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Posts posted by amal2029

  1. Good Morning every one,

    It’s been 22 days that I bought my CBR150R but I am unable to complete the documentation due to lack of support from the dealer. The most annoying thing is that the dealer refuse to give me VAT bill which I am entitle to have.

    The original deal was CBR150R + free Insurance, free license plate, free helmet and a free jacket + VAT Bill, for 63,500 Baht.

    I paid 63,500 in cash and received the bike on 10th Jan 2008 with a temporary invoice (without VAT but with full amount) just to prove my ownership in case authorities (Police) request. At this point I said I could not accept a temporary receipt and I need real VAT bill with my full name and address on it. The dealer promised to give one within 1 week and complete the warranty card details at the same time.

    Yesterday I got the VAT bill (after 21 days!) and the warranty card. Guess what!! The VAT bill is coming form another dealer and the amount stated is 61,000 Baht! 2,500 Baht less than I paid. More ever they fill the warranty card with their name. Now I got a vat bill from dealer B and the warranty from dealer A.

    I address the issue with the owner via my Thai colleague but she refuse to give me vat bill for total 63,500 baht. Instead she offered to give another receipt for the balance 2,500 Baht as a service charge.

    So, the bike was really 61,000 Baht and the dealer charged me for 2,500 for the insurance and registration. The insurance is a 3rd party and it cost them only 415 Baht. The balance is for registration? After 22 days I still don’t have the registration. They asked for another 1 week. If I knew that the service charge is 2,500B I would never go for this deal and these people cleverly hide it from me until the last moment. I badly feel that I was cheated.

    Has any one faced similar situation and how did you people cope with it? Am I still getting my warranty irrespectively the original invoice and the warranty card hold 2 different dealer names? I only want the dealer A to give me the VAT bill stating full amount (63,500B) without making and issue.

    Is there any government agency (other than the Police) that I can ask for help?

    As evidence I got below documents:

    1.temporary receipt from dealer A with total 63,500B amount and my name and address on it (they should have collect it but I didn’t return it)

    2.VAT bill from dealer B for 61,000B which dealer A gave to me as the original receipt with my name and address on it

    3.warranty card with dealer A name on it as the seller



  2. Thank you all for your advice. There is no immediate requirement for me to remove the tank. its a brand new bike and only 1 week old. However, I would like to know more about this new model in case I need to do something by my own in the future. I was able to locate the battery compartment. Its not accessible from the right side panel unlike LS125R. I still didn't remove the side covers to take a inside look. may be end of this week I shall open it and take a close look.

    Mr.Wilson, thanks for your email. I am having a problem downloading the attachment. I had already PM you my problem. Please see your mail and help me.

    Thank you,


  3. amal2009

    I had A TV member e mail me the cbr user manual the same one you get with the bike in english . If you need it send me your e-mail.

    This is one of those in turn you must do 10 good deed things or what ever.

    Thanks a lot mr.thaitot,

    My email address is **/***. Shall we talk about the good deed thing little latter? I am in a deep S**t. I can't get any valuable information from my user guide. I wonder why there is no fuel tap in the CBR as did in my old LS125R? How could I remove the fuel tank without fully empty it first?



  4. Hi there,

    I am proud to inform that Yesterday I bought my long waiting CBR150, black colour @ the price of 63,500/-.

    I am bit of disappointed of customer service of the dealer. She just took my 63K (cash) and threw the bike out. No document check, parts check or any introduction of the new bike. Actually, I found out that the engine and chassis number of the bike is not matching the data in the receipt. They just gave me big "sorry" and correct it. Anyway, this is a usual crap with some Thai dealers. So, I can leave it behind and think about the good things of the bike.

    By the way, can any one help me to get an English version of the CBR150 user guide? I badly need one.

    I have heard that new engines should not run at full power for the first XXXX kilometers. If it’s true, can any one educate me about it?

    Thank you,


  5. Happy New Year to all :o ,

    I missed my chance of buying my first CBR last year because of some unavoidable reasons. I hope to do it within next couple of weeks and need advise from all your good self. What is the best price for CBR150 in BKK and sounding areas? I am from Samutprakarn.

