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Everything posted by BritTim

  1. Although I would be interested in seeing a scan of that document, if you would be so kind as to post it, I do not think it means much specifically. A final denial stamp gives an actual reason under Section 12 of the Immigration Act for the exclusion. The document you received may not state a lawful reason for denying you entry at all which could be a reason (maybe, no way of knowing) why you were eventually not officially denied entry at all;.
  2. Years ago, a coworking space in Chiang Mai was raided. Quite a few people were detained, but they were quickly released, and no one was charged. It was widely acknowledged that the raid was a mistake, and the hundreds of similar places up and down the country have operated unmolested ever since.
  3. That was the only offence they were finally able to pin on these elderly bridge players. It was not the reason for the raid. The raid occurred because someone in a dispute with the owner of the establishment where the bridge club met accused the premises of being used as an illegal gambling den. The unlicensed playing card charge (widely ignored elsewhere) was just an attempt to save face after putting these innocent octogenarians through hours of unjustified stress.
  4. Nobody can say with 100% assurance that there could never be a problem. After all, a perfectly innocent duplicate bridge club was raided in Pattaya a few years ago. However, it is vanishingly unlikely that anyone will make a fuss about someone earning money overseas while resident in Thailand. Even if there was a complaint, unless the person complaining was someone of influence, the officials would just ignore it.
  5. I took the liberty of correctly your post. Let me know if any of my edits were not as you intended.
  6. The nearest country that allows you to enter with less than six months remaining passport validity is Hong Kong.
  7. As someone reported, this is a subject that has been done to death on this forum, and only serves as a vehicle for bickering on the relative merits and legalities around the use of agents. I have decided to curtail the discussion. This thread is CLOSED.
  8. What you stated is correct, but is irrelevant if the conditions for issuing a retirement extension in the Police Order are followed by the immigration office.
  9. Assuming you already have an unexpired Thai visa or re-entry permit, your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your planned visit, so far as Thai immigration is concerned. Other countries mostly require you to have at six six months remaining validity on your passport at the point you are entering or transiting their territory. Airlines should accept your flights as long as they are in accordance with the policies of the countries you are entering or transiting. However, with the rules being complex, some airlines may just say six months regardless of where you are going. The best advice is plan ahead and avoid doing that. If I understand your situation correctly, you should immediately apply for a second, additional passport, explaining your problem, rather than just for a replacement.
  10. Some of the stamps in the old passport remain valid, whether the original expiry date of the old passport has passed or not. Once the old passport has been superseded by the new one, it cannot be used for travel, and no further stamps will be placed in it. Some places may accept it as proof of identification, but they do not have to.
  11. As long as you are not working in Thailand, a Thai retirement visa/extension for anyone aged over 50 is perfectly valid.
  12. The Police Order on extensions of stay only states that you must be on a non immigrant entry. A Non Ed visa is a non immigrant visa. That said, it has certainly been known, rightly or wrongly, for immigration offices to refuse an extension of stay for a different reason than than used for the previous permission to stay. An agent should have no trouble.
  13. Back to the original question in this thread: Thai immigration does not much care where you get your new passport. Stamp transfers will occur as and when necessary at airports and your local immigration office.
  14. That depends on your country's policy, and also whether countries you plan to visit accept emergency travel documents.
  15. If you are intending to extend based on retirement using income, it may not be possible without a letter from your embassy. What is your nationality? Some nationalities cannot get income letters from their embassies, and many immigration offices will only allow the alternative of transfers to a Thai bank account if you have those for every month for the last 12 months. You may need to discuss this with your local immigration office.
  16. Yes, you can. You can also get a 60-day extension of it. The rules on visit visas and extensions and different from those for long term extensions to live with them.
  17. He cannot use the e-visa to retrospectively change his visa status from within Thailand. Though I do believe such a capability would be useful, it would require the sort of coordination between the MFA and Immigration Bureau that never happens. He will either need to make a border bounce or apply afresh for the visa at Thai immigration.
  18. Can you point me at one example where this happened at at airport. My own recollection is only of a case years ago where they were told they would be denied entry if they did not leave voluntarily, and they never went to the detention room. Years ago, this used to happen at some land borders to those trying for visa exemptions, but I have not heard of these unofficial denials of entry, even at land borders, for quite some while (however, they will prevent you leaving to do a border bounce if they would deny entry if the person left).
  19. In principle, you can do it on the last day of your current permission to stay. However, it is prudent to do it at least a few days earlier in case anything unexpected is encountered. You lose no time on the eventual expiry date of the new extension by doing it early.
  20. Except in exceptional circumstances, all official international border crossings from Thailand are open daily. I believe, like most border crossings to Cambodia, it is open from 6:00 am until 10:00 pm. However, it might not be possible to get the required visa on arrival early morning or late evening.
  21. The third stage of syphilis is apparent without the need for a blood test and, in many cases, would render you incapable of working. Many doctors, knowing this, will confirm that you are not suffering from terminal syphilis without a blood test.
  22. The weird thing is that, when he finally received his passport back, there was no denial stamp (and, equally strange, there was no charge for the stay in the detention room). All he received was a document given to him earlier that informed him that he was being denied entry. I have never before heard of exactly this set of circumstances. It is conceivable that, in the final analysis, this was a shadow denied entry, with no record in immigration's system. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to find out.
  23. Since cash is fungible, the only way anyone can prove the age of any particular pot of cash is if it is kept completely separate for an appropriate length of time. Ideal, is having two foreign bank account which you use for deposits in alternate years, transferring to Thailand from the one associated with the prior tax year. As a practical matter, since enforcement is so difficult, the Thai tax authorities do not try to tax overseas income that was not transferred directly to Thailand.
  24. How long did the whole process take? For how long, if at all, were you without your old passport?
  25. I do think that is worth trying, perhaps not telling the official that you have money, but ensuring the pile of cash is clearly visible when pretending to look for something else.
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