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Everything posted by IamNoone88

  1. I heard it from the horses mouth some years ago and saw a direct reference to it in the public domain in the past 12 months or so. It will be out there some-where. Either way, take it easy on the roads .... we don't want to be part of the official or unofficial stats ......
  2. You need the official stats to make a call not general numbers. Its actually worse as deaths are only counted at the scene of the accident. If a casualty is moved to hospital and dies later of injuries it is recorded as something else .. not a road death. Bottom line is numbers as a result of accidents are even higher.
  3. The photo blurring expert took no chances on this one.
  4. Look on the positive side. Perhaps someone was actually trying to help by knocking some sense into the poor fellow. Sadly, not sure it was improvement in this case.
  5. Dreadful. However, I do recall, I believe, Lee Kuan Yew many many years ago, saying that a city/countries level of development, cleanliness and sophistication can be judged by how many public toilets are available to citizens/tourists. In Singapore a clean and well maintained public toilet is easily available and well sign posted. Bangkok ... Phuket ... other cities ... apart from petrol stations and perhaps Central etc .... even the BTS toilets are located in the staff only area and the janitor has the key. You be the judge.
  6. .114? I expected a Fin to do much better than. He is almost tea total at that rate.
  7. A nice wholesome article for a change.
  8. A 65 year old drunk Brit discovered, after implailing himself on a fence spike that he was no longer 16 and perhaps should stop drinking. However, you cant fix stupid.
  9. I feel sorry for the wife. She has to live with it.
  10. They are like cutting daisies. Every time you cut one nutter another 4 arrive .......
  11. Yep, a bad element of Russians is certainly messing it up for everyone else.
  12. Pattaya .... a magnet for global trailer trash .. a product of mass tourism ..
  13. The deterioration of Phuket as a quality tourist destination ...... if you pray for rain ... then you deal with the mud.
  14. The only question it raises is one of competence.
  15. Johnny Somali should be deported to Somalia ... that would be a wake up call.
  16. Poor little darlings. They were just expressing their artistic side. Its completely understandable. Wherever I travel I often feel compelled to deliberately find a local hardware store, purchase some spray paint with intent and then go on a cryptic graffiti rampage defacing public and private property ...... Not. Its a deliberate act of vandalism and likely not their first rodeo. Make them clean it up and deport them along with a fine and a few days of artistic reflection in the local nick.
  17. Poor little darlings. They were just expressing their artistic side. Its completely understandable. Wherever I travel I often feel compelled to deliberately find a local hardware store, purchase some spray paint with intent and then go on a cryptic graffiti rampage defacing public and private property ...... Not. Its a deliberate act of vandalism and likely not their first rodeo. Make them clean it up and deport them along with a fine and a few days of artistic reflection in the local nick.
  18. 32,200 foreigners and 614 arrests ... 2% ... its pretty high and probably not scratching the surface.
  19. Wrong for making such a fuss to for some-one to remove their shoes ... its not a legal requirement. Wrong for assaulting a woman, especially a pregant one. This could have been easily avoided.
  20. Looks like he was charged with selling his urine sample as well given the compulsory pointing.
  21. If they stop letting in the bad guys in the fisrt place, then it would far better for all of us.
  22. This is nothing. You just have to take a stroll in the Grand Bazar, Istanbul if you want an overwhelming fake experience.
  23. A Thai over staying in London. The shoe is on the other foot!
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