    Last year November I had checked the price and it was between 63,000B to 63,000B for cash. Is there any price drop in year 2008? What things I should be aware during purchase? Are there any known issues in CBR150?

    Your responds are highly appreciated



  6. 30 km to a liter, same as 3.3 liters per 100 km, tank after tank, carefully measured and compared over the first 24,000 kilometers, driven hard and fast. Confirmed occasionally since then, and when you have a ten liter tank and fill it properly, that's accurate. If you're American, that equates to 69 or 70 miles per gallon.

    Yeah, a 100 Honda Wave would have saved you about twelve satang per week. But, if you'd waited till next year's model, the CBR150Ri might give better gas mileage and more horsepower and torque.

    Thank you very much for you straight answer. :D However, I am some what disappointed to hear its only 30 Km per 1 lt. :o

    I had a genuine HONDA XL250R, a four stroke 4 valves, 250cc trail bike 15 years ago and it did 35 Km per 1 lt. Consider its 250 cc (247cc actual) and 20 -25 year old technology engine 35Km is far better than compare to 2006 year CBR150 engine. I am not asking 50 Km or 60 Km. but, I expect CBR150 to be some what 35-40 Km per 1 lt.

    Now days 4 stroke engines should be more advance than my old XL250R. I had a built-in trip meter in my old XL250R. So, I am very sure about my claim of 35Km per 1 lt. :D

  7. Hi Guys,

    I am expecting my first CBR150R on this coming Monday. The dealer already accepts my advance and promised to deliver the bike on Monday. I am trading my ex LS125R and pay the balance in cash. It will cost me 64K including license and insurance.

    By the way, could anyone help me to find out the fuel consumption of CBR150R? It doesn’t seem to show in the brochure. :o

    Thanks in advance :D

  8. Here is a good little Dalai Lama quote on God:

    Buddhism, the world's fourth-largest organized religion, is based on nonviolence that abhors killing any living thing. Yet Buddhism also has to contend with its own extremists. A group known as the Armed Front for the Defense of Sinhalese has been connected to violence against Muslims in Sri Lanka. Many Sinhalese, who are mostly Buddhists, see themselves engaged in a struggle for political and economic power against the minority Tamils, who are mostly Hindus. This has led some to resort to violence to advance the cause of Buddhists in the region.

    So, you must be an expert on SriLankan issues... :D .May I know where this "Armed Front for the Defense of Sinhalese" came from? Do you know exactly who made them and how it functions? Since you’re brave enough to post this (something that you don't have a clue), I guess you have enough evidence to share with us. So the violence in SriLanka because Sinhalese are Buddhists? And all the tamils are pussy cats? So, Sinhalese should become Christians, Hindus or even Muslims to stop the violence and give the SriLanka to all the F#####s who want a piece of it !! You are suppose to comment on the God and Buddhism, not other countries social problems.....Stick into the point. People like you are worst than tamil terrorist :o

  9. I'm Thai been in U.K. for 6 years. It is the same in all parts of the world, occasionally some teenager shout at me "Chinky". Don't take it seriously.

    Maybe you should try to tell us if the word "farang" has a negative meaning?

    I am very surprised that people here find it so offensive. My thai friends call me farang all the time.

    Why Thais call Farang? Back to the history when the first Europeans step foot in Thailand believed to be French. I will cut the story short.

    They were told they came from the other side of the world a country call France (fra(a)ns as you all knew Thais has difficulties of Pronunciation.

    France became today Fa rang

    believe me Farang has no negative meaning at all. Unlike the China Man (Chinky) African (Negro)

    How about calling " Kark" to other Asians(Indians, SriLankans...)? Is it normal to Thais :D ? And how should they refer to Thais :o ?

  10. But in Thailand nobody complains so it won't do much good.

    You're wrong there. Complaining can help, you just need to do it the right way or find the right person to complain on your behalf.

    If your cred with the apartment staff is lost already because of your habits or attitude, your complaints wont matter, but if you have a confident Thai who looks important and speaks the power lingo do the complaining for you, you'll be surprised how quickly things can start moving.

