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Everything posted by IamNoone88

  1. There are very solid and practical laws in Thailand on road safety, driving requirements and on the condition of legal road worthy vehicles. Just that enforcing them is not rigorous and people often simply believe it does not apply to them or their vehicles.
  2. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS2gpQjBJ/ this just in from the US
  3. You cannot even own your own business. Its more than archaic.
  4. You dont need to get bitten to death. These stray dogs can also carry rabies in Thailand. Legislation of dangerous breeds and the banning of certain breeds is required. This is the second death inside a week and previous deaths include minors. Will legislation happen anytime soon? Unlikely.
  5. So if I understand correctly ... 480 stores accept prompt pay out of 14,000 store nationwide.
  6. investigate his source of wealth ....
  7. One day he will grow and have children of his own. Quite a gene pool.
  8. or steal a taxi, motorbike, tourist van or simply crash their own vehicle .. before falling a sleep.
  9. A entire article on overcrowding and not one mention of the cheap tourist class and utterly dreadful traffic conditions .... just the beaches.
  10. And the no penis charge? There must be a few around.
  11. Respect. Well done Mr Rad, 82. Obviously fit and in good health. Even standing after taking a punch. I hope they find the culprit. Ignore the criticism on this page ... I doubt if 70% of them will make it to your age ... let alone maintain a fitness regime.
  12. This is an everyday occurence in Phuket. Nothing new here.
  13. This article is seems very heavy on the lack of details. Where exactly in Surat Thani? What body of water? A blow to the head by what? When did this happen .... not even a date. And the photo of what seems like a US police car?
  14. Luxury Mansion. Give it a break.
  15. I have not read of heavy and prolonged rains this season ... so I was also wondering why there was a deluge. The Chinese did not admit to being the source of Covid either ... And that was pretty clear.
  16. For a rubbing fetish, they would seem to be sitting uncomfortably close to each other.
  17. I am not the analysis quoted in the article makes a lot of sense, without some sources.
  18. ......... to step up crime prevention and suppression efforts, especially focusing on crimes committed by foreigners. Nuff said.
  19. There has been quite a few structural and financial failures linked to China in recent years.
  20. I would prefer the peace and quiet of a zero Chinese tourist = zero dollar policy.
  21. The UK is currently offering the best scheme. Free housing, healthcare and cash for expenses. No requirement to work. The journey may be perilous and best taken in summer when the sea is calmer. In some cases you do not even need a passport.
  22. How can he possibly "deny all charges" when undeniably it was him.
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