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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 15 minutes ago, SamuiAxe said:

    I wanted to edit my previous posting (ID 272), but it seems impossible to edit my posting? Anyway, the admin has removed some nasty words, I apologise for those words. Sometimes my anger get's me carried away.. :sorry:

    You forgot the golden rule.

    Don't start a confrontation over a bit of water,   as it may well turn into a  full on fist fight you may loose.


    I don't think the guy was thinking about his kids, 

    he just wanted to have a go back.     the driver and the old,   are the same type of person. just a weight and age difference.    same same, idiots.  :coffee1:


    Bet they all feel great today.

    Happy songkrain for them all.



  2. People should go back and take long good look at

    the video

    All the Thais walked right past the victim, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    it was only what appears to be a Falang man helped the

    victim first,  all the rest are just an angry mob.

    Also the confrontation,   was over and the guy was back in the car and sat down.

    Then the old guy smacked the door of the car. escalating,  the now calm situation through the roof.

    Sorry i cant see any good guys apart from the falang guy

    helping the victim first.

    Happy songkrain for them all. :jap:



  3. 20 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

    I think your comments are odious. Are all your comments as odious as these here today? So you're trying to tell me if your child was sick and you were attempting to take her to the hospital and some tosser with a watergun who thought it was a big laugh to keep spraying you both, even though your daughter was clearly distressed by it, you'd suck it up and continue on without telling the brainless tosser to stop his childish antics? Would you honestly scuttle off like a little yellow-bellied bug and not say a word to your aggressor? I don't know you, but judging by your comments, you imply that you would.

    If you say so:coffee1:

  4. 2 minutes ago, Spaniel said:


    Wait a minute!    I agree with your post but I  think calling the "old guy" elderly is a bit of a stretch .     My own definition of elderly would be at least 75.     My guess is he hasn't reached 60 yet, not young but hardly elderly.

    Yes and other posters should not call the guy fat or short

    it should be the guy that is Height and weight challenged !!!!!!!!!  :giggle:

  5. 12 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Anyone know what its like at immigration in Jomptian today (tuesday) 


    I predict that immigration is ok today,  they are nice girls and boys there, all very helpful.


    I also I predict a large amount of people.

    that  may well stretch out into the car park.

    maybe ok for seating inside,   if wives / G/f B/f stay at home.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    The "victim" had a Thai partner with him and a Thai child.
    Would of been interesting to see if their reaction would of been the same if it was a Thai person driving the car.
    You can only judge why you see and the majority in this case acted well.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Did you notice that in the video, his Thai partner

    was very slow going over to him,  she first went over to the

    car where the Thai guys were for what ?  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It was also a Falang guy that helped the guy on the floor first.

    Just saying



  7. 20 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    No, the 'flattened' guy's daughter getting sick started the situation.


    The Russian guys kid squirting water on the sick girl from inside the car made it worse.


    And the rest as they say is history open to interpretation.

    All,  very easily avoided,  he should have just carried on to the hospital.

    he could even  have got a taxi to the hospital. loads to call.

    The stupid parents have traumatized there kids over what,    a bit of water.

    Bozos in Pattaya



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