    Yes, DJ ur wrong in two things. People do complain here and they make a difference. I did and it made a difference..... :o

  11. AIS currently have ~ 16 million subscribers, with 14 million being pre-paid and the remaining 2 million are post-paid customers. I am certain AIS wishes this were reversed. Foreigners are required to have a work-permit in order to get a post-paid account.

    Not correct. I, and several friends (all of us from Europe), have post-paid accounts and none of us has a work-permit.

    This in not correct too. If you require getting a post-paid SIM card you need to show your passport (for foreigners) and a Thai national should sign as a guarantor. This was my case when I bought my SIM on year 2000. I am working here legally but working permit got no value in this case. :D

    They send me few letters in Thai and I threw them back via email and asked for an English translation. :o I got an English translation together with an apologies letter. It said that they are working on a system to send information to none Thai speaking customers in English in the future. After 2 years I start getting all my letters in English. Even the brochures coming together with monthly bill is in English now. :D

    They are not stupid. But some one must tell them hard what u prefers or else they stick into what they prefer. From my name they knew that I am not a Thai national from the very first day. But they didn’t give shit about it. :D

  12. :o Don't believe a word of it. Unless you are out drinking mekhong with tik-tuk drivers at 2am you're safer in BKK than anywhere else outside Japan I know. Man stabbed to death on London bus last week, and teenager murdered with an zxe in Liverpool.

    Not to mention in England a man was chased and shot in the head 7 times by the police and said that they were deeply sorry. Its ok if the buggers can give back his life……. :D

  13. There go I but for the grace of god.

    My dear children, love is compassionate. Compassion is the ability to have mercy for your fellow man. When you are compassionate, you are forbearing in your relationships with people. True compassion allows you to see the other person's pain without becoming caught up in the emotion of the situation. It allows you to be kind in your speaking, to be gentle in helping others, and respectful.

    Use compassion daily as you go through routine. At work treat your fellow workers with kindness and compassion. Let your words be truthful and kind. Many people are truthful, but are not kind in stating the truth. Truthfulness is not ruthlessness. Use compassion to state the truth. Let your words bring joy and healing to inflamed situations. Let your thoughts and prayers rise in compassion and truth.

    Have pity on the less fortunate. Lift them up in prayer. Let your prayers be filled with compassion and let the pity of your compassion seek ways to help your fellow man. My children, let your help be true help and a salve for your ego. Let the help you give people, help them to help themselves. If you treat the less fortunate as wayward children, that is what they become. They will return again and again, like a child for your help. Then what happens is you become oppressed and find fault with them for not taking care of themselves. When you help, let your help be in the form of teaching them to care for themselves.

    Everyone has abilities. When you are compassionate, you see their abilities, you see their talents, you are aware of their capabilities. To be truly compassionate, walk first with them, either physically or mentally. Get to know them and their situation. Allow every person to work to the best of their abilities, realizing that every person on earth has their unique talents, abilities, and capabilities. In this way you see every person as teachable. You will see each one as capable and of value.

    Let your compassion help you see people as capable, as having God-given talents, God-given abilities, and God-given rights. Through your compassion, you respect their individuality, the uniqueness that makes them who they are. When you see their individuality and uniqueness, you see their connection to God. For it is through each person's uniqueness and individuality that God connects to that person. In this way you honor God, by honoring every person's connection to Him. I encourage you to live today in love, allowing your compassion to fill your day with kindness.

    U forgot to say 'Amen"........

  14. It was revealed in the press today that one of the London Bombers was living on public support to the tune of thousands of pounds. Not only that, he was accepted into England by the kind and generous Great Britons as a"political refugee" from Somolia at the age of 10. This ungrateful c--t recieved a free home, free education, free health care and then used the money to make bombs to kill the people who were on there way to work to pay taxes so this c--t could live for free and go to meetings about reasons to hate westerners and why they should be killed. Can we finally lay to rest the horse <deleted> rationales that the west is to blame for the "radical muslim problem." The biggest killer of Muslims is other Muslims. The biggest oppressor of Muslims is other Muslims. I can only hope that some regular London folk catch this prick and hand him his nuts.


