visa laws that need reviewing but to suggest it's about the money that visa runs generate flies in the face of the current crack down on "Out-In" Visa runs?

    Then again, TiT...

  19. I'm somewhat perplexed that a poster who has been a member of this forum since 2009 and has more than 1200 posts under his belt would ask such a naïve, newbie type question!

    He frequently posts vehemently about Thai politics, but knows nothing about COL and visa issues?

    I note he hasn't been back to his thread to respond to any answers.

    While an interesting discussion for many, I have to wonder about the OP's motives in starting it.

    Im sorry I've somewhat perplexed you, simple answer is, I'm a live for the moment type, never been organised or a planner, never thought about retirement but now I've reached 65 I'm thinking about it. Had a longtime association with Thailand, first visited in '66, then not again till '88 but since many times including 2 times for 12 months, 3. times for 6 months, numerous 3 months and even a fair splattering of month or shorter trips. Got a future wife in Ao Nang and a really good deal on a small bungalow we've had since 2009. My choice is basically, keep working and only visit once a year for 3 weeks but live quite well in the UK, or go for it and see how the cookie crumbles.

    Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Just like you, I was a member of Thaivisa for 5 years, and visited many times for longer and longer periods, before I moved here, so I shouldn't really be perplexed. tongue.png

    A few differences, I was studying for, and planning, my move from day one, so I knew everything possible about COL, visas, etc, I could without actually being there. And, I stay out of local politics!

    It greatly depends on what you are leaving behind, but I would say go for it if the money works for you. Owning a residence makes a huge difference.

    However, I don't think I would have been brave enough to do it on your level of income.

    Good luck.

    What is COL?

    I do stay out of local politics, especially as all my local friends are yellow and I'm not. I have one friend of 20yrs I have spoken a bit to, but even he's the same, they all just look down on northern people and refuse to see them as equals.

    Cost Of Living???

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