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Posts posted by ProfessorFart

  1. Who cares about a load of gullible idiots who seem to have lots of money to blow on a dream and a maybe from an Internet dating site or bit of young nooky.

    Sin sod or whatever they call it, is no different from many other scams, like the African, I have 10 billion dollars waiting in a bank for you, BUT?

    I don`t care enough to vote on it and as they say; there`s one born every minute.

    The only good part is that the mug is helping the economy of a third world country, but they won`t be receiving any gratitude or medals.

    You pays ya money, you gets what you get and when the bank balance is $0, no one is going to feel symphathetic.

    Well put mate. Its almost as though these cretins think that by paying sinsod they will be accepted.

    Again. Don't pay it. Marry for love. Don't be a f**kwit!!!!!!

  2. The whole issue of Sinsod makes me laugh.

    Don't pay it. End of.

    You have a culture too and that is sinsod free. Stand by it....

    If she loves you she marries you for nowt, if she's a grafter then you're lucky you found out so you can move on to the next one.

  3. Apologies for the lateness of this reply but I've been out and about.

    This morning on CH3 news they had this weird footage of the red shirts, but at the front of them was a Westerner and he then started to kick off at another Westerner...

    The clip was less than 10 seconds but it made me really know that for some folks....its time to go home.

  4. They are a company. Where is their evidence? Who are they?

    Its a real boon that all these fake NGOs and self proclaimed experts like CWI and WFFT, none of whom have any claims to be experts in the fields they claim to represent, now have to put up or fall on their <deleted>.

    I rather fancy I hear the clumping of <deleted> on the ground.....

  5. Nasajack,

    Thats the rub. Too many fools think that because they are marrying a Thai that they have to do it all the Thai way.

    Bottom line is that if she wants to marry you, then she'll do it for nowt.

    Only fuc_kwits pay sinsod. Period.

  6. I read the first two pages of this before JohnDPoole began the cockwaving 'I take care o myyyyy woooomann, she ain't no whooooore' <deleted> and sort of went well off from the OP and I lost interest apart from cheeky fella!

    This is why TV is <deleted> these days in a nutshell! Too many fuc_king know nowt <deleted> waving their knobs around in defence of the 'moral highground'

    'I'm a better expat than you because.............'

    Tossers! Just read back through some of this dribble!

  7. The interesting thing here is how many high horse jumping people have classed her as 'ignorant' or 'stupid' when the OP has stated she is neither.

    Read before you preach or you'll wind up with all the knowledge and insight of Stickman.

    In my experience ladies of the night are seldom neither ignorant nor stupid. Indeed they are often far more commercially astute than many a 'graduate' I have employed in the past. It's just the mores of this lame society which dictate but I have defied them in the past and will again, and it a fool whom lives by these mores.

  8. I didn't see your old post but I assume that you have the werewithal to live pretty much where you want.

    It also seems to me that if those everyday 'Thailand Things' like noise and air pollution bother you then maybe a rethink about your future is needed as youcan't escape that shit anywhere in Thailand I'm afraid.

    My friend moved into his 'dream' retirement home on the outskirts of Pai several years ago. Two weeks later he had the neighbours kids back from Uni roaring around on their bikes at all hours. Wen he complained he had a gun waved in his face and was told to 'fuc_k off home' despite the fact that he had actually bought the land from these tosser's dad at an arsehol_e price.

    The kids eventually vanished off to wherever but as Pai grew, he now has three backpackers joints pretty much at he end of his road, and no view now to speak of.

    Caveat Emptor!

  9. Hmmm! The first printing press in Thailand didn't appear until the 1850s.

    The above mentioned book was actually printed in Singapore and introduced into Thailand by missionairies.

    The first press was introduced and utilised by King Mongkut after his coronation in 1851, however this press dealt mainly in Pali scripts and other courtly material.

    The first Western style Press was introuduced by James Bradley, a missionary, whom also had the ear of the court, and granted him permission to produce Christian literature in Thai as long as the Court could also utilise the press for ther own means and produce literature for educational purposes fr the children of the Court before they were shipped off to Oxford.

    The oldest Thai 'novel' should it even exist is called 'Non Vendetta' which was a parody of Marie Corelli's massively popular 'Vendatta' novel.

    If anyone has a copy, PM me and I'll stand them a beer.......

  10. This whole thread just made me laugh especially when the geezer actually went to get his missus to write it it Thai for him before saying that it doesn't translate as 'empathy' but "not wanting to put the other person in an awkward position!" <deleted> does he think empathy means.....?

  11. Oh yeah! Yup! Pussy! I'm good!

    Far more relevant to our day to day lives here than Greng Jai, a concept which neither affects us nor none seem to understand here. Its always been one of the 'great untranslatables' and will remain so! Get over it! Take your head out of your arse and just accept you can't understand everything.

  12. Its a case of Rhopalocera (Butterflies) versus Heterocera (Moths)

    This means that there are differences inthe basal taxonomy of either specie. The taxonomy, or the science of classification, between the two is a constant battleground amongst men with beards, has been for centuries, will be for centuries.

    Stick the the aforementioned 'one comes out at day, and the other at night' classification and all should be plain sailing.

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