    Sure, u may have something to say about this too.. :o


    (Put Britain on the list of states sponsoring terrorism)

    If u people didn't F**kup the world, its more beautiful than ever

  15. Read post number 1.  There was a mistake made in Thailand and dates this year have been wrong.  Unfortunately the newspaper also made a mistake in reporting the mistake. :D

    It appears that your post is also wrong; as Thailand had been one day behind this year, not ahead.  Unless the total news item is in error?

    U got me wrong mister :D I was saying in general Thai fool moon day is 1 day ahead from us over there. last year it was like that and previous year it was like that. I was here for the past 10 year and it all like that. :D Whenever there is a full moon day here I checked with my home and they said "no it is tomorrow". Now what do u have to say about that :o

  16. Looks like everyone's got different sources on this. The first Thai calendar I opened said 24 july was the day.

    I have another I just opened, a personalised one given to me by the governor of Krabi province, and it has Asanha Puja listed on 22 july and khao phansa the day before, 21 july!

    Come to think of it, if the posted article is correct, then khao phansa really was 21 July.

    I celebrated wan khao phansa at a local wat this year on 22 July, like most everyone else (everyone Buddhist that is), and I remember someone at the wat did mention that Asanha Puja had occurred the day before. I completely missed it this year.

    Seems like there are a lot of calendars out there that need correcting ...

    Guys, I am from SriLanka and I have noticed that the full moon day In Thailand and in Srilanka is 1 day different. The different starts after March and Thais are always 1 day ahead. Anyone can explain to me why is this? We are only 1 hour different in time zone. I thought those important days to buddhist should be same ever where in the world :o

  17. It comes from way back as far as I know, from the Sanskrit language. I'm sure one of the experts will know.

    I am no expert, but pretty sure this does not come from Sanskrit. Singhalese, the dominant language in Sri Lanka, is much closer to Sanskrit than Thai, and has nothing similar. Niether does Hindi.

    I am sorry that I have to disagree with u Sir. :o Sinhala language do not have any meaning to "Karp" or "Ka". I know this because I am a Sinhalese... :D

  18. I think you got the wrong idea, many normal decent girls will only sleep with you after getting married to her, plutonic relationship with girls sometimes the girl becomes your girlfriend

    Yes it is easy to sleep wtih girls from the bars, message areas, however will not be easy to sleep with decent Thai ladies after only meeting them for a month etc

    Confusing , there is a thin line from Friendship to GF

    There is no fine line; you're either f*****g her or you're not. Friends don't F***


    sorry, I have to disagree.... :o have u been to Thailand by any chance? :D

  19. (sorry , i cant edit ..so i hve  to post again)


    Electricity: The electrical current in China is 220 volts, 50 cycles (AC).  Wall outlets take American-style plugs, with two flat parallel prongs; however, they may not take the third, oversized prong, used for grounding, now in general use in the United States.

    To use your U.S. Purchased electric-powered appliances, you'll need a converter (See Below), unless they are dual voltage, in which case you'll need only the adapter for the plug.  Most laptops operate equally well on 220 or 110 volts and only require an adapter and definitely a power surge protector.

    I recently saw a converter in Radio Shack that handles your 110 volt appliance here in China.  It takes in 220 volts and brings it down to 110 volts. It's called "international adapter".

    Don't use the 110 volt outlets in the hotels marked "for shavers only" with high-wattage appliances such as blow dryers

    You may want to forget your electric shaver and bring along those Gillette/Schick Custom Disposable Shavers and save space in the suitcase.  I don't even use shaving cream when I travel.  Just lather up your face with soap and shave away with your disposable shaver. If you forget you can always get them while in Guangzhou at the Watsons or Friendship Stores where I usually buy them when not in Hong Kong

    These are more common in homes(plug1 pic)

    These are more common in Hotels(plug2 pic)

    Remember:  Adapter plugs do not convert electricity.  Below illustrates the male end of the adapter that will plug into the wall socket, the male prongs of the converter will plug into the adapter with the male prongs of the hair dryer that will plug into the converter.  Keep in mind that no matter what type of plug an outlet might accept, voltage in China is 220v, 50 hz and not acceptable for your U.S. purchased appliances.

    (plug3 pic)

    Bambi :D

    I always thought ur a Thai lady :D Frankly, r u a male or female BambinA? :